Different World Development Manual

Chapter 36: Encircle


Jiangzhou Special Response Team Headquarters.

"Report! The 22nd Mobile Division has formed an encirclement of the undead! The wz10 unit is also providing fire support in the air!"

The appearance of the undead army has caused a great hindrance to the advancement of the entire army. If we can use an analogy, then this group of undead army will be like a swarm in interstellar works.

Densely packed and endless.

Fortunately, Jiangzhou's urban construction is not comparable to the medieval indigenous people, with hard concrete floors, reinforced concrete buildings, and Jiangzhou's inherently hard rock formations.

Let these zombies and skeletons crawling out of the ground can only choose parks or community gardens with soft soil.

Otherwise, the cement above will make them stuck below and unable to move.

Moreover, under a series of modern weapons such as tanks, armored vehicles, armed helicopters, and machine guns, the army of the undead, which is almost invincible on the Aghanim continent, is instantly vulnerable.

The absolute suppression of cold weapons by hot weapons allows these undeads who can only charge in dense formations to know what is called a life harvester.

After an hour of fighting, the 22nd Mobile Division had suppressed the undead into the streets of several communities.

Nodding his words and deeds, he gave the 22nd Mobile Division a death order: "None of those undead can be spared, and all of them will be dealt with."

Think about the skull dragon just now, which directly caused the 22nd Mobile Division to lose half of its platoons. This is the biggest one-time loss of CPA in recent years.

It is precisely because of this that the words and deeds feel a huge anger.

These undead, damn it!

Even the mayor of Dakang, who was sitting next to him, felt the anger that emanated unconsciously from his words and deeds.

Qu Gang reported at this time: "Commander-in-chief, come and watch this video."

At this moment, the anger on his face subsided a little, and he turned around. Qu Gang had already walked over with an electronic touch screen in his arms.

In the picture, I saw a white-haired man with light in his eyes, directly inserting a sword into the concrete floor.

At the same time, the real picture also shook, and it was a small earthquake.

At this time, Qu Gang pressed pause and shrunk the video window and put it aside.

At the same time, the window of another video was opened, and the screen was also paused, except that the roof of a building appeared on the screen, which was empty at this time.

Words and deeds recognize this building, and this building is where the skull dragon appeared.

Qu Gang pointed to the time on the two videos and said, "Commander-in-chief, pay attention to the time."

Taking a look at the words and deeds, the time of the two videos is exactly the same.

Then Qu Gang hit the play button, time passed again, and in the video, a crack suddenly tore open out of thin air.

A huge bone dragon tore the space and drilled directly out of the crack.

Words and actions widened his eyes, what Qu Gang meant, needless to say he also guessed.

Qu Gang said: "Both are pictures taken by nearby cameras. According to the analysis of our team's data personnel, the appearance of the bone dragon should have a great relationship with the white-haired man in this picture."

With words and deeds, he continued, "Combining the analysis of the situation of the invasion of Jiangzhou by this foreigner of swords and magic, it is very likely that the bone dragon was summoned by this man, right?"

Qu Gang agreed: "Yes, our guess is this."

Words and deeds gritted their teeth and clucked, staring angrily at the man on the screen.

After a few seconds, he turned around with a "hoo" and ordered: "Find the location of this white-haired man immediately, and order the 22nd Mobile Division, this man must be brought back to me, I want to see someone, I want to die. See the corpse!"

At this time, Arthur, who was surrounded by the 22nd Motor Division, did not know that the drone "buzzing" above his head had begun to look for him.

The two skeletons stood beside Arce with their restless hooves, their bodies were a little anxious: "Your Highness, the situation is not good, let alone the five fire-type mages, even His Royal Highness's bone dragon... The outsiders were… beheaded.”

The encounter with the bone dragon in the sky was clear to Arthur. First, it was attacked by the strange dragon knight from the outsider. After the powerful magic wounded it, it forced it to high altitude.

Immediately after, another more powerful magic screamed and dragged a long white smoke, hitting the bone dragon directly.

A huge explosion engulfed the bone dragon in an instant, shattering the bones, and the whole body shattered in an instant, falling everywhere.

And looking at the end of the long white smoke, I saw a big steel bird flying in the air, proudly flying away.

A strange big bird that can't flap one wing at all, but can fly, and the speed far exceeds the speed of the dragon family.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Da da da!"

The whole city is full of the sound of the green magician releasing the magic, and in the nether realm, the undead army of Arthur is even more vulnerable to the magical attack of the green magician.

There were orange light bullets flickering in the air everywhere, and there were piercing sounds of magic being released everywhere. Pieces of skeletons and zombies fell under those flickering orange light beams, and could no longer get up. They were undead. what.

And even the charge organized by those undead beasts, in front of the steel beasts of the outsiders, was like a younger brother, and slammed into it without any strength.

Instead, they were easily crushed under their feet and swallowed by those steel beasts, or torn to shreds by the magic released from their mouths.

Flashhoof said anxiously: "His Royal Highness, our army has been surrounded by otherworldly magicians.

We can't fight, we can't break through, we have to find a way to escape. "

Arthur glanced at his comrade-in-arms.

run away

No, escape was never in the undead's dictionary.

Maybe his old buddy was just too tired to say such undead words.

Undead, with their glorious cry, they can only rush, there is absolutely no way out.

Arthur sighed, patted the front hoof of Flash Hoof, and said earnestly: "Old man, you may be too tired. I think you should take a proper rest and leave these things to me."

The spirit fire in Shanho's eyes trembled, the undead don't need to rest at all, and they don't know how to write the word tired at all if they are not tired.

Arthur had already put his hands on the hilt of the sword and pulled the reins of the skeleton warhorse. The skeleton warhorse breathed out a snort with a ghostly flame, raised its proud head, and showed Flashhoof its youth. with its confidence.

Depend on.

Flashhoof was speechless for a while, is this a mockery that I am too old to be used

Old Ji Fuzheng, aiming for a thousand miles.

You, a skeletal warhorse with no wisdom and no birth, came to mock a veteran like me who has fought with His Royal Highness for many years

Just kidding!

The skeletal warhorse let out a cold snort, and with a disdainful look on his face, he carried Arthur away with a "ta-ta-ta".

And the undead guards around Arthur also followed their hell lords and walked towards the front of the battlefield.

The undead will not lose any war, no matter whether their opponent is the Holy See or an outsider, the undead will live forever.

Flash Hoof hurriedly pulled the reins that tied the skull of the skeleton in front, his legs slammed into the arms of the two skeletons, and he pulled out his horse whip and hit the pelvis of the skeleton in the back. Two weakly searched skeletons carried it and chased after it.

"His Royal Highness! Wait for me!"

In the headquarters of the special response team in Jiangzhou City, a soldier Hui reported: "Report! The target has been locked, request instructions!!"

The pictures of several monitors were suddenly combined into one piece, and the real-time pictures captured by the drone were directly presented on it.

As the camera zoomed in, I saw a man with white shawl and long hair riding on a skeleton horse, with a team of seemingly elite troops heading towards the front line where the 22nd Mobile Division and the undead exchanged fire go.

Behind him, there were two small skeletons, carrying a bone horse, chasing after him in a panic.

Looking at the picture on the screen, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's that guy."

Immediately after words and deeds, he issued an order: "Pass the position of the target person to the 22nd Mobile Division, so that the 22nd Mobile Division must capture this person alive!"
