Different World Development Manual

Chapter 23: Doomsday


Jiangzhou Special Response Team Headquarters.

"Report! Captain Guan reported that the code-named 'Brave Squad' encountered a wasteland orc juggernaut. He has now been captured and held under the custody of 3 warriors, requesting someone to receive it.

According to the information provided by the brave, Sword Saint Nier is a heavyweight under the Demon King's command, and his personal strength is extremely powerful! "

Leaning on the back of the table, he looked at a screen, and that screen was the picture taken by the drone of the follower "Brave Squad".

Although the orange-red skinned orc did not launch an effective attack on An Rui and the others, but instead let An Rui down with two shots.

But even so, the strong words and deeds of the orc were still fresh in his memory.

That's a 95 rifle, and its penetrating power is enough to kill ordinary people.

However, the orc in front of him is different. This should be a powerful body different from the human beings on earth.

His words and deeds rubbed his chin and commanded: "Go back and ask Guan Fei's 'Brave Squad' to write a report and ask Xiao An to cooperate."


"Report! The 22nd Mobile Division has arrived at the target area, requesting action!"

Words and deeds are another screen, which is the picture taken by the drone flying with the 22nd Motor Division.

Looking at the map of Jiangzhou City on the desktop, words and deeds placed the red flag representing the 22nd Mobile Division in the area that had been painted red.

Standing up straight, he ordered with a serious face: "Tell the commander of the 22nd Mobile Division to clear all the undead creatures in the No. 4 area.

There are many residential areas in Area 4, and they are prohibited from using heavy firepower!

If you have to, you must apply to the headquarters! "


The red-painted area on the map represents the hardest-hit area that has encountered a large number of invasions by indigenous peoples from other worlds.

Response team code number 4 area.

"Get out of the car! Quick! Quick!"

The hatch of the wheeled armored vehicle opened, and the squad leader jumped down first, beckoning the soldiers to get out of the vehicle quickly and enter the battlefield.

"All residents return to the house immediately! Don't come out!"

The instructor held a pair of microphones and greeted with a speaker temporarily installed on the armored vehicle.

In front of the armored vehicle, there was a patch of skeletons and skeletons, and the zombies were filled with rotten breath. They formed a sea of undead, sweeping every building on both sides of the road.

Citizens are spontaneously organizing, struggling to resist the invasion of these undead armies at the door of the first floor.

"Fire! Kill these zombies and skeletons!"

Due to the order of the command, the use of heavy firepower was prohibited, so that the cannons on the armored vehicles were not useful at all.

The only thing that is still effective is the heavy machine gun on the vehicle.

“Da da da da…”

The machine gunner controlled the heavy machine gun and madly shot the undead army in front of him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

And the fat soldiers in the armored vehicle kept pulling the class and pouring out bullets all at once.

The densely packed undead do not need to be aimed carefully at all, and a few can be brought down with a casual sweep.

"Machine gunner! Your motherfucker, quickly bring the heavy machine gun to me!"


The two soldiers ran over panting with a heavy machine gun.

With a sound of "bang", the heavy machine gun was placed on the ground, and the sub-machine gunner quickly loaded the bullets. Move the class.

“Da da da da da…”

Without the burst of "Da Da Da! Da Da Da!", a string of flames spit out directly from the muzzle, and the projectiles flew in the air with firelight, densely packed, like a series of beams, and collided without any explanation. on the body of the undead.

This is why in zombie works, the army and the government are not played.

Because with the army and the government, there is simply no place for the protagonist to show his strength.

I saw zombies and skeletons falling down in pieces like reaped wheat.

Heavy machine guns and vehicle-mounted heavy machine guns are powerful, and as long as they reload, the fragile bodies of zombies and skeletons will be shattered in an instant.

It fell to the ground in pieces, without leaving a single complete corpse.

The spirit fires in the eyes of the skeletons flickered, and the green-robed mages who tamed the steel monsters and held the iron staff in front of them were just too powerful.

Even in the human world, such power would be enough to destroy a city.

Even if it is placed in the world of the dead, it is almost unmatched.

The skeletons could not speak, although their spirit fires shuddered and terrified as the light bullets destroyed the undead around them one by one.

But the powerful power of the hell lord Arthur made it impossible for them to take a half step back.

Retreat is the annihilation of the spiritual fire, and there will never be a day of rebirth.

Entering, it is the powerful magic of the green-clothed mage, which makes people shattered.

The undead dare not tangle, dare not hesitate.

They would rather let their bodies shatter than let their spiritual fire go out.

Their spiritual fires can also reunite to produce new life.

Once it is extinguished, there will really be nothing in the future, even if it becomes a mayfly in the world of the dead.


The skeletons slashed their jaws, wielding rusted knives, and killed them.

They have no Adam's apple, can't make any sound, only the undead language seems to be understood only by the undead.

The morale of the skeletons rose for a while, and the zombies beside them were also driven by the high morale of the skeletons.

Dragging his crippled and crippled legs, he let out a dry roar of "ho ho ho" in his throat, and followed him to kill him.

However, no matter how heroic they are, no matter how they are not afraid of casualties, no matter how they feel no pain.

In the face of the barrage that hit like raindrops, it could only fall in pieces.

"Change! Bullets! Clip! Cover!"

"There are zombies in the residential building ahead that are about to break through! Hurry up and help!"

"Stop those skeletons! Don't let them hurt the citizens!"

"Armored car! Drive up to make a clearance!!"

"Fire cover! Tear open a passage!"

“Da da da da…”

The door of a residential building is about to be breached by the undead, and the residents who resisted spontaneously behind the door also roared: "Block these monsters! Don't let them enter the building!!"

“Da da da da…”

The soldiers' firepower was full, the undead fell one by one, and the wheeled armor "wuwuwuwuwu" rushed over.

"Get ready for the reload!"

“Boom! Boom! Boom!…”

The zombies in front of them were knocked away one after another, with broken bones all around. No matter how much they could move, they could only lie on the ground, twitching with dry howls.

And those skeletons with light bones were directly involved under the wheels, making the armored vehicles grind to pieces with their bones and armor.

The armored vehicle rampaged in the sea of the dead for a while, directly blocking the gate of the residential building.

The captain held the microphone and shouted, "Are you all right?!"

The citizens responded: "It's okay!!"

The commander yelled, "Fire!"

Under the control of the machine gunner, the vehicle-mounted machine gun turned instantly, lowered his head, aimed at the undead around the car and began to shoot frantically.

The commander also picked up his rifle, ran to the muzzle, stretched out the muzzle, and pulled the trigger.

However, there are too many undead, no matter how crazy the warriors output, the undead will come up one after another as if they can't finish the fight.

Its scale is no less than the shots in some zombie films.

Soldiers who can't use heavy equipment can't clean up these undead quickly.

This is also impossible. As the People's Army, the most important thing is to protect the safety of people's lives. They will not use heavy weapons when stray bullets may threaten nearby citizens.

If it were replaced by the army of another country, it would have been a big killer for a long time.

"Request support! Request support!"

The undead rushed forward for a long period of time against the line of fire, and even the armored vehicle that had just rushed into the undead to block the door was now surrounded by the undead army.


At this time, a sound of metal friction rang from a corner.

A soldier looked back and saw three tanks lined up in a row, driving directly towards this side.

"It's a tank!"

"Our tank is here!"

The soldiers sitting on the tank jumped down one after another and patted the shoulders of the soldiers who were already fighting here: "Don't worry, we are here!"

As he spoke, he began to organize a new wave of offensive.

And those three tanks were running at full power, the exhaust pipes spewing thick black smoke, and they were pressed against the zombies and skeletons.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

The metal weapon had no effect on the tank armor, except for the sound of "ding ding", there was not even a scratch.


The resounding sound of the metal tracks made the incomparably powerful tank move forward bravely.

Zombies and skeletons have been crushed under the car.

The inability to use heavy weapons does not mean that heavy equipment is out of use.

The unparalleled tonnage for the aborigines of another world, even the giant beasts can't match.

And the coaxial machine gun on the turret also spewed flames, and poured out all the bullets like crazy.

“Da da da da da…”


The symphony of hell composed of extremely strong and crawler tracks lets the guests from hell know what a real messenger of doom is.

Tank, this is the king of land warfare in the human world.