Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1559: New Era


After An Rui returned to the Shandola Front Army Base, he informed Han Weiguo of the subsequent encounter.

Han Weiguo clenched his fists and boasted: "Nice job, An Rui, although we came later, we are a lot behind the progress of Scarlett and the Kingdom of God.

But after this battle, we can be considered to have received everything from the Kingdom of Heaven on Shandora, and in terms of progress, we should have arrived at the same level as Scarti. "

The control handed over by An Rui shows that the kingdom of God in the sky has penetrated into the real interior of the spacecraft.

"We're one step closer to taking the entire ship.

Mickey pulled you into the arena, which was the guy's misstep. "

An Rui nodded and said, "Nothing is perfect unless that guy is reborn.

Use the information advantage gained from rebirth to make up for the mistakes of the previous road.

We're still in Mickey's first reincarnation, and we still have a chance. "

Han Weiguo nodded in agreement with An Rui's words, and said, "Xiao An, your rebellious son has now come back, and the battle for the control of the spaceship in the flat-earth world is left to us and Scarti.

Gaia child, I suggest that the base be observed first, and you will be responsible. "

An Rui nodded. After all, Gaia was a super monster of 173 for a second, but now he passed out.

"No problem, I'll be responsible for the observation for the time being, if there is anything wrong, I'll take care of it.

As for the main task on my side, leave it to Sister Fei for the time being, she is already level 154. "

Han Weiguo nodded: "No problem."

In fact, Diofi can also observe Gaia, but Gaia is An Rui's child. Han Weiguo asked An Rui to observe it, just to let the two axe recognize each other well.

And Han Weiguo also threw out the plan for the next stage: "Mickey's riotous operation disrupted my previous plan.

Having mastered a large number of control rooms, we can send more personnel to go deeper into the control room step by step.

But Diofi's plan is not to continue to explore the control room. Now she, or the two of you, is tasked with cooperating with the Shandora Front and launching a war of annihilation against the Skadi Front outside the World Tree.

As one of the few extraordinary powers in Shandora, you can influence the direction of the war by itself. "

Han Weiguo also knew that An Rui and Diofi were humanoid decisive weapons in the "God-making Project", and the level of these two people exceeded the 150-level limit of the upper god.

With such combat power, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are humanoid self-propelled nuclear bombs.

"Scarty's troops outside the World Tree are their backup force.

Now Mickey and others should go deep inside the spacecraft, and they will suffer huge losses inside the spacecraft if they lose their divine power.

And we, as long as we get rid of the people on the outside, it is only a matter of time before the failure of the Mickey gang on the inside. "

Although there are a lot of Scarti, the Shandora Front Army is enough to fight against Scarti after getting the new force brought by An Rui.

What's more, the military equipment of Huaxia is stronger than that of Sijiadi.

Whether it is military equipment, or the quality of individual soldiers, or the level of command.

Therefore, even if An Rui was excluded from the external battle, the Shandora Front Army was sufficient to cope with the troops deployed by Scarlett on Shandora.

Before Han Weiguo finished speaking, he paused for a while, and waited for An Rui to digest and digested it, and then continued: "In addition to solving the Scadi army outside, we also have a more important task, which is to save the previous Shandola joint base. of research staff.

The joint base is made up of our five countries. Our people, as well as Lucia and Francis, do not know what the current situation is.

They didn't even know we were coming.

Otherwise, they would have run back long ago.

So in addition to defeating the army outside Si Jiadi, but also to save people.

And according to the information we have obtained, most of the Scadi people at the Shandola Joint Scientific Research Station are staunch Milesians.

They were against the Scarti Empire and only supported Milician.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have been dispatched to this place by Mickey.

This group of people is also the target of our rescue and focus. "

After listening, An Rui nodded. The Shandora Front Army was well-organized and orderly. Even without him, An Rui, he believed that Commander Han and the others would be able to deal with the Skadi Army.

And what I have to do now is to rest and stand by as Han Weiguo said.

As long as he needed it, it was when An Rui appeared.

At that time, it should be the time for the final battle for control of the ship in the flat-terrestrial world.

After leaving Han Weiguo's headquarters, An Rui came to the prisoner of war camp.

Many angels captured in previous battles are detained here. At the same time, another prisoner is also detained here alone, the No. 0 apostle in the sky world, Maria, the "Mother of God" who was cleared by An Rui.

"knock knock knock..."

There was a knock on the door, and Maria in the house suddenly curled up at the foot of the wall, shivering.

Having lost her strength, she is now inferior to an ordinary person.

Ordinary people can at least hear all directions and see six roads with their eyes.

And she, before becoming a priest, in order to strengthen her perception ability, she begged the Holy See to seal her eyes. Valley

Burning text

At that time, she had a certain power, and the enhancement of her perception ability made her make a big breakthrough in the field of magic.

And now, without any power, she is completely blind.

You can't perceive everything around you, and you can't see anything around you.

"Maria, it's me, An Rui."

Seeing that Maria didn't answer for a long time, An Rui gently opened the door.

At this time, Maria is still the same as before, that ambitious woman is like a scared little squirrel at this time.

Messy hair, messy clothes, holding his legs against the wall and trembling, there are two tears on his cheeks.

The black veil had already fallen on the floor not far away, and the tightly closed eyes seemed to have tried to open them, but to no avail.

An Rui walked to Maria's side gently, squatted down slowly, and carefully stretched out his hand and placed it on Maria's shoulder. The coldness of the skin instantly spread to An Rui through the palm of his hand.

Looking at the former "nurse" of this brave team, An Rui was somewhat sighed.

An Rui called out softly, "Maria."

And Maria seemed to have heard the call of the god of death, and she shook her whole body and shook the hand on her shoulder: "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

"Maria, it's me, it's me, An Rui."

Hearing "An Rui", the emotions of humiliation, anger, and grievance instantly surfaced, his face flushed, and he shouted piercingly: "Go on!

Did you come to see my joke? "

Saying that, Maria couldn't stop her tears from flowing out of her closed eyes, and at the same time she gradually laughed, sobbing with a red nose: "Yes, I'm a scheming bitch, I took advantage of you.

From the ancient texts of the Holy See, I know this legend.

Only the brave and his blood can open Shandora and gain the power of the God of Creation.

I admit, I am despicable, I seduced you in order to gain the power of the creator god.

Woohoo... I just want to get stronger, just to get stronger.

woo woo woo...

Why... why is everyone like this..."

An Rui did not speak, and quietly listened to Maria's vent: "The war between the noble lords caused me to lose my parents since I was a child.

The priest brought me back to the Holy See, and the Holy See raised me up.

Woohoo... I know, this world...

Strength is everything.

I don't want to stand at the bottom of this world anymore, let anyone slaughter it, I want to become stronger, I want to become stronger, could it be... woohoo, am I wrong

The envy of others towards me is based on the fact that I sacrificed my own eyes...

I gave up my body, my virginity, and myself.

In order to become stronger, am I wrong

Why do you do this to me

woo woo woo...

You bastard!

Decades of hard work,… woo

all gone...

It's all gone, wow wow wow wow wow..."

For the first time, An Rui saw Maria so vulnerable. She had never been so vulnerable in front of him, even if she was disguised.

This ambitious woman who worked hard to climb to the pinnacle of strength still collapsed after all.

An Rui hugged Maria and let her cry on his shoulders with snot and tears.

After crying for more than ten minutes, it seemed that she had exhausted all her strength, and Maria gradually calmed down and sobbed softly.

An Rui touched Maria's head, then put her hand in front of Maria's eyes, and said softly, "Maria, listen to me, everything is over.

There are no gods in this world anymore, whether it is Gaia or Lindenwan, they have all 'disappeared'.

And you will also face a brand new world, an equal society, and you will no longer be an existence to be slaughtered by others.

The future is a new era, an era of civilization. "

An Rui gently wiped the hand in front of Maria's eyes, and a burst of green suddenly appeared.

Maria seemed to feel that her eyes had changed a little, and slowly she opened her eyes, An Rui's face that he had not seen in more than ten years, and the sunlight outside the door slowly appeared in Maria's eyes.

An Rui took Maria's hand and gently pulled Maria up.

He brought it to the door, looked at the angels in the prisoner of war camp outside, and said, "You and Gaia will both live in this new era of civilization."