Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1545: Save the water team


November day, around the clock, over the Beiyang.

The two figures were telling to fly towards the north, and one of them cursed: "I beat you mua, but Scarty actually launched a nuclear strike directly?"

"An Rui, Xue Ju asked us not to worry about the war with Scarti, but to deal with Shandora's enemies first."

The two are An Rui and Diofi.

Since other gods have lost their divine power, Xianglin Kesulu and her party who suppressed the dangerous sea conditions in the Shandola Sea did not know the bad luck at this time.

If you want to urgently help the real battlefield of Shandola, you can only rely on An Rui and Diofi, the two high-level god-level new forces who have not lost their power.

An Rui said dissatisfiedly: "We two cross the endless ocean, and we will reach Sijiadi the next morning.

We drove Wushuang directly in Scarti, and they couldn't stop it at all. "

Diofi said: "An Rui, do you still doubt the ability of CPA

Since the General Army and Xue Ju have arranged this way, we don't need to worry about the rest for the time being. "

In the face of Scarti's nuclear strike, the General Army naturally has his own way.

An Rui immediately thought of the two big killers, Pangu and Yan Luo, and was soon relieved.

He has stayed at these two strategic bases. Whether it is a low-altitude missile, an electromagnetic gun, or a laser weapon, he can easily intercept the missiles fired by Scarti.

Thinking of it this way, it seems that there is no need to worry about the attack from Scarty's side.

However, what we pursue is not to use nuclear weapons first. Since Scarlett has used it, can we also use it

After all, in the entire history of the earth, it seems that the Scaadi family has actually used nuclear weapons in wars.

Thinking of this, An Rui was also a little itchy, thinking about the addiction.

After a while, the two entered the sky over the Shandola sea area.

A manic storm, mixed with fire and lightning, blew up immediately.

Fortunately, the two are upper gods and can move forward with this extreme weather.

However, the strange magnetic field in the Shandola sea area also made the two lose contact with the domestic ones.


Diofi fiddled with the communicator and said, "The high-power communicator has lost contact with the country, and the next step is to rely on us."

An Rui nodded, looked at the dangerous Shandola sea area in front of him, and said, "We have to contact the task force first."

As the five countries have carried out many explorations on Shandola, the information brought back also recorded a relatively safe route.

The flood control team members such as Xianglin and Kesulu have been laying equipment along this route.

After passing through the fire and thunder storm zone, a heavy goose feather snow floated on the sea at this time.

Even the waves that were stirred up to a height of thirty or forty meters were covered with a thick layer of white snow.

It looked like the entire snow was wriggling like waves, undulating up and down.


is the soul! "

An Rui saw a floating soul in the air. From a distance, it looked like a snow ghost floating in the air.

An Rui, who has true eyes, is particularly sensitive to the soul.

Under what circumstances can you see the soul floating away from the body

Naturally, life has just passed away and the soul floats out of the body.

An Rui said, "The guy in front of me just died!"

The souls that can appear in the Shandola Sea are only those extraordinary powers.

Diofi also glanced at it, the guy was wearing modern clothes, and she recognized this outfit as the water management team of the Administration.

Diofi said: "It's from the flood control team!

Everyone has lost their supernatural power, and the flood control team is probably also very difficult!

If this guy just died, then we can find the water team! "

Even if he and the water control team got separated and died, then he could be very sure that the water control team was nearby.

If it is not scattered, then the position of the flood control team can be locked faster.

An Rui's eyes instantly flashed a faint green, and he hooked his fingers. As if his soul had been killed, it flew over with a "swoosh" and floated in front of An Rui.

Dull eyes, no consciousness at all, this is the situation in which normal souls die to find the entrance to the undead world.

An Rui blew a sigh of relief at the face of the soul, only to see the soul quivering, and a faint green glow bloomed on his body.


Where am I

How fat four? "

An Rui said: "You are in the Shandola sea area, you are already dead."

The soul panicked for a while, and only after hearing An Rui's words did he realize that An Rui and Diofi were by his side.


grim Reaper? "

The soul still remembered that he and Ke Sulu and others were controlling the water, but who knew that their divine power had suddenly disappeared, and then, they were killed in the dangerous Shandola sea area, and it finally became like this.

The soul grabbed An Rui's hand, but his hand passed through An Rui's.

After Wei Wei was surprised for a while, she immediately came back to her senses, she was already dead, and she was in a state of soul.

Even a guy like Death, who controls life and death, can't resurrect himself.

The soul hurriedly said: "Death!

The flood control is in danger, you have to save them! "

After speaking, they pointed in one direction. An Rui and Diofi looked at each other, nodded, and took their souls directly. With a "swoosh", they flew in that direction.

At this time, the water control team was in extreme difficulties.

They are no different from ordinary people who have lost their supernatural powers, and the only savior at this time is the Daedalus hero Xianglin.

Xianglin also spent a lot of magic power, trying her best to build a water shield for the boat where the team members were.

The temperature outside the water shield had dropped to minus 50, and Xiang Lin's body was frozen to a dark purple.

The extreme weather caused Xianglin's nose to clog up and turn red.

The snot flowed out and condensed into an icicle of snot.

His lips were trembling, and he was breathing in bursts of white air.

Eyebrows, hair, eyelashes, have congealed frost.

In order to support the water shield, Xiang Lin's entire body was immersed in the sea water, and the icy sea water made Xiang Lin shiver.

But Su Lu's eyes were red, her nose was running, she cried, slapped the water shield desperately, and cried, "Xiangzi, enough!

Let's die!

We who have lost our power are ordinary people!

Don't sacrifice yourself for us ordinary people! !


The other members of the flood control team also echoed: "Yeah Xiangzi, leave us alone, go back!"

Of course, many members of the flood control team fell into silence. They wanted to live, and they hoped that Xianglinnu would work hard and send them back to the mainland. They didn't want to die.

Xianglin trembled with her lips trembling, and said, "Hu... hu... , I will use... life... life to protect everyone... and send everyone... back.

Everyone... must... must, must be able to go back. "

Looking at Xianglin who was guarding the extreme cold and torture outside the water shield, Su Lu could not wait to smash the water shield and kick Xianglin away.

But Xianglin's water shield is too much to explain, without her strength, she can't do it at all.

Seeing Xiang Lin being tortured outside, Su Lu felt helpless.

However, at this time, the two figures of "Huhu" fell directly beside Xianglin and the others, but Su Lu saw that this was Concubine Diou's sister and her master.


An Rui hurried up to support Xiang Lin, the moment her hands touched Xiang Lin's shoulders, the biting chill on Xiang Lin's body instantly spread to An Rui's palms.

"It's so cold!"

This was An Rui's first reaction. If the Xianglin in front of her was not a living creature, An Rui would definitely think it was an ice sculpture.

Xianglin raised her head laboriously and glanced at An Rui and Diofi, and said exhaustedly, "An... An Rui..."

After he finished speaking, his body fell forward and fell directly into An Rui's arms.

An Rui hugged Xiang Lin, chanted for a while, and began to warm up Xiang Lin.

"Sister Fei!"


The two were old partners. Diofi directly ended up with the water shield behind Xianglin. She chanted for a while, and the entire water shield instantly turned into a small crimson moon.

Like an egg shell, it directly wrapped Ke Sulu and other members of the flood control team.

Diofi looked at An Rui and said, "The flood control team has been rescued. It seems that after losing their power, they lost two-thirds of their people."

An Rui nodded and said, "It's already a pretty good result.

Sister Fei, please treat them. "

"Yeah." (To be continued)