Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1531: 1122 Incident (2)



The citizens of Mickey DC have just finished their lunch and are about to find a place to enjoy afternoon tea and relieve their fatigue from today's hard work.

Thanks to the time problem of the flat-earth world, the time of the 5 continents, and even the time of all worlds, is the same.

Mickey DC is still as usual, with liveliness in tranquility, and tranquility in liveliness.

As an imperial capital, compared to other cities in Scarti, this place is quieter and more orderly.

Of course, the prosperous low-end is still full of traffic, so lively.

The Scarti Empire, which used to be the core of Millikin, dumped its industrial products to the entire Scarti Continent.

The Scarti Empire, which has almost unified the continent, can easily plunder the wealth of the entire continent to the core area.

This also allowed these former Millicians, the dignitaries of Scadi, to have such a leisurely time.

Sitting outside the cafe, leaning on the chair, with Erlang's legs crossed, coffee in one hand, and looking at the mobile phone in the other hand, the female slaves in the Scarti Empire slave market, wondering whether to choose a good female slave to be your own toy.

While looking at the slave information, an emergency notice from Mickey DC suddenly popped up on the screen. DC Mayor Doug announced that Mickey DC entered a state of martial law.

"The state of martial law

what happened? "

"buzz buzz..."

In the sky, several Black Hawk helicopters slowly flew overhead.

The sudden martial law made Mickey DC citizens who were enjoying coffee suddenly puzzled.

On the opposite side of the cafe is the Scarti Imperial Police Station.

The decor is gorgeous and fully in line with the temperament of the Empire.

Only at this time, one after another, policemen dressed in neat gear rushed out of the gate.

A policeman pointed in that direction, and several other policemen quickly got into the police car, as if they were going somewhere.


However, at this time, a group of armored vehicles suddenly appeared on the street and rushed towards the police.

"That's the National Guard, what happened to DC?!"

I saw the National Guard stop the car, and the guns were aimed at the police at the police station.

The old police officer who was in command looked at it and shouted, "Thank you for your generous gift."

In an instant, gunshots rang out.

"Da da da da da!!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The heavy machine gun on the vehicle spewed out a long tongue of flame, and the bullet hit the police car with a "bang bang bang".

"Tweet Tweet Tweet!"

Huge holes were punched out directly in the police car, and even the alarm was sounded.

The reality is not at all like what is shown in the movie. The police car can carry a lot of things.

In reality, in the face of heavy machine gun fire, the police car was beaten into a sieve in no time.

The two policemen hiding inside were killed on the spot.

The old policeman fired back two shots before being swept across his thigh by machine gun bullets.

With a "pop", the thigh was broken on the spot, and the bloody scene was immediately reflected in front of the guests in the opposite cafe.

A shootout broke out between the National Guard and the police, and as soon as the fighting broke out, the surrounding citizens fled.

What's going on here, can anyone explain

After killing the police at the door, the National Guard immediately got out of the car and rushed into the police station.

"dog Dog Dog!"

Police stations all over DC have become the target of the National Guard's attack.

In addition, government agencies, TV stations, Internet companies, hospitals, and fire stations have also become targets of the National Guard's attack.

Government agencies are responsible for managing the administrative and economic issues of Zhengtemich DC. Only by cleaning up the conservatives within the government and replacing them with the Emperor's faction and those who are willing to join the Emperor's faction can the decision of the Emperor's faction be implemented smoothly.

Television stations and internet companies, on the other hand, are related to the public opinion propaganda of the Emperor's faction.

The importance of publicity is needless to say, and publicity is the forte of the former Millicians.

The propaganda of public opinion, combined with the various policies of the Emperor's faction, can almost pin down these subjects in Scarti's country to the death.

As for the police station, it can be regarded as the armed force in the city.

In the name of the Emperor's faction, Doug can't completely control all police stations. After all, some police station secrets belong to the kind of conservatives who are smart and funny, so they need to be eliminated.

And Doug and others are also worried that the police station will be used by the investigation bureau to deal with them.

In addition to controlling these areas, the National Guard also began to quickly occupy key intersections, key areas, and key roads to achieve control of the entire city.

The police stations that were replaced by the leaders of the God Emperor faction and the wall-riding faction also responded to Mayor Doug's martial law immediately and invested in the city to assist the National Guard to control the situation.

"My Healing Game"

At the same time, the National Guard began marching toward Congress and both houses of Congress.

People in the Senate and House of Representatives never thought that the National Guard would attack this place.

The first sentence of the kickers was: "Loyalty to the monarch and patriotism, long live your majesty, long live the empire!

We will clear the Senate of the worms, the cowardly capitulators, the conservatives! "

With that said, he brought the entire Senate under control.

The Senate also did not expect that the National Guard would come here. During the period, many people resisted, but without exception, they were directly beaten by the National Guard.

In the eyes of the National Guard, these guys are basically people who oppose the Emperor's faction. If they are against the Emperor's faction, they are against His Majesty Mickey, or they betray the Empire.

In the Senate, there are also members of the Emperor's faction.

They stood up at this time and began to command and control the situation in the entire Senate.

Not only that, the House of Representatives and Congress have also suffered from such a situation.

"Hey Hey hey!!

The National Guard has rebelled!

Request support…”

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Before the military's call for help was finished, the National Guard rushed in and killed the man.

An armed man rushed up, clicked, and hung up the phone.

Several major institutions of the empire fell one after another.

And those conservatives who didn't show up because they were at home or elsewhere did not escape.

They were the ones on the Emperor's Blacklist, the ones to be purged.

The first time the National Guard rushed into DC, those normal people with a keen political sense at home had already started packing up their equipment and preparing to evacuate.

Unfortunately, they couldn't escape at all.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A gunshot rang out in front of the manor. The man looked through the window and saw a fierce battle between a group of special police officers and the bodyguards in the manor.

Where the bodyguards are equipped with special police, a confrontation, they fell into a disadvantage and were pressed and beaten by the special police.

"Sir! Sir! Let's go..."

The secretary ran to his side at this time and hurriedly pulled him out.


It was only at this time that several special police officers broke through the window, and the black muzzles were aimed directly at the two of them.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A burst of gunshots rang out and the two were shot dead at home on the spot.

And the entire Mickey DC, all the people on the Emperor's list, have almost no possibility of escaping.

The Emperor Party, who controlled government agencies and police stations, set up cards on the highway, and those who wanted to escape were arrested one after another.

At the airport, a large number of police forces were deployed to arrest these guys who were listed as "traitors" by the Emperor's faction.

At the same time, the headquarters of the Investigation Bureau in the Imperial Capital was also attacked by the National Guard.

The doorman was killed by the guards immediately, and a gun battle broke out on the spot.

The Bureau of Investigation has already paid attention to these guys from the Emperor's faction. If it wasn't for these guys planning to usurp the Congress, the Bureau of Investigation would not have arrested people in that conference hall.

The situation was very bad for the Bureau of Investigation, and the Emperor's faction came prepared.

After taking control of various key departments, the Emperor's faction also cut off all external communications.

At this moment, the people of the Investigation Bureau are not sure whether they can withstand the rebellion of the National Guard before the arrival of support.

"Block the National Guard!

Find a way to contact the military! And the imperial garrison! !

Mickey DC's National Guard rebels, asks for support! We can't last long! be quick! "