Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1560: Faith collapses


Maria, who has seen the light again, is like being born again. She has not seen such sunshine for more than 30 years.

Look at the angels working in orange prisoner-of-war uniforms in front of them. They felt their images through perception before, but now they become more real in Maria's eyes.

Some of these working angels are helping the CPA soldiers to carry materials, some are cultivating land under the guidance of the CPA soldiers, some are learning "ah oh uh" under the guidance of the CPA soldiers, and some are sitting Listening to the education of CPA fighters in a bunch.

And when An Rui brought Maria out, these angels all looked at Maria.

The "Mother of God" branded deep in her heart, the apostle, was just a young woman in her early 40s in the eyes of the angels at this time.

The levels of Gaia and Maria were cleared, and the "Son of God" was completely wiped from the hearts of the angels.

The angels have returned to the old age, the age of no faith.

Gaia was imprinted in their hearts and became their belief. In the eyes of this group of atheistic angels, it was simply a kind of humiliation to themselves.

It's not that the belief is wrong, it's that belief that makes them extreme.

They should have been just ordinary people in the sky world, living an ordinary life.

Eat, sleep, work.

With the emergence of faith, they simply could not disobey their hearts and bowed at the feet of Gaia.

Zealots began to preach.

Join the kingdom of God and become a citizen of the kingdom of God.

Enter the army and become the spear of the kingdom of God.

All forces opposed to the kingdom of God are enemies.

The Titans have become their dead souls.

Those angels who were originally in the same country as Titan, looked at the blood of their friends smeared in their hands, and they came back to their senses with a burst of remorse.

Why did he do this, why he was bewitched by Gaia.

The many forces in the sky world live in harmony, isn't it good

A kingdom of gods in the sky, Gaia unifies the sky world for his own sake, and creates a lot of killings in the sky world.

If the sky world in the past was as white as cotton, the current sky world is scarlet with blood of murder.

The racial hatred between the angels and the titans is foreseeable and cannot be eliminated in a short period of time.

Even if the angels in the sky world choose to redeem, the Titans who have killed their family and friends cannot forgive themselves for what they have done.

The angels present looked at Maria with resentment in their eyes.

If conditions permit, they can't wait to kill the woman in front of them to understand their hatred.

However, the conditions are obviously not allowed. The soldiers of the CPA keep a close eye on these angels who have been artificially created to worship Gaia.

"That's the 'Mother of God'."

"Yes, it's her. If it weren't for her son, I... I wouldn't kill my fiancee with my own hands."

"I'm going to kill her!"

Angels can be considered victims, and they all have their own stories.

The jealous angel had already stood up, holding the tool in his hand, trying to rush up to tear Maria to pieces.

However, the CPA soldier who was supervising next to him shouted: "What are you doing!

This is a prisoner of war camp, a place to learn and reform, and you can't be fooled!

You, deduct 5 credits!

No one is allowed to pick quarrels and stir up trouble in the prisoner of war camp! "

Seeing the angels who wanted to rush up to kill her, Maria was a little scared, and unconsciously retreated behind An Rui, timidly grabbing An Rui's arm, not daring to let out a loud voice.

"The Guard is Here"

An Rui also sighed, the beliefs that should not exist made the angels who had no beliefs startled.

Now that the magic barrier has been broken, the faith has collapsed, and the angels have returned to the past.

But all the evils they caused were irreversible.

Of course they hated the initiators like Maria and Gaia.

The destination of Maria and Gaia is likely to be protected by the Administration.

With Maria, An Rui came to Gaia's resting room.

"An Rui."

"Miss Fei."

The current relationship between Diofi and An Rui is not only comrade-in-arms, but also sister and brother, and also "master and servant".

Therefore, Diofi also took good care of An Rui's son.

Glancing at Maria next to her who had lost all her strength, she pursed her lips: "Well, you children, you are sleeping quite soundly, I will go out first." Gu

After that, he strode out of the room.

Maria even stepped back behind An Rui, making way for Diofi.

After Diofi left, An Rui also brought Maria to Gaia's bedside.

Maria rushed up and gently stroked Gaia's forehead.

Although Maria has been using Gaia for 18 years, she still has some feelings for her son.

And without her power, she has nothing left, only Gaia is left.

An Rui held his hands, looked at the mother and son beside him, and said with a slight smile, "This kid is still sleeping soundly."


uh... um. "

It seemed that An Rui's voice disturbed him, Gaia groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

What catches the eye is the mother Maria, and the father An Rui.

It was the picture he had always wanted and never had.

Now, my father and mother are by my side.

"Lord Mother, Father... Lord Father?"

Gaia blinked, for a time he thought he was hallucinating.

An Rui smiled, reached the window, looked at Gaia and said, "Are you awake

Did you sleep well? "

Gaia nodded: "I slept well, but I'm a little tired."

Can this not be tiring, such a tossing of tyranny, Oedipus and domineering, how can this small body that has been cleared by the level can withstand it.

Gaia's performance today is that she doesn't want a 15-year-old teenager, who is completely different from her twin sister An Qi.

An Rui glanced at Maria, maybe it was the reason for this woman.

It may also be Gaia's 4 personalities, and the other 3 personalities make this innocent personality very innocent.

As a result, Gaia is now like a primary school student.

An Rui rubbed his head, and he had to trouble the Administration to find a special person to be responsible for educating Gaia.

Even if there is no one in the administration, I will find a professional team.

It will take some time to educate this innocent Gaia to at least understand the world and adapt to life in modern society.

Gaia looked at An Rui pitifully at this time, and said, "Father... Father, can you not leave

I... I want to stay with my father and mother, always. "

It can be said that Gaia is a child who lacks the love of mother and father.

The mother used him and paid no attention to him.

And his father hardly ever met him, let alone take care of him.

What Gaia needs now is a warm family.

An Rui stretched out his hand, rubbed Gaia's head lightly, and said, "My mother and I, we're not going anywhere, we're here to accompany you."

Maria also looked at An Rui with a surprised expression: "You..."

An Rui shrugged and said, "The commander gave me a 'vacation' and put me on standby.

The current situation is not enough for me to move. "

"But… "

An Rui got up, patted Maria's shoulder lightly, shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

Maria never expected that An Rui would stay with their mother and son, knowing that it was a critical time for Huaxia and Scarty to compete for the control of the flat-earth world spaceship.

For An Rui, Maria's clear eyes showed gratitude for the first time.

Biting her lip lightly, she said softly, "Thank you."

An Rui accompanied Maria and Gaia in the room to check the parent's briefing, and then submitted an application to Han Weiguo, hoping to bring the mother and son to the coast base for "protection".

After all, there is always a certain danger in the base on the World Tree side.

And on the coast base, the scenery is also very good.

Han Weiguo also approved An Rui's request and generously gave An Rui a small holiday.

After all, with An Rui's strength, it didn't take much time to get to the World Tree from the coast base.

In the event of an emergency, a portal would allow An Rui's powerful combat power to reach the battlefield.