Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1554: Linden Wan's method


There are currently individuals on the field, one is level 149 and the other is level 150.

Although it adds up to a lot more than Gaia's 168-level **, but the calculation is not like this.

150 level 1 guys would definitely not be able to beat 1 level 150 An Rui.

Lin Dengwan blew lightly, and a ray of light enveloped An Rui and Diofi.

I saw that the injuries on the two men healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time, the magic power in the two men also recovered.

Lin Dengwan is an insubstantial existence. If he wants to kill Gaia, he must attach himself to An Rui and Diofi.

However, the two guys in front of him are of similar strength to him. If they want to possess the body, they may not succeed unless they obtain the consent of the possessed person in advance.

Because he had cooperated with An Rui several times, Lin Deng Wan said directly to An Rui: "An Rui, I am attached to you, we will get rid of him directly."

The father is kind and the son is filial.

Lin Dengwan wanted to kill his own son by himself. At this time, he was suddenly unable to do anything.

Looking at An Ruiyue, Lin Deng Wan immediately greeted Diofi: "Diofi, why don't I attach to you and kill Gaia."

Diofi didn't have much affection for Lin Dengwan, and that guy was not controlled by Huaxia at all.

And if he killed Gaia himself, An Rui had to hate himself to death.

It's better for your own son to solve it yourself.

Diofi gave Lin Dengwan a white look, saying that I can't control this matter, I'm just a humble "pet".

Lin Dengwan couldn't take it any longer at this moment. He was just holding Gaia's attention on An Rui and Diofi, and barely suppressed him.

And now, when Gaia reacts, then their level 150 guy may not be able to win against a level 168 existence.

It's like a protector of the country fighting a Tomir Alan.

An Rui gritted his teeth and asked, "Is there any way to get rid of him without killing him?"

Lin Deng Wan fell into deep thought at this time, and then said: "We are an artificial product created by the so-called 'creation god'.

I created something based on the beliefs of 1.4 billion people, and Gaia created something based on the beliefs of hundreds of millions of people in the West. "

An Rui nodded slightly, he got the information from the Administration.

If there is no way to get rid of Gaia, then An Rui can only kill him.

Although I am a little sorry for my daughter An Qi, it can ensure world peace.

An Rui motioned for Lin Dengwan to continue.

"Because of you, I was born into nothingness.

You atheists, the creed you injected into me is that there are no gods in this world.

The so-called gods are nothing more than powerful individuals.

And my mission is to destroy these powerful individuals.

Whether you Chinese people help them to eliminate the existence of 'spirits' cognitively, or I destroy them physically, it is the same reason.

Gaia is a god created by 4 countries of the same faith group, and he has 4 different personalities.

Domineering, tyrannical, Oedipus, innocence.

Now what we are facing now is this tyrannical guy. "

Diofi shook his head and said, "It's not just tyranny, it can be said that this tyrannical guy is the domineering guy who was released.

Only in this way can Gaia's combat power reach its peak. "

Lin Dengwan looked at An Rui and said, "If you take care of your family and don't want to kill, then there is only one way."

An Rui heard that there was still a chance to save the child, and his face suddenly showed joy: "What can I do?"

"Resolve domineering, tyranny, and Oedipus.

Domineering is for the power of the creator gods. He has exhausted his means. Such a guy cannot let him stay no matter what.

And the tyrannical guy is even more so. He is the representative of evil forces. No matter whether he has the power of the God of Creation or not, he needs to be killed.

As for Oedipus, everything that guy did was for the 'Mother of God' Maria, that ambitious woman who also longed for the power of the God of Creation, so she had to get rid of it.

Therefore, only the innocent Gaia can accept your correct guidance.

An Rui, we are holding back the tyrannical Gaia. You need to find a way to enter Gaia's inner personality, get rid of the domineering and Oedipus left in there, and bring out the innocent Gaia.

15 year olds should be fine if they reboot. "

When An Rui thought about it, it was true.

Although I don't know what the situation of 15-year-old Gaia is, if it is handed over to Guan Lin and An Qi for guidance, it should not be a big problem.

Lin Dengwan went on to say: "We deal with the body, you deal with the personality, if everything is right, then Gaia will also lose all divine power, fall to the altar, and become an ordinary person."

This is Lin Dengwan's advice. It is impossible to make full use of Gaia. You will only be an ordinary person, not a high-level god.

An Rui still manages whether Gaia who succeeds is a high-level god, as long as this little bastard can get on the right track, everything is easy to say.

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

An Rui nodded heavily and said, "No problem, what should I do?"

Lin Denwan said: "I need to borrow your body, and then you find an opportunity to use the eye of truth to enter the depths of Gaia's soul and solve another personality."

Since Lin Dengwan and An Rui have been together several times, he knows An Rui's body like the back of his hand.

He is the god of death, and he also has the eye of truth. An Rui is the most suitable person to deal with things at the soul level.

An Rui had no way to shirk this time, and directly agreed to Lin Dengwan's request: "No problem."


An Rui's body was lifted up suddenly, and Lin Deng Wan instantly fell into An Rui's body like smoke.

At this time, Lin Dengwan looked at Diofi and instructed: "Diofi, use the domain, I will cooperate with you."

Diofi nodded: "No problem."

Diofi, who was restored by Lindenwan, regained some strength, and chanted for a while, the sky was torn apart by Gaia, and the dim moon turned red again.

At the same time, Lin Dengwan put the sword of oath into the space, held it in the void with both hands, and the scythe of the god of death appeared in his hands again.

With a flick of a wave, the Death Domain of the God of Death also appeared impressively.

A large number of uses of the power of death enveloped the entire space, and even the moon in the sky was enveloped in a layer of green flames.

Diofi stared blankly at the green moon in the sky, shook her lips and said, "Lily."

The Lily in Diofi's mouth is Mercury, the "Goddess of the Moon".

Because of what Mickey did, Mercury now has lost her victory and stayed in the Taiyin District of Taiji City to assist Hualufu in advancing the war in the undead world as the highest meeting of the undead world.

Lin Dengwan used An Rui's power of death and Diofi's lunar power to forcibly create a field that merged the abilities of the two upper gods.


Lin Denwan waved the death scythe and said, "Diofi, prepare to fight."

"it is good!"


As soon as the voice fell, the manic Gaia rushed out of the ruins, jumped high, and flew into the sky.

Along with that, Gaia's domain spread out in space instantly.

A large number of halos with blood burning on their bodies were debugged, holding weapons in their hands, floating in the air, and chanting.

Although the voice line is good, it has a lot of lethality to Lindenwan and Diofi.


Bind him! "

Lin Dengwan and Diofiqi chanted for a while, and Gaia, who turned into an afterimage, was instantly fixed in front of them by the two of them.


The huge impact caused the ground behind the two of them to be directly lifted by 1,000 kilometers.

Gaia's head like a beast was biting towards the two of them with "Hachihachi", and Gaia, whose limbs were fixed by the two, couldn't bite.

At this time, Gaia's back "Guru" stretched out four black arms, directly grabbing the necks of Lindenwan and Diofi.


The huge grip force made the two people's necks squeak.

Lin Dengwan is responsible for continuous casting with one hand, while the other hand grabs the wrist of a black arm and shouts, "Open!"


The Eye of Reality burst into a stronger green light, and Gaia's soul was like a floating jellyfish, directly reflected in Lin Dengwan's eyes.

In the next second, An Rui's soul submerged into Gaia's soul and entered Gaia's sea of consciousness. (To be continued)