Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1569: Wolfsburg


There were gunshots everywhere in the base camp, and the special operations team of the Pangu base had already invaded the wolf fort under the base camp.

Milley sat at his desk, listening to the gunshots outside, looking at the Mickey DC holographic map on the desk.

The red arrows representing CPA drove in all directions from the center of Mickey DC.

And Scadi's army, after being hit by railguns, has no resistance.

The blue dots of light near Mickey DC representing the Scarlett army have disappeared one after another.

The chief of staff said to Mitch: "Pangu's broadcast has a great impact on us. Although the garrison is still under our control for the time being, our soldiers lack the experience of street fighting and fighting against big powers.

Coupled with the fact that CPA has a powerful intelligent fighting machine, we are gradually at a disadvantage in street fighting. "

Although Millai expected that the CPA might directly teleport to Mickey DC for beheading, he did not consider the CPA's combat effectiveness.

The ocean separates the five continents. Although there is a certain degree of communication after crossing, the development of the five earth countries is very different.

The original plan was that if the CPA arrived in Mickey DC, Mi Lai could rely on crowd tactics to mobilize the citizens of Mickey DC to resist.

After all, in a country where everyone owns guns, civilians with guns are also an important combat force.

But these civilians were not as heroic as they thought.

Perhaps in the face of other civilians, or the police, they dared to take their guns.

But when faced with the real army, these guys were still cowardly.

The sky is full of CPA drones, and the streets are full of CPA unmanned combat robots.

Let these guys take their lives and fight these battle robots to the death, they really can't do it.

Even if Mickey had brought a lot of benefits to this group of civilians before, they were not willing to pay for Mickey's ambition.

Milley scoffed at the ungrateful behavior of this group of commoners.

The staff officer continued: "Because of our lack of street fighting experience, the original plan to turn Mickey DC into a 'meat grinder' fell through.

The National Guard lacked combat experience, and the police department simply couldn't stand it.

Fallows District Police Station.

The 2nd Battalion of the Mickey DC National Guard was wiped out.

The 4th Battalion of the Civil Guard has surrendered to the CPA and raised the flag of rebellion.

The 2nd Brigade of the Civil Guard was expelled from the Dongshui District by the CPA, and more than half of the casualties are now.

The Alpha Special Warfare Brigade was ambushed by an unmanned robot from the CPA in Musk Commercial Street and destroyed.

The 3rd National Guard Battalion is fending off the CPA attack, but there are at most 10 minutes.

Garrison A Company, in contact with CPA's battle droids on Rue Don Quixote.

Mickey DC's war situation is quite unfavorable for us.

In addition to its strong combat effectiveness, CPA's Pangu Base is also stationed with a large-scale army and air force.

Coupled with the strong anti-aircraft firepower of the CPA, the air force near me can't get close to Mickey DC at all.

The 1st Air Division, 1st Dahong 1st Division, and 1st Marine Division were almost wiped out by the orbital bombardment just now.

As for the Quick Reverse 3 Brigade, the 11th Army Brigade was coming, but they were blocked by Pangu's long-range firepower.

Coupled with the destruction of the road to Mickey DC by the CPA, there is no way to help in a short time.

Also, Yaris Air Force Base, and most recently the Army's 40th Brigade, should have been bewitched by that CPA, and they refused to send support troops to Mickey DC. "

At this time, the sound of battle could be vaguely heard outside the room.

Miley knew that the CPA's special forces had already invaded Wolfsburg.

Hearing the bad news, Mi Lai trembled and said in a low voice, with an angry voice: "What on earth are those guys from the Emperor's faction doing

I raised them to give me such little results

The National Guard failed to completely control, and Yaris Air Force Base and the Army's 40th Brigade could even allow them to be bewitched by the CPA

waste! waste! !

I suspect that those guys sent by the Emperor are really working for His Majesty

A bunch of vegan guys…”

"Grand Marshal, the loyalty of the Emperor's faction is beyond doubt, and we all serve His Majesty.

It's not that we are weak, it's just that H is too insidious and cunning. "

The Minister of Propaganda of Millais Military Cabinet said at this time that, as one of the important figures of the Emperor's faction, he can be regarded as seeing the growth of the Emperor's faction.

Mi Lai, the leader of the Emperor's faction, said that they were trash, and he naturally refuted it.

Mi Lai was out of anger, and at this time, this guy dared to interject himself, slapped the table with a slap in the face, and said, "That's it

Is it the result of your propaganda minister? ! "

Listening to the louder and louder gunshots, everyone knew that the CPA's special forces were getting closer and closer.

The British general, who was in charge of liaising with Scarty, suggested: "Grand Marshal, Mickey DC can't stand it anymore.

We still have time, let's take the secret train and leave Mickey DC.

We can also organize counterattacks. "

Scady and Britain are allies after all, and together they are leveraging the existence of this war.

In addition, the two sides are of the same origin and the same species, so they also trust each other very much.

Miley nodded, went out, and had a chance to organize a counterattack.

At this time, a senior general broke in: "Grand Marshal, the train passage was bombed by the CPA.

There are several secret passages leading to Wolfsburg, and there are special teams of CPA. "

Mi Lai was shocked: "Secret passage!

How could they have come through the secret passage! ? "

In the vision of the members of the Wolfsburg such as Miley, even if Mickey DC fell and the CPA invaded the Wolfsburg, it would be from the front, and it was unlikely to enter through a secret passage that only a few people knew about.

“Da da da da…”

At this time, the sound of gunfire was loud outside, and Mi Lai could no longer control so much. He took out a pistol from the drawer, loaded it with a "click", and then looked at the important military personnel in the room and said, "You gentlemen, since you have already Can't get out, we can only fight with H.

Our strategic purpose is to contain the camp headed by H.

As long as His Majesty is going well on Shandola's side, it is worth sacrificing everything on our side.

The rise and fall of the empire is here, and all the monarchs hope to encourage each other. "

It has to be said that the generals of the Emperor's faction in Wolfsburg are also considered ruthless.

At this time, they were not thinking of surrender, but to take up arms and launch a counterattack against the CPA's special forces.

Because before the war of the dead, I quietly studied the power armor of Area 51.

With H's current strong scientific research capabilities, he soon developed his own power armor.

The most elite special forces are all wearing power armor.

Coupled with H's current powerful AI combat capabilities, the strength of the entire special operations team has skyrocketed.

Mi Lai rushed out with a group of people.

A CPA special team member came out and said: "Surrender, you have already lost, Wolfsburg now..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Miles and the other generals started firing at the special forces player, but what was surprising was that the bullet went straight through his body, as if it had hit the air.


"what happened?"

Mi Lai suddenly reacted: "Damn, it's a hologram!"

Has H's holographic technology reached the level of being fake

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With a series of gunshots, as the air fluctuated, several small combat robots came out of the air out of thin air, and shot at the hands of Mi Lai and others.

"Five Dynasties Rivers, Mountains, Wind and Moon"

Holographic technology makes these robots visually invisible, and Mi Lai and others are not aware of it at all.

As soon as the gunshot rang, Miley was interrupted on the spot when he held the gun.

The robot said at this time: "Surrender, we will treat the prisoners preferentially."


Mi Lai and the others suddenly erupted, and they all launched a counterattack at the robot.

The robot was not afraid of attack, and directly aimed at the limbs of the counterattacking Emperor's generals and pulled the trigger.

No lethal damage, but it can make the group cry in a pool of blood and incapacitate.

As for the British general, he hid behind, flipped out his white underwear early, stood up, and shouted to these cold-blooded robots: "I surrender! I surrender!

Do not fire! Do not fire! "