Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1558: final contender


In the flat-earth world spaceship, Maria slumped exhaustedly in a control room.

After withdrawing from the arena, she originally planned to take advantage of the gap in Gaia's absence to break the defense of the control room, and then move on to the next control room.

But unfortunately, since becoming the Mother of God, Maria, facing her powerful strength that has risen smoothly along the way, is quite a bit complacent.

Obviously forgot that her power was actually given to her by Gaia in the end.

Throwing Gaia down to fight An Rui and Diofi was considered a bad move in Maria's eyes.

For nothing else, put the defense system of the controller in front of you.

- "The key to mastering the power of the God of Creation is the hero and the closest bloodline of the hero."

In Maria's view, this sentence is the key to opening the door of the World Tree.

However, it is not.

When she tried to crack the control room defense system by herself, she found that with her authority, she couldn't get any closer.

"It's obviously the same as the previous operation process, why is this happening?!"

Maria grabbed her hair and kicked the very sci-fi instrument in front of her angrily.

However, the "Guide" AI turned into a translucent humanoid water man with a graceful figure, stood beside the instrument obediently, and said calmly, "Sorry, you don't have permission to use this instrument."

Maria growled: "Permission!

What permissions!

Why don't I have permission!

I am the mother of Gaia, the mother of the upper gods!

That kid is my son and the hero! !

Why am I not authorized! ? "

If Maria's eyes can kill people, perhaps the clever AI in front of her has been slashed by Maria.

It's a pity that Maria is blind, a beauty covered in black veil.

Maria stretched out her hand and grabbed the neck of the guide AI, like a tigress, roaring: "Quick! Give me permission!"

Even though Maria, who was called Apostle No. 0 in the sky world, tried her best, she couldn't injure the AI in the slightest.

On the contrary, the AI said calmly: "Currently, only the representatives of the three forces can enter the core of the island area.

The Earth forces of the A685 universe, the Earth-derived forces of the 0 Universe 2 spacecraft, and the 0 Universe 2 spacecraft's own forces.

As long as the non-spaceship self-acting forces enter the control core, the "Guide Project" will be successful.

But unfortunately, just now, the Earth-derived forces of the 0 Universe 2 spacecraft withdrew from the "Guide Project".

There are only 2 competitors left in the spaceship self-playing force. "

Maria knew what the spaceship AI was referring to. She followed Gaia along the way, and slowly spoke to the Naga and the flat world spaceship in the Huaxia population, as well as the Naga and the flat world spaceship in the mouth of the "guide". have a preliminary understanding.

It's just, what this universe, what force of that spaceship.

Words, although understandable.

But together, Maria was like listening to a book from heaven.

At this time, an ethereal figure emerged, and that was Lin Dengwan, who had just withdrawn from the arena.

Because of her black veil, Maria has been a sentient being since the time of mortals.

Therefore, when facing Linden Wan's appearance, Maria immediately noticed it.


He drew out his long sword and pointed directly in the direction where Lin Dengwan was.

"Linden Wan!"

That guy is all wounded, that means he and An Rui are fighting together

That guy actually came out of the arena

That is, the battle in the arena is over

Relating to the words of the guide just now, Maria thought of a possibility.

Gaia is one of the Earth-derived forces among the people who lead the way.

The other is the Lin Dengwan in front of him.

The derived forces of the earth mostly refer to the two upper gods born according to the beliefs of the people on earth.

Judging from the information that Maria collected herself, the birth of Gaia and Linden Wan was indeed closely related to these earthlings who had passed through.

Then the Earthlings in the A685 universe should be the Chinese from An Rui and the fellows from Sijiadi.

As for himself, the high probability is the self-playing force of the 0 Universe 2 spacecraft that the guide said.

The birth of oneself has nothing to do with those earthlings. If this world is really like what the Chinese and the earthlings said, it was created by the spaceship of the flat world.

Then oneself, is derived from this spaceship on its own.

Thinking of this, Maria suddenly understood why she didn't have the ability to unlock the defense of this control room.

Looking at the scarred Lin Dengwan in front of her, Maria gritted her teeth: "Since I can't get it, then you can't get it either." Gu

When even killed Linden Wan.

Lin Dengwan is an intangible existence, and the most powerful ability is to add Buffs to people, or to use spiritual spells to affect others.

And Maria's spiritual system is not weak, plus she has not experienced the battle of the arena like Lin Dengwan, it is at full state at this time.

At the moment when Maria and Linden Wan fought, the control room instantly changed from a small space to a fairyland world of birds and flowers.

The battle of mental power between the two has stirred up the otherwise quiet space, with vibrations and distortions everywhere.

In less than a few minutes, the entire space was missing a piece, and a piece was missing, revealing the empty black behind it.

And the creatures in the space are also injured and killed by the spread.

Even if Maria is not a high-ranking god, she is still able to handle Lin Dengwan, who has just experienced the death battle.

However, at this time, the huge hand in the sky reached out.

Both Maria and Lindenwan stared at the huge hand in the sky.

He pierced through the entire barrier and pressed his hand down directly.

"Crack! Kick!"

Under this enormous pressure, the entire space was shattered and collapsed in an instant.

I just heard a thick voice like the king of the gods coming from the sky, and there was a little surprise in the majesty: "Ah, it's Naga's scaling technology.

In channel 17, the Iron and Steel Special Forces team encountered it. "

As soon as the voice fell, Maria and Lin Dengwan returned to the entire control room to the side of the scene in front of their eyes.

I saw An Rui fiddling with the crystal ball in his palm and looked at the two with a smile: "Ah, you two came out?"

"An Rui!?"

Maria looked at An Rui in disbelief. It was obvious that everyone was in the arena. Just look at Lin Dengwan.

As for An Rui's, not only did it not consume at all, but it seemed to have become stronger

An Rui's strength growth is very obvious, which makes Maria very afraid.

The guide also said at this time: "Congratulations, you have gained control of this control room."

After all, the AI disappeared.

An Rui has the "Naga language system" and "Naga system modification technology", although he dare not be a hacker again, so as not to attract Naga's firewall.

But An Rui was able to understand some of the power clauses given by Naga after he took control of the control room, so he would not need a guide to give rewards like other people.

An Rui drew a circle, and Gaia's three spiritual pills appeared, and then, a character attribute panel jumped out in front of An Rui's eyes.

An Rui looked at Maria with a smile, and said casually: "Maria, you should still be an ordinary person.

Learn ideological labor class, learn Ma Zhe.

If you don't like studying, just follow the drama.

The Administration should not punish you, after all, it did not cause any substantial harm to us. "


An Rui a little, just listening to the "ding", the level above Maria's head instantly turned to zero.

"An Rui!!!"

Decades of hard work were gone, Maria red eyes, roared, and charged towards An Rui.

"Fairy Wood"

However, with a wave of An Rui's hand, Maria was unable to resist being twisted by an undetectable force and struggled in the air.

"You bastard!!"

An Rui took a deep breath and spit it out slowly: "Life in a different world from scratch, take your time, ordinary people may be happier."


With a zipper action, Maria's mouth was directly cursed by An Rui and closed.

Another thing An Rui did next was to quickly turn on the system in the control room and check the reward.

Good guy, because Gaia and Maria were gone, the entire power of the kingdom of God in the sky collapsed, and the guide directly attributed all the power of the control room of the kingdom of God in the sky to An Rui's head.

Looking at it again, An Rui suddenly found an instruction and entered it immediately.

This is the command to release all supernatural and divine powers in Scarti.

An Rui, who pressed it down, was satisfied and avenged Mickey's revenge.

After finishing everything, An Rui walked to Lin Dengwan's side, preparing to cast a spell to recuperate for him.

However, Lin Dengwan refused. The reason is very simple: "There are no gods in this world, and I don't have any need to exist?"


Wait, that's not it, you're our buff machine..."

Before the words were finished, Lin Dengwan, the indescribable object, slowly turned into liquid and began to flow into Naga's system.

"Huaxia people of the A685 universe, may you go further."

After speaking, he left his thumb like a Terminator without regret, and finally disappeared into the control room.