Different World Development Manual

Chapter 48: Dragon Knight


In the Chiri training base, all participating troops have launched live ammunition supplies.

In a radar vehicle of an air defense force, hundreds of light spots suddenly appeared in the radar, which immediately made the radar personnel nervous.

"Report! UFOs found breaking into the airspace!!"

In the first-level combat state, the radar personnel immediately locked the suspected target on the aircraft of the northern power Lucia.

But logically speaking, Lucia and Huaxia have the same strategic goals and are natural allies. At this time, it is impossible for them to backstab Huaxia.

It's just that the blips that appear on the radar are indeed from the north.

Stealth fighter

The radar operator is not sure, after all, it was discovered after flying very close.

It's just that the flying speed of these light spots, how should I put it, is quite slow.

Rather than saying that these UFOs are flying, they are walking through the air, and modern fighter jets cannot fly so slowly.

However, the radar operator still reported the observed intelligence. After all, in a state of emergency, no situation can be ignored.

On the air defense unit's position, the soldiers methodically controlled their equipment, which was the first time they had ever dealt with actual combat.

The young soldiers were excited and eager to try, but they were the men who went to the battlefield.

After getting married and having children, I can still brag to my descendants: "Your father, I am a man who has been on the battlefield and killed the enemy."

"My Healing Game"

Under the control of the soldiers, the missile launcher on the missile car began to stand up, and one target appeared on the screen, and the soldiers reported.

"Target No. 1 is locked!"

"Target 2 is locked!"

"Target No. 3 is locked!"

"… "

The blips on the radar represent full of merit, and the commander of the air defense force can't wait to give the order: "Launch!"

"Pfft! Furfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfur..."

The anti-aircraft missiles shot out from the launcher immediately, puffing tail smoke, pulling white smoke, and soaring high into the sky.

The radar operator in the radar car was staring closely at the light spot on the radar. The group of unidentified stealth aircraft from the north seemed to be deliberately provoking the CPA, and humiliatingly reduced their flight speed to a minimum.

Humph, if that's the case, then you'll be eating missiles.

And where the spots of light on the radar were, a huge team of more than a hundred dragon knights was flying mightily in the air.

As the most elite troops of the Panda Empire, they were appointed by the Norman Emperor to Queen Margaret's army.

They firmly believe that with their powerful combat power and the genius command of Queen Margaret, even if their 100-strong dragon knights encounter the Demon King's army of tens of thousands of people, they can easily deal with them.

At this time, they were organized as a temporary reconnaissance unit in the air by Margaret.

Margaret will judge the strength of the entire Demon King's army based on the captured Demon King's army prisoners, and think that the coalition will further plan the next strategy of the Demon King's army.

Is it to send the army south and plunge into the depths of the abyss, or to rely on Alan's Shield and the Demon King's army to fight back.

The dragon knights are appreciating the vast distance below with great interest. The sky is vast and wild, and the wind blows and the grass sees cattle and sheep. They did not expect that they have been used as stealth aircraft by the air defense forces of the Chiri training base, and all missiles are used. locked.

The radar personnel of the air defense force did not take into account that the group of dragon knights were directly lifted from the ground after the sudden crossing of Huaxia, and they were wrongly judged to be stealth aircraft that invaded from the north.

A sharp-eyed dragon knight suddenly found that a large swathe of missiles appeared in the sky ahead, and they were flying towards him rapidly.

"what is that!?"

A dragon knight closed his eyes, covered the sun with one hand, looked at the large light spots, and immediately shouted: "It's magic! The magic attack of the Demon King's Army is coming!!"

Another dragon knight shouted: "Fare away!!"

However, the speed of the missile is extremely fast and it can lock on the target. Even if the dragon knights drive the flying dragon to make evasive actions, the missile will kill them in the blink of an eye and hit the dragon knight without any deviation.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A large group of fireballs exploded in the air, and the dragon knight and flying dragon under the explosion had no chance of being an idiot.

It was directly blown into pieces in the air, and the "crash" fell from the sky.

Those dragon knights who were lucky enough to escape the first wave of anti-aircraft missile interception looked at the sky that had turned into a sea of fire in shock. The dragon knights of about 100 people instantly removed one-third, and none of them survived.

This is the most elite troops of the empire, and even the Avalon Empire and the Furry Kingdom will be afraid of it. Even the Holy See will do its best to face the dragon knights.

Such a powerful existence, but under the magical offensive of the Demon King's army, it turned into a sea of fire and blood and disappeared into the air.

The remaining dragon knights suddenly panicked: "Damn, that is the catastrophe of the end, the Demon King's army has enough magic to crush our dragon knights, and we are not their opponents at all! Get out of here quickly!"

Not only the dragon knights fell into panic, but even the flying dragon under their crotch also shuddered as they watched their compatriots disappear instantly because of the explosion in front of them.

The dragon knight pulled the reins violently, and immediately drove the flying dragons to fly back quickly.

And how dare Feilong be stubborn at this time, even the most fierce Feilong does not dare to be reckless at this time.

The flying dragons who used to be as fierce as tigers immediately stood up like dogs, wailed "Ow", turned their heads, threw their buttocks, and flew back with the dragon knights on their backs.

It's just that their speed can't match the speed of the missiles after all, and the second wave of air defense missiles has also appeared in the field of vision of the Dragon Knights.

A dragon knight looked at the missiles that were flying fast from behind, and shouted heart-rendingly: "Demon! King! Army! Of! Magic! Law! Again! Come! Here!"

Despair, full of despair has been written on the faces of the dragon knights.

In less than ten seconds, the missile came up from behind and bit on the dragon's tail.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Another fireball exploded, and the remaining dragon knights in the sky were already less than 50, and fear had completely dominated them.

Crazy escape has become the instinct of them and their crotch mounts to survive at this time.

However, the anti-aircraft missiles would not spare any of them as long as they were still in the air.

They were judged to be invisible aircraft, and they firmly attracted the attention of the missiles. The more than 40 dragon knights had not escaped far before the third wave of missiles flew over again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After an explosion, the remnants of the people and the flying dragon flew sideways, leaving nothing but a faint smell of blood and explosives in the air.

The Blue Army Brigade Guang Shixin, who had just received the basic supplies of the emergency airlift, reported to the commander in the Chiri training base: "Our department found an ancient army with a size of 20,000 people in the north and requested to attack."

On the other side of Guang Shixin, there was an instruction from Shangfeng: "Ah, Shixin, the news that your old enemy's words and deeds just came from Jiangzhou, our country has traveled to another world.

Based on the information provided by words and deeds, the General Staff judged that this army should be located in the north of our country, an army of a different world indigenous country called Panda.

Now order your troops to quickly defeat the unit and capture the unit's commander. "
