Different World Development Manual

Chapter 44: Weird steel spear


As the space crack closed again, the three Pan Rui had been attacked by the magic knights and suddenly appeared in another place.

"Space Teleportation!?"

Xu Lin looked at the mighty ancient army in front of him with a shocked expression. This is not high technology, but magic

But looking around again, this terrain is the Chiri training base, right

Could it be that the group of guys in front of me has traveled to Earth

Xu Lin was a little overjoyed at this moment, Chi Ri's was launching a large-scale military exercise, and the group of guys who crossed over were not waiting to be hit by shells.

When Wu Xin saw the creatures in the army in front of him, he was actually very excited.

He had never seen those war horses at all.

Although there are no things flying around in the air, Wu Xin can guess that it is the legendary flying dragon.

Pan Rui on the side was not as optimistic as Xu Lin, nor as curious as Wu Xin. What he saw was a dense crowd of ancient soldiers, and his brows were wrinkled into Sichuan characters.


Those guys, in terms of numbers, at least there are tens of thousands of people.

Some of them wore leather armor, some wore cloth armor, some wore iron armor, and some even wore armor that looked more Western.

Lines of cavalry galloped past on the ground, raising a piece of dust.

Not far away, you can also see a team of large beasts, carrying a large amount of logistical supplies, slowly following the team.

And in the sky, what the hell are those guys riding the dragons in the Western fantasy

Several magic knights fell off their war horses, stood beside the three, holding shields and swords, and alerted the three.

At this time, the old man also closed the passage, stood in front of the three people, squinted his eyes, began to look at it, and opened his mouth, as if he was asking the knight boss what was going on.

After a while, a female knight in armor came over slowly on a horse.

A fake female knight, with a frivolous expression, with a lot of meaningless decorative parts, an idiot cold weapon with an amazing weight and no balance at all.

The protective area trails are covered in funny plastic armor with weak points all over the body, wearing revealing, useless armor blindly covered.

A real female knight, with a determined expression, a moderate weight, and a cold knight's sword with a slight identity pattern.

Sturdy and reliable, and very suitable for noble women's carved full-body armor, the armor's defense gaps are filled with chain mail.

Obviously this female knight belongs to the latter.

I saw the magic knights around them half-kneeled to the female knight and saluted. The old man also went up to meet them, pointed to the three Pan Rui and said, "His Royal Highness Margaret, these three human beings are the demon kings that Vahir and the others captured. Army."

Wahir held the hilt of his sword in both hands and reported: "Your Highness, these three should be pikemen, probably the lower level of the Demon King's army."


Margaret rode on the horse and looked at the three people.

Dressed in a green floral cloth and without armor, it does look like ordinary infantry soldiers with no combat experience and no defenses that the empire recruited from the civilian population.

To say that these three guys are pikemen, it seems to be the past.

It's just that Margaret didn't see where the spears were in their hands.

Holding the horse whip, he pointed at the three Pan Rui and asked Vasil, "Where are their weapons?"

Vasil stood up at this time, took the captured trophy 95 rifle from one of the magic knights beside him, and presented his hands to Margaret.

"This is their weapon, a very strangely shaped spear."

Jacobin walked over, gently picked up the rifle, injected a magic power into the rifle, and said, "I didn't feel any magic fluctuations, it should be an ordinary long gun."

After speaking, he handed it to Margaret, and after Margaret took it, she also started to play.

As a genius commander, a saint who pulled the civilian army and helped Norman seize the throne all the way, Margaret thought she had a certain understanding of weapons of war.

"A long spear with a strange shape, what is the strange thing that comes out of this long pole?"

Margaret touched the magazine and the grip, and thoughtfully, she couldn't understand the design ideas of those who made weapons in the Demon King's army. This design is a bit too inhumane, two insignificant protrusions.

And this long spear is a bit too short, almost the same length as a long sword.

What surprised Margaret was that the tip of the spear seemed to be no different from a dagger, and the craftsmen of the Demon King's Army could also be seen from the tip of the gun. Can't pick out any next time.

And what surprised Margaret even more was that this strange long gun, from the touch in the hand, guessed that it should be all made of a strange black steel.

Could it be that the Demon King’s army summoned by Demon Lord Yuffie is so rich that not only the entire spear, but even the two useless protrusions on the spear are made of steel

Vahir took a 95 from the hand of the other magic knight at this time, then held the grip, put his finger on the trigger, and aimed the muzzle with the bayonet aside.


The trigger was pulled, and the loud gunshot almost alarmed the horse under Margaret's crotch. Fortunately, it was a high-quality warhorse, and it only trembled slightly before it stabilized.

Margaret looked at Vahir with a look of surprise, while Jacobin held on to the warhorse and stared at him angrily.

Vasil also knew that he was reloaded to the queen, and immediately knelt down, in awe.

Margaret waved her hand, indicating that Jacobin was all right.

Then he slowly raised his hand and said, "Washier, I'm fine, you continue."

Vasil then stood up, imitating Pan Rui's three-person bayonet, and introduced: "Although the long spears of the Demon King's Army are very short, they have their own understanding of long spears.

The burst of fire and noise just now appeared from the round hole above the gun head.

This should be because they made a noise in order to deal with the cavalry, to frighten the cavalry's warhorse, so that the cavalry's warhorse lost control, thus killing the cavalry who fell off the warhorse. "

Saying that, Vasil looked at the magic knight who had been dismounted by Pan Rui and the three of them, and has not been able to find the magic knight he started, and said, "That unfortunate warhorse only heard the sudden sound and fire. Frightened and threw him off."

The smell of gunpowder came out from the muzzle of the rifle, piercing Jacobin's nose and frowning, but no magical aura could be detected from the long gun that released the fire and sound. The odd pikemen don't have any favors.

Margaret nodded slightly, although the design of this spear was a bit strange, but it was just a grip shot for making noise and fire, which was indeed a bit redundant.

In Margaret's view, it would be better to let the magicians who accompanied the army create magic to terrorize the animals.

Margaret glanced at Pan Rui and the others again, and she was curious about the helmets on their heads: "Take off their helmets and show me."


A magic knight took Xu Lin's helmet off his head, checked it a little, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, presented the helmet to Margaret.

The colorful helmet colors, and the completely different helmet styles on Aghanim Continent, look neither majestic nor safe.

She tapped the helmet lightly and made a "duo duo" sound, and Margaret slammed her mouth: "Strange material."

Neither steel nor any helmet she had ever seen.

Turning the helmet slightly, a stench of sweat came on her face. Margaret frowned, and then read a magic spell in her mouth. The stench of sweat in the helmet was immediately dispelled, replaced by a burst of Light fragrance.

Margaret handed the helmet to a follower beside her, then looked at the three Pan Rui and instructed: "Wahir, look at what else is on the three Demon King's army."


Whether in the Panda Empire, or the Avalon Empire and Furry Kingdom next door, soldiers always have something on their bodies to prove their identities.

Like the Panda Empire, soldiers have badges on their bodies.

If the soldiers unfortunately fell on the battlefield, the person who cleaned the battlefield could find the unit he originally belonged to based on the information on the soldier card.

Vasil walked over to Xu Lin, who had his helmet removed. It seemed that because Xu Lin looked too unflattering, Vasil also searched for him.

Xu Lin's hands were tied, and when Vasil was about to reach out and search around him, Xu Lin suddenly kicked his legs and struggled.

"Go away! Silly beep!"

Pretty down-to-earth swearing, not afraid of harmony at all after changing the word.

However, Vahir couldn't understand it, and went his own way and touched Xu Lin's body.

But when they touched it, the expressions of the three Xu Lin changed.

Seeing that Vasil directly took out a can-shaped object from Xu Lin's carrying device, the three immediately panicked: "Your uncle! That's a grenade! Put it down!!"

Vahir took a grenade and walked towards Margaret Hui to report: "Your Highness, I found this thing, and the three pikemen seem to be very nervous about this thing in front of them."

Margaret looked at the grenade in Vahir's hand and said unhurriedly, "Bring it to me and see."