Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1533: One One Two Two Incident (End)


The diplomatic note from HX did not receive a response from Scarlett, or in other words, Scarti had no intention of responding to the diplomatic note from HX.

The Congress and the Senate and House of Representatives were occupied by the National Guard, and the Imperial Guard was also controlled by the Imperial faction.

The emperor's purge of domestic political forces and the control of various institutions is not really over yet.

Placing your own personnel has become the primary task.

And the most important thing is the military.

As the highest commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Milley is also the second-ranking figure in the Sigardy Empire military apart from Mickey. His top priority is to ensure that the military is completely on the side of the Emperor's faction.

Conservative and rational generals, Milley issued early retirement papers to them.

If they are sensible, let them leave their current positions decently.

If they are not sensible, I am sorry, there are people sent by the Emperor to deal with them.

Miley knew very well what the Imperial Army needed now.

The young warriors, with the former Millikin officers as the core, naturally need more military exploits.

At the same time, war is the most direct way of plundering wealth for a country that relies on war to make its fortune.

Those young officers looked to war for wealth.

Of course, this group of young officers also prided themselves on being superior. Whether it was on the Scarlett Continent or compared with other Earthlings, they were always the highest.

In addition to these young soldiers, the military's radical generals, they also need war.

This group of senior generals headed by Miles were almost all promoted by Mickey.

At the same time, they are also the military force built by Mickey. They mixed with those trusts, oligarchs, big capitalists, and political families, and became Mickey's most loyal supporters and the most handy force.

Their wealth and power come from these trusts, oligarchs, big capitalists and political families.

Therefore, they are also very supportive of the war.

Similarly, the new recruits in the Scarti Empire, who were used as cannon fodder by the upper echelons of the empire, also needed to prove themselves.

Although the Empire has published laws prohibiting discrimination against the original Scarti natives.

But in reality, these natives were still treated unfairly by the former Millicians.

On the bus, even if they got on the bus first, the former Millicians who got up later would make them get out of their seats quickly.

Moreover, in the process of encountering police enforcement, the police almost never ask why, regardless of indiscriminate, these Scarti natives are now being subdued.

In their view, the indigenous people are a group of low-level people who have no money to study, no knowledge, no culture, and no skills, and are just a means used by the empire to make up for the emptiness of labor.

Let them become a part of the empire, just give them a little favor, and what should be squeezed is still to be squeezed.

Some time ago, it even broke out that the police knelt on the neck of a Scadi native named Floyd during the arrest, causing him to suffocate to death.

Although this incident caused quite a stir, but under the guidance of public opinion, this incident quickly subsided.

The government only verbally educated the former Millikin police officers who were in the whirlpool of this matter, telling the protesting former Scarti natives what to do.

As for the police officer, he was not punished in any way.

That's it, that's it.

Although the former Scarti natives were very upset, they did not dare to resist at that time.

After finally joining this modern superpower, they are unwilling to return to the dark and rotten medieval life before.

Although this empire is full of darkness and corruption, at least it is a modern society.

And the original natives want to stand out, but there are several aspects.

The first is that they are the old elites and wealthy classes on the Scarti Continent. They have a lot of wealth or have a lot of political influence.

Before the Skadi Empire launched the Empire Unification War, these old dignitaries had already boarded the chariot of the Skadi Empire and became a recognized member of the Skadi Empire.

These people, even ordinary ex-Scarti people, dare not discriminate against them.

Because he is so rich and powerful.

If HX is a civilization disguised as a country, then Scadi is a business group disguised as a country.

One of the original aboriginal second ways to get ahead is to get on the thighs of the Scarlett dignitaries.

Serve them faithfully.

If you have excellent ability and if you are lucky, you will be appreciated by these dignitaries in Scarti and have a chance to stand out.

The third way to get ahead is to do business.

The original Scadi natives will also be discriminated against in doing business. If you have a keen sense of business and have some good means, maybe you can accumulate a lot of wealth by squeezing the original natives of Scadi in a short period of time. The Scarlett elite launched an attack.

The last option is to join the army.

Join the army, serve the empire, and fight for the empire.

Although there are great risks during this period, once you have served for 6 years, although you cannot be recognized by ordinary people in the Scarti Empire, you can at least be recognized by the military.

Staying for 6 years, this shows that you are a person who is loyal to the empire and is very capable.

There are also many more promotion channels in the military than elsewhere.

Therefore, more Scarti natives chose to join the army, and they also supported Mickey.

Ironically, this group of Skadi natives who were discriminated against by the Emperor's faction longed to be recognized by the Skadi Empire by means of military exploits and become one of them. Instead, they firmly supported the decision of the Emperor's faction.

The soldiers at the bottom, the officers at the lower level, and some of the officers at the upper level were all of the Emperor's faction.

Therefore, with Mi Lai, the No. 1 figure of the Emperor's faction, as the mastermind behind the scenes, the military also launched a bloody purge.

Cowardly conservatives chose to retire early, and those conservatives and rationalists who thought that Milley could not succeed chose to unite to resist.

Civil war is imminent.

However, the situation of Mickey DC has been completely controlled, and the remaining resistance forces will be cleaned up slowly.

The Emperor faction controls state institutions and cannot serve His Majesty Mitch perfectly.

As a celebrity beside Mickey, Mickey's most trusted subordinate, the No. 1 figure of the Emperor's faction, Mi Lai of course chose to go to the front desk.

The Seventh Fleet's attack on Zhendong Port was planned by Mi Lai.

A war between Scadi and HX is inevitable.

Now it is not to argue how to win this war, but to drag HX and all the earth countries into this earth people war.

Contain their energy so that His Majesty Mickey of Shandora can smoothly enter the control room and seize control of the entire spaceship.

In plain language -

"We don't have a strategy, we just hit random.

We're just a bunch of nasty pranksters.

As long as the spaceship control room is under His Majesty Mickey's control, no matter how much you win, you will still lose. "

In order to better cooperate with His Majesty Mitch's actions, on November 22, many soldiers appeared in Congress, Senate and House of Representatives.

The power of the military has penetrated into the political situation.

That night, Milley had the Imperial faction and military members of Congress, the Senate and House pass a bill on the grounds of responding to a state of emergency.

The Senate and the House of Representatives merged to form the Imperial Parliament.

Congress was reorganized, incorporated into a large number of functional departments of the military, and established the imperial headquarters.

The first thing the base camp did was to confirm the position of the Grand Marshal of the Mile Empire. During His Majesty's absence, he assumed the military and political power of the Empire.

"First Clan"

The senior officers of the Hawks, Radicals, and Emperors were also appointed by Grand Marshal Millais.

After all this was done, the Imperial Council received this belated appointment, the appointment of the Imperial Grand Marshal of Miley from the base camp.

It can be said that the Imperial Parliament, in the general direction, has become a vassal of the base camp, and has become a place for a show of hands.

The base camp did not care about the results of the parliamentary vote. The first thing they did was to win over allies.

Immediately after the attack on HX, various countries sent a diplomatic note to Scady, but Milley did not accept it.

But now that the overall situation is basically stabilized, the first person Miley meets is the ambassador of the British Empire.

"Congratulations to Your Excellency Miley on his appointment as the Imperial Grand Marshal."

"Needless to say more polite words, you and I are not HX people.

The sneak attack on HX was my order, and the war between us and the HX people was inevitable.

I hope that Britain, as blood brothers of the same ancestry, can fight side by side with us and fight against HX together.

As long as HX and his allies are contained, then Shandora's side..."