Different World Development Manual

Chapter 27: shopping mall


Obsidian City, the full name of this underground city.

Before Huaxia Crossing, the entire castle was a bright pearl on the land of the abyss.

Those alien races that were rejected by the mainstream civilizations and races on the Aghanim Continent fled into the uninhabited forests and deserts, and the no-man's land such as the abyss became the place where they gathered.

And Obsidian City, a city controlled by the Demon King, opened its gates even more, attracting aliens wandering in the abyss, giving them a place to settle down.

Most of the people living in this city are civilians, although they look strange, and some are even fierce.

There are various villains in this session and in the literature, film and television session, but here, they are just a group of lords who pay taxes on time to the castle, the Demon King, Yuffie, the most common existence.

They paid their taxes, enjoyed the protection of the Demon King's army, and lived their day-to-day, unremarkable, but stable lives.

Meowpas, a cow kobold, is racially classified as a half-orc, like Hattuch and Terredin.

Although the three races of orcs, half-orcs, and beast ears are very similar in name, they are very different in appearance.

Orcs are generally a group of ferocious-looking people with fangs full of fangs. They belong to the race that is rejected by the mainstream races on the Aghanim Continent.

The beast-eared tribe is completely human, but on the ears and tail, they retain some of the characteristics of beasts, such as cat ears, dog ears, rabbit ears, fox tails, dog tails, horse tails, etc., belonging to Aghanim mainstream races on the continent.

As for the Orcs, it is the complete opposite of the Orcs.

They maintain the appearance of beasts and stand upright, but they can move upright like humans.

Kobolds, tauren, cat-headed people, rat-headed people, pig-headed people, horse-headed people, fish-headed people... Fish-headed people crossed out, etc., all belong to the racial sequence of half-orcs.

Like the Orcs, they also suffered from the rejection of the mainstream races in Aghanim Continent.

Because whether they are orcs or half-orcs, they are not as human-like as the beast ears.

"Mr. Meow Pass!!"

Taireding carried a yellowed travel backpack from a distance, waved his furry claws, and greeted loudly.

Meowpas turned his head slowly, and saw Hartuqi and Tairedin running over with backpacks.

These two guys are the adventurers he met in the tavern just yesterday. Like him, they are ordinary citizens of Obsidian City.

At the same time, just like him, he is an explorer who is eager to venture into another world city and seek opportunities.

As a ranger, Meowpas once sneaked into the capital of the Panda Empire in the north of the abyss, and stole the jeweled crown on Queen Margaret's head.

Although the entire Panda Empire was disturbed, Meowpas retreated completely, leaving a legendary story among the orcs, and was even the object of worship of the thief Teredin.

The swordsman Hartuqi was wearing a suit of armor, tightened the shoulder straps of the travel backpack on his shoulders, and greeted, "Sorry, Mr. Meowpass, we are late."

Meowpas took off the gourd pinned to his waist, opened the stopper, took a sip of mint wine, and let out a moan: "Ha, vain!"

Then he wiped the cat drunk, licked the beard dipped in mint wine with his tongue, and looked at the two with a smile: "It's not too late, I just arrived, just now everyone should have been attracted by the monster in the sky, hehe."

Hatuqi lowered his head in shame: "I'm sorry, Mr. Meowpass..."

Meow Pass's cat paw popped a finger and said, "Stop."

"Uh… "

Meow Pass pulled the black thief's backpack on his back, and the cat paw lightly patted the two dogs on the shoulders: "Are you all ready?"

Taireding and Hatuch nodded in unison: "Well, it's ready."


Miaopasi instantly pulled out the rapier at his waist, pointed it to the sky, and waved: "Meow, that's good, the adventure team is established, let's go, target the city of the aliens!"

Jiefangbei Central Business District, in a large shopping mall.

Due to the bugs generated by crossing, most of the Demon King City is connected with the shopping malls in the pedestrian street. At this time, the shopping malls are full of ferocious-looking citizens in the Demon King City.

The dazzling array of earth products in the mall made this group of people from other worlds feast for the eyes.

The luxurious and beautiful clothes that can only be worn by the nobles of the human world are everywhere in this large shopping mall.

Among those strange magic tools, there are many humans in strange costumes.

There are also those strange and strange instruments that have no use at all, making the citizens of these Obsidian cities overwhelmed.

The citizens of Jiangzhou, who were shopping in the underground mall, and the staff of the mall were taken aback by the sudden change.

Those who reacted all fled to the ground, and those who had not yet had time to escape were watched as strange by the citizens of Obsidian City.

The citizens were frightened and huddled together, hiding in corners, toilets, or shivering in shops.

Calling and calling for help.

However, there was chaos in Jiangzhou at this time, and the dangerous calls such as Yao Yaoling, Yaoerling, Yaoyaojiu and so on had already been hit, and even Yaoer San Yaowu had been called "toot toot". .

In the food mall, it has become the hardest hit area.

Although the citizens of Obsidian City did not harm the citizens of Jiangzhou, after all, in their opinion, this group of human beings will become the citizens of His Royal Highness Yuffie in the future, and they can also be regarded as their own compatriots in the future.

The residents of Obsidian City are of mixed races, and their tolerance is quite strong.

However, the citizens of Obsidian City are not as polite as humans, and they treat all goods rudely.

In the food mall, snacks are scattered all over the floor.

Those strange things wrapped in plastic bags were scattered everywhere, and the curious Obsidian citizens bent down to pick up the scattered snacks and put them in their mouths as if they had picked up treasures. chewing.

This is potato chips, "click", crisp and sweet, the indescribable taste on the tip of the troll's tongue, almost the best food he has ever tasted.

This is marshmallow, soft and sweet, and the lizardmen chew on it with endless aftertaste, a food that cannot be compared to similar food found on Aghanim Continent.

This is spicy sticks. After opening the package with a dagger, the attractive aroma of red oil wafts into the nostrils. The underground man picked one up and put it in his mouth. The chili oil exploded in his mouth instantly, and every pore on his body instantly Opened it, sweat came out in a blink of an eye, refreshing!

This is a vast, dark liquid, shake it, listen to it, and see if there is anything unusual

No, it's fine!

The big fat ogre used a dagger to cut open the soft mouth of the bottle.

"Puff babble babble..."

The bubbles popped out, and the ogre was so frightened that they hurriedly threw them away, only to see a puddle of dark-brown liquid sprinkled on the ground.

The liquid that looked very dangerous on his hands did not seem to cause any harm to himself.

This is a place full of food, and this puddle of dark brown liquid should be some kind of drink.

The ogre gradually became bolder, lying on the ground, sticking out his tongue and carefully licking Kuoluo, which was sprinkled on the ground. When the tip of his tongue touched Kuoluo, a sense of happiness immediately spread to his whole body.

The ogre danced and cheered: "This is the happy water!! The happy water of the outsiders!!"

A goblin removed the well-packaged condoms that were always available at a cash register, and gently tore them open, and put them in their mouths to chew.

uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh...

what is this? Strawberry flavored? A little sweet and sour


Swallow it, no matter what it is, eat it first.

What kind of liquid was in the white glass bottle, the Tauren with the big characters of Dancing Lady's liquid naturally didn't recognize it.

The mouth of the bottle was opened with a punch, and the mellow fragrance came out.

So fragrant!

Respect first!

"Tumbling, tumbling, tumbling, tumbling!"

"Hiccup~spicy tongue~"

The citizens of Jiangzhou were hiding, and they were quite frightened in the face of these disgusting guys.

It's just that these guys didn't seem to do anything nasty to them other than robbing them to eat, so that many citizens were trying to organize a wave and find an opportunity to escape.

However, there are also some discordant citizens in Obsidian City. Several pig-headed people with big stomachs growled: "Food! I want food! The food here is not delicious at all! I want to eat people!!"

Saying that, a pig-headed man turned his gaze to a wave of citizens who were about to escape, carried a mace and took the other pig-headed men across, and picked up one of the petite girls. up.

After sniffing and sniffing, the smell of the perfume on the girl's body made the pig-headed man's expression involuntarily cheer up. This is a fragrance that has never been asked before.

The pig-headed man smacked his mouth, showing the fangs of the wild boar, and licked his lips: "A white and tender human girl, this taste must be delicious."

"Ah ah ah ah ah… "

As he spoke, he opened his mouth wide, ready to put the girl in his mouth and bite it off.

"Ahhhh! Help!!"

The girl struggled frantically, shouting, hoping that those compatriots who ran away with her could save her life.

However, those compatriots were also indifferent to themselves, and other pig-headed people took them as prey and captured them.

The girl's eyes were full of fear, and the mouth of the pig-headed man with yellow teeth was emitting bursts of stench, and the girl cried out: "Help! Who will help me!!"

However, no one responded. The struggling thigh had already kicked the pig-headed man's long fangs. The moment the dirty fangs and Bai Huahua's thigh touched, the girl felt desperate.


"Let go of her!"

At this time, the pig-headed man's body suddenly froze.

The girl looked over and saw a cat, holding a thin sword against the pig-headed man's neck, turned her head at the same time, looked at the girl in front of the pig-headed man's mouth, smiled and said: "This beautiful lady, you are all right Bar?"

Such a cute milk cat, such a gentleman, but... but you are meowing, I don't understand at all.