Different World Development Manual

Chapter 49: One-eyed bird


"Defeat that unit?"

Guang Shixin rubbed his forehead. The picture taken by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft just now was facing an army in the age of cold weapons.

Even if it is an army from another world, it will be a magical army, but it is essentially an army of the cold weapon era, at most it is called the magic army of the cold weapon era.

Such an army, wanting to be defeated under the fire of CPA, feels that this is not only a test of the survivability of the imperial army, but also a huge test for patients with advanced firepower phobia like CPA.

Therefore, the long-range artillery fire coverage attack directly made Guang Shixin pass the pass. If this cannon goes on, I am afraid that the imperial army will be bombed into the sky by accident.

After hesitating for a moment, Guang Shixin decided to open his stance, set up the formation, and fight a face-to-face "war" according to the ancient army fighting method.

Refused to strike beyond the visual range, and displayed the powerful firepower of the CPA at close range in order to deter the Imperial Army and capture it.

"Report! The army and air forces participating in Chiri's exercise can provide support to us at any time, please instruct!"

Guang Shixin nodded, the Air Force would be fine. If they directly joined the battle, the Imperial Army would not be able to survive, but the Air Force's fighter planes could provide a lot of help to Guang Shixin.

As for the army aviation unit, Guang Shixin has already quickly thought of a deterrent operation plan for the integration of air and ground in his mind.

The order said: "Tell the troops of the Army Aviation and Air Force and let them wait for the order."


On the Imperial Army's side, Margaret was watching the drone reconnaissance plane being carried over by several dragon knights, put on the ground, wrapped in bandages and splinted.

Is this weird metal bump really a living thing

Margarita squinted her eyes and couldn't believe it: "Are you sure this is a monster from the Demon King's Army?"

A dragon knight patted his chest and assured himself confidently: "I have never seen anything that can fly in the sky by itself in addition to living things.

Your Highness, look, this big bird has no place for a mount on its back.

At the same time, when we captured it, we didn't sense any magic fluctuations to get in touch with it.

Although it is strange, even if its bird wings are accidentally bitten by the flying dragon without bleeding, we have come to the conclusion based on the above two points that it is the demon of the Demon King's army, and definitely not the magic equipment of the Demon King's army.

This is a magic bird with invisible blood. "

This dragon knight said it as if it was true, and said it righteously.

Jacobin walked to the unmanned reconnaissance drone, squatted down slowly, stretched out his hand and touched the iron bump, releasing a trace of magic power into the drone's body.

Then he frowned, looked at the dragon knights and Margaret, and shook his head: "I can't sense any vital signs."

The dragon knights argued and retorted: "But Your Excellency Jacobin, the priest has used healing to heal it with all his strength, maybe it just concealed its own life breath, when this guy was 'fighting' with us in the sky As it is, it must be alive."

As if to confirm the words of the dragon knight and prove that he is still alive, suddenly a "Zizzizi" sounded.

The sudden sound suddenly startled everyone around the drone.

After taking a closer look, I saw that the thing under the head of this strange big bird started to rotate, and the thing that looked like glass also rotated for a while, and then aimed straight at him.

Although the dragon knights have drawn their weapons to alert the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, the activities of the unmanned aerial vehicle also excited the dragon knights.

"His Royal Highness, that thing moved, it must be the big bird's head, I thought that the big lump above was the big bird's head."

Saying that, the dragon knight leaned over cautiously, poked the nose of the drone lightly with the tip of his sword, and then pointed to the camera that was just rotated below, speculating: "The body structure of this big bird is very strange. The one-eyed bird whose head grows under the body is still a one-eyed bird."

The dragon knights don't know any cameras. In their opinion, the part of the camera is the head of this big bird, and it has always been a one-eyed bird like the Cyclops.

This shape is very Demon King's Army.

Jacobin held the staff, squinted his eyes, and stared at the drone's camera.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you.

The operator who was far away in the drone operation car suddenly shouted: "Report! The drone has resumed connection and lost its ability to fly, but the camera function is normal, and the picture has been transmitted back."

"it is good!"

Apparently, Jacobin and the others didn't know that their every move was captured by the camera at close range and passed to Guang Shixin.

Everyone can confirm that the drone in front of them is the iron-type flying beast of the Demon King's Army.

Margaret nodded and instructed the Dragon Knight: "Lock up this beast first, and then find someone to transport it back to the empire.

Find a slightly looser chain and don't do a second damage to its wings. "


The big bird is Margaret's second catch, and it's not a small harvest.

It's just that the three spearmen of the Demon King's Army captured in front of her made Margaret a little surprised. Even though their combat effectiveness was so low, they were able to carry something so powerful on their bodies.

None of the nearby magic knights were spared from the fireball just now.

Looking at the two cylindrical objects in front of them, even Vahir, who was still in high spirits just now, was a little intimidated at this time. God knows when that object will turn into a fireball and engulf the people around him.

The spearmen, who seemed to be low in combat effectiveness, possessed such magical props, which made Margaret hesitate to deal with Pan Rui and the others.

In order not to delay the march to the south, Margaret arranged: "Take the three spearmen of the Demon King's army down first and detain them with the one-eyed bird."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

However, at this time, a figure staggered down from the sky, fell heavily on the ground, slid for a long distance, and finally stopped not far in front of Margaret.

When Margaret saw it, it was the dragon knight that she had left as a scout.

And this guy is covered in blood, one arm is gone, and the flying dragon under his crotch is also dying.

A burst of unease immediately shrouded Margaret's heart, and she hurriedly shouted: "Dragon Knight? Save people!"

Although Jacobin was neither a priest nor a priest, he knew a little about healing.

When he lifted his left hand, a space crack was torn open under the dragon knight who fell to the ground.

And the next second, on his right hand, a space crack appeared out of thin air.

The seriously injured dragon knight fell directly from the ground into the crack, and then fell from the crack to Jacobin's side.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of light in Jacobin's hand pressed directly on the Dragon Knight's body.

At this time, a priest also rushed over and began to release the healing technique to stabilize the injury for the dragon knight.

A minute later, the dying dragon knight was stopped from bleeding and rescued from the dead line. Jacobin frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

The dragon knight looked at Margaret and Jacobin in front of him, swallowed his saliva, showed a look of horror, tears and snot, and said in a panic: "No... no... nothing... Your Highness, Your Excellency Jacobin, we encountered a magical attack from the Demon King's Army, and no one even saw it, and the Dragon Knights were all gone... woo woo woo..."


Margaret and Jacobin looked shocked. Dragon knights were the elites of the empire. How long did it take to send them out? Except for the dozens of guards who stayed in the team, they were all gone

Margaret and Jacobin couldn't believe that the Demon King's army in the mouth of the dragon knight had unleashed powerful magic and directly eliminated the group of dragon knights

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Margaret and Jacobin looked at Pan Rui, Xu Lin, and Wu Xin, the three spearmen of the Demon King's army. They were puzzled by the huge contrast between their understanding and the experience of the Dragon Knight. .

These pikemen seem to be stronger than the imperial levies, and they are not too different from the regular army of the empire, but can they really defeat the dragon knights

Jacobin pondered: "Is it the titled magician of the Demon King's Army?"

The dragon knight shook his head: "I don't know. We didn't see anyone. We only knew that the other party seemed to have summoned the meteorite technique, and then we...were wiped out."


Jacobin was stunned, isn't the meteorite technique a large-scale ground attack magic

Could it be that there is a genius titled magician in the Demon King's army who can use the meteorite technique to deal with the dragon knights in the air

Thinking of this, Jacobin felt more and more likely.

Jacobin glanced at the dragon knight and asked, "What's your name?"

The dragon knight with a broken arm replied: "I... my name is Armstrong Inzhiping."

Jacobin nodded, and immediately arranged: "Take Armstrong to settle down for a rest first."

Just as the dragon knight named Yinzhiping was carried away, a light cavalry hurried back from a distance.

"Report, report, report, report, report!"

Margaret's heart skipped a beat, and she vaguely felt a bad premonition.

"what's the situation?"

"A large number of spearmen from the Demon King's Army and iron giants from the Demon King's Army were found on the hills ahead!"