Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1568: Scattered into chaos


The correspondent excitedly reported to Qi Yehui: "Report! The radio station has been controlled by us!"

The special operations team's attack soon took down the heavily guarded radio station.

Qi Ye nodded with satisfaction, and ordered, "Immediately inform all of Milikian and expose the true face of Mickey's gang."


Skadi's military satellite was eliminated, and H's side had an advantage in information transmission.

In the Skadi Empire, all the places connected to satellites can receive the signals sent by Pangu.

At the north and south ends of the core area of Scarti, those Scarti nobles who had been supported received signals that had not been received for a long time. After hearing Pangu's broadcast, they were stunned for a moment, and then fell into doubt.

If Mickey is the Mickey of the Tiny Empire in the south, then he who successfully usurped Milliken can be regarded as saving the country for the Scarty Continent Curve

If it matters, then on which side should these natives stand

If both Mickeys were the same Mickey, it might not be a bad thing for the natives to surrender to this hero.

But in this case, it is necessary to face the counterattack from the earthlings.

The aborigines are also very clear that even if Mickey usurped the country, Scarti, it is already considered a heaven to give them such power in Scarti's country.

That group of Earthlings, especially the Millicians on the Scarti Continent, they couldn't possibly allow their group of natives to climb onto their pitch.

It's just now, from the broadcast, that CPA has hit the heart of the Skadi Empire.

Such a sudden attack is enough to prove the strength of Hualufu's three parties.

For their group of natives, the civil war between earthlings is more terrifying than the war of the gods.

If the local forces want to get involved, it is like dancing on the tip of a knife. As long as they are not careful, they may disappear into ashes and cease to exist.

The nobles are not fools. Maybe some nobles will choose to continue to support Mickey and mobilize all the indigenous soldiers in the territory to enter King Qin.

However, there are also nobles who will choose to stand still and wait for the situation in the Sijiadi mainland to stabilize before making the next step.

In their view, the battle between the earthlings, Scarti's side may not be able to win.

After all, judging from the information they have learned, Hua Lufu is not so easy to deal with.

The ally of Britain doesn't seem to be very powerful either.

This group of guys can be described as sloppy, or speculative.

Of course, among this group of nobles, there are also a group of guys.

They directly announced the rise of the army and independence.

Or directly rebel against Mickey's rule.

Mickey unified the entire Scarlett Continent and caused considerable slaughter to the local forces.

Even the nobles who surrendered to Mickey, many of them were forced by reality and had to do it.

Many of their relatives and friends died at the hands of Mickey.

The so-called Scadi Continent hero, for his own ambition, actually sacrificed those who once regarded him as a hero, which is really hateful.

The three groups of people each have their own plans.

As for the core area of the Scarti Empire, the vast majority of the people and politicians in the former Milician territory, they were also caught in a choice at this time.

As visitors to Earth, they know how powerful their opponents are.

The people even fell into panic. After all, the satellite was gone and there was a communication problem.

Moreover, H's rail guns showed a powerful force in front of this group of Milician remnants.

Advocating the strong, or bullying the soft and fearing the hard, is inscribed in the bones by these guys.

They don't want war, to be precise, they don't want a powerful country to go to war with them.

Although Skadi launched a nuclear bomb, but in order to cause any damage to H, instead, it attracted orbital bombing, and at the same time gave H a lie, and lifted the so-called "no first use of nuclear weapons" seal.

Coupled with these months of fighting, Mickey relied on personal prestige to unite this group of people and unite them under the spear of the empire.

It's just that the current Mickey was determined by H and others not to be a traveler from the earth, but the emperor of the Tiny Empire.

This makes this group of people who worship Mickey feel very bad.

They trusted and admired the leader so much, but now tell them that this guy is just a native. Valley

Of course, most of the Millikin remnants didn't think much of it.

But the group of politicians, it is not so simple.

The evidence provided by the Time and Space Administration, the Hermitage Guard, and the Court of Honor allows these politicians to be sure that they have been usurped by the natives.

The vast majority of politicians who had previously tilted political resources and various other resources to Mickey immediately hit the brakes.

Happy education, elite education, so that the elites will think about this issue and go back to explore the truth of this matter.

No matter how much Mickey gives, do you think that the distinguished elites from all walks of life in Milliken will surrender to the natives of Africa, no matter how much the natives give.

The public is not quite sure at this time, but after many political figures have thought about it, they no longer devote resources to Mickey.

Some people even directly raised the banner of opposing Mickey.

And Pangu's announcement was also spread to the various armies of the Scarti Empire.

Excluding those stupid generals who climbed up through relationships, the generals of each unit are still relatively rational.

From an analytical point of view, Mickey does meet the conditions of Tiny Mitch.

This made these generals hesitate in their actions.

Quickly held a high-level meeting to discuss this issue.

The various units have also begun to communicate quickly to ensure the consistency of operations.

And Miley's broadcast quickly spread to all the troops.

I told these guys not to get involved in H's alienation scheme, His Majesty Mickey is His Majesty Mickey, a native of the earth, it is impossible for him to be that Scadi warrior.

"My Healing Game"

And ordered all the troops to seize the loyalty and rush to the imperial capital.

Miley's announcement was indeed very useful. Although the generals of the Skadi army stopped discussing and moved towards their destination, there were still some seeds of doubt in their hearts.

However, it was the members of the Emperor's faction who really reassured these guys.

In the military and political circles, the Emperor's faction, led by Miley and manipulated behind the scenes by Mickey, has stretched out their tentacles to every part of the empire.

Although there are rationalists in the Emperor's faction who can see the problem, they can't stand the young and strong factions below who were brainwashed by Mickey and Miley.

Those in the Emperor's faction who began to doubt the authenticity of Mickey's identity, and whose loyalty to Mickey began to waver, also became the targets of the Young Zhuang faction.

In the army, mutiny and seizure of power have become commonplace among the Emperor's Young Zhuang faction.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The young middle- and lower-level officers and soldiers killed the hesitant senior general on the spot, and said angrily: "God punish the country thieves!

He even suspected that His Majesty Mickey was an inferior native!

You wait, you shouldn't be a member of the Emperor's faction, and you shouldn't be sitting in this high position.

Now the troops will be controlled by our real Emperor faction!

Order the whole army to help Mickey DC! "

Some of the Scarti army was regained power by the Emperor's faction, and the mutiny of the Young Zhuang faction in some of the Scarti army failed, and internal fighting broke out.

This made the hesitant generals even more suspicious of Mickey's true identity.

This is true in the military, and it is true in politics and business.

Millai established a military government to strengthen his control over the empire.

The secret police and other functional departments have also been greatly expanded in these two or three months.

The secret police began to enter the homes of the political and economic bigwigs of the emperor's faction who had mutated, "bang bang" two shots before taking them away.

The entire Scarti Empire was directly shrouded in the bloody terror of Mickey and Miles.

Anyone who resists and doubts Mickey will be eliminated.

It has to be said that Qiye's broadcast operations have achieved good results. At least the entire Scarti Empire has begun to appear a certain amount of chaos.

Ran Xu looked at the image captured by the satellite and said, "Commander, there should be a small-scale civil strife among the troops near Mickey DC.

The broadcast bought us at least 2 hours. "

Qi Ye nodded, stared at the white house on the screen, and said, "Catch that guy Mi Lai first, we're just feinting to buy more time and space for Yan Luo."