Different World Development Manual

Chapter 50: untitled


"Report! The Imperial Army is already lined up 1km ahead!"

Guang Shixin stood next to the command car, holding a telescope, looking at the imperial army 1 km away, smashing his mouth: "I see."

Fighting against the magic army of the cold weapon era, even if Guang Shixin thinks from the opposite angle, it seems that there is no possibility of defeating the CPA.

Unless the army in front of you is an army of a high-magic world, at least the information obtained from the general staff shows that the world that Huaxia is currently in probably belongs to the middle-magic world.

There are strong people in this world who can "destroy the world", but more people are just ordinary people who are no different from people on earth.

If you want to capture the troop in front of you, it is naturally impossible to strike a wave beyond the line of sight and directly turn them into fertilizer.

Guang Shixin could only pretend, and let the soldiers set up an array, like the ancients, and played the confrontation between the two armies before the war.

In Guang Shixin's telescope, a female knight in ornate armor was holding the reins, riding a horse, and trotting in front of the imperial army array.

She waved her sword and opened her mouth to shout something at her army. She should be commanding the formation or boosting the morale of the entire army.

It looks a bit like "Braveheart" where Wallace rides a horse and shouts "freedom".

With that gorgeous armor, Guang Shixin could tell at a glance that the female knight should be the commander of this imperial army.

Looking at the beautiful decorations on the woman's armor and her fair skin, Guang Shixin had to think that this woman might be some noblewoman in the empire.

In Guang Shixin's impression, women of this era can still maintain such good care, are they not nobles or what

However, Guang Shixin was also somewhat interested in this empire that could appoint female nobles as commanders.

Looking at the guy behind the noblewoman, it was an old man in a robe and riding a horse.

The old man was holding a wooden staff in his hand. Judging from the setting of this new world, it should be a magician following the noblewoman.

I just don't know how strong this magician is. Is it the son of the plane who can summon meteorites? Or rub a small fireball similar to a combustion bottle

Guang Shixin is also quite a gentleman and is very patient. After waiting for about ten minutes, after the female nobles on the opposite side lined up the array, he ordered: "Everyone has it, listen to my orders and prepare to fight."

On the opposite side, the Imperial Army troops also began to move slowly.

The army of 10,000 people began to be listed as Founder, and marched slowly under the command of the female nobles.

At the very front of Fangzheng were imperial crossbowmen in standard armor. They held well-wound crossbows in their hands and marched forward with neat steps.

The archers stared at the Demon King's army in front of them, waiting for the commander's order. Once they entered the shooting range, they would pull the trigger and shoot the arrows in their hands towards the Demon King's army's position.

Immediately behind them were the Empire's pikemen, the serious pikemen, completely different from the false pikemen of the Demon King's army.

Tomato Novel Network

They looked serious. Once the Demon King's army charged them, they would take over the front crossbowmen and stand at the forefront, becoming the first city wall to block the Demon King's army.

It's just that those green steel behemoths that look cold are the only worries in their hearts.

As for the "pikemen" in green cloth armor of the Demon King's Army, judging from the weapons that the Magic Knights obtained from the captured Demon King's Army pikemen, their terribly short spears made no deterrent sounds except for the sound of no deterrent. Useless.

On the two wings of the Imperial Army, there were two square formations formed by civilians holding crude weapons.

When marching they acted as a logistical force, carrying the burden of the regular army.

When fighting, they also have to take up weapons and incorporate them into the battle sequence. As cannon fodder, they can resist the enemy's flank attack for the regular army.

But the only thing that makes them fortunate is that the commander of this battle is the queen of the Panda Empire, Her Royal Highness Margaret, the "Virgin of Panda".

Although she is no longer the orthodox saint conferred by the Holy See, in the empire and among the people, Margaret is still the holy daughter of the victorious, the saint of Panda.

The holy woman who brought the Norman Emperor to the throne with just a civilian army, no matter how much she calls them, these civilians will not have any complaints.

Because in their eyes, the Holy Maiden is the flag that will never be defeated.

As several female personal soldiers next to Queen Margaret raised the battle flag of the Holy Maiden high, the civilians on both wings suddenly boiled.

"It's the battle flag of the Holy Maiden!"

Margaret's reputation among the commoners was very high. Even the regular army of the Empire learned that the battle flag of the Holy Maiden was raised behind them, and when they heard the boiling voices of the civilians on the two wings, their morale also rose, and they shouted in unison: "Victory always belongs to you. Us! Victory will always belong to the Empire! Victory will always belong to the Saintess of Panda!"

Looking at the imposing imperial army in front of him, Jacobin rode to Margaret's side: "Your Highness, the morale of the army is on the rise."

Margaret nodded, her eyes still fixed on the Demon King's army lined up on the hill.

From the point of view of their formation, there is no pattern, and the commander is like a chick.

Those steel behemoths and those spearmen were actually mixed together, and I couldn't figure out what tactics the commander of the Demon King's Army was going to adopt to fight against him.

Are you planning to come up directly

Margaret wasn't quite sure whether the commander on the other side was stupid, at least for now, in her opinion, the man on the opposite side, who was known in China as "the flower of the army" and "the unparalleled fierce tiger", had no commanding ability. Arguably.

Margaret turned her head to look at Jacobin: "Your Excellency Jacobin, have you found the trace of the titled magician opposite?"

Although the level of the formation of troops on the opposite side was completely unimpressive to Margaret, the experience of the Flying Dragon Knights made Margaret lingering in fear.

No matter how weak the opponent is in the array, as long as there is a titled magician, the battle is not so easy to solve.

Jacobin shook his head helplessly: "I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I didn't see any figure suspected of being a titled magician from the Demon King's Army."

Margaret curled her lips. This is not good news. The Demon King's army on the opposite side obviously hid characters like the titled magician.

"Have the remaining dragon knights been arranged?"

Jacobin nodded: "It has been arranged. Once the titled magician is found in the position of the Demon King's army, the old minister will send them over and kill them as soon as possible."

Jacobin is indeed a big killer for Margaret. The space magician known as "Void Walker" is enough to add a lot of color to Margaret's army in maneuvering.

Once the titled magician of the Demon King's Army appears, he will be immediately attacked by the dragon knights.

Margaret took a deep breath, and then asked again, "Have the Knights of Magic and the Royal Magician been arranged?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, everything is being executed according to your battle plan."

Opposite the position, on the position of the Red Sun Blue Army Brigade, Guang Shixin took a telescope and looked at a team of hundreds of people behind the Imperial Army formation.

They are wearing robes and holding staffs, and they all look like they have great power.

Guang Shi rubbed his heart and murmured: "A magic army in another world? I don't know what role they will play in the battle, summoning a large-scale magic blow? Or rubbing small fireballs or something?"

However, Guang Shixin still instructed: "Order all ministries to pay attention, once the enemy Mage Legion releases powerful magic, immediately destroy it!"


Although he tried his best to capture the imperial army in front of him, if the opponent threatened his own troops, then Guang Shixin would not be polite.

Preemptive strike, Guang Shixin believes that his powerful hot weapon can destroy the magicians on the opposite side at the first time, unless they have something like a magic shield.

But even if there is, can 1m thick homogeneous steel be strong

The muzzles of several 99s have been aimed at the Royal Magic Corps following the phalanx. Once they have a change, they will greet them without a word.

At this time, a non-commissioned officer ran over: "Report! 200 cavalry found on the left wing!"


Guang Shixin hurriedly turned the telescope towards, but at 10 o'clock there was nothing, nothing but a vast grassland.

The non-commissioned officer had a report: "The stealth unit was detected by the pre-arranged thermal imager."

Guang Shixin grinned: "Oh, stealth unit, this world is a bit interesting."