Different World Development Manual

Chapter 51: Royal Magic Company


"Attention, cavalry, stealth units appear at 10 o'clock."

Guang Shixin's order has been issued, and the commander's voice is also heard in the channel. The soldiers on the left wing immediately turned on the thermal imager, and the figures of the 200 magic knights appeared in it impressively.

"Wait for orders to fire, be ready to aim, and don't reveal that we've spotted them."

On the side of the Imperial Army, Margaret followed closely behind the central army. Seeing that the Demon King's army on the opposite side was motionless, and there was nothing unusual, she breathed a sigh of relief: "They didn't find the soldiers of the Magic Knights. ."

Behind Margaret, there is also a mixed cavalry unit, consisting of 1,000 heavy cavalry and 2,000 light cavalry, this is the true backbone of the army.

The crossbowmen and spearmen can only be regarded as the existences that attract the attention of the Demon King's army, and the real murderous intention is on Margaret's side.

After the troops marched for about 10 minutes, the crossbowmen phalanx stopped more than 400 meters away from the cpa position.

The pikemen who fell 10 meters behind also stopped and began to spread out to both sides. Once the green behemoth of the hill pack rushes down, they will go up and buy time for the crossbowmen in front to retreat and widen the distance. .

At the same time, the contingent of civilians on both wings also stopped.

They don't have much formation to speak of, holding simple weapons and under the command of imperial officers, it is not bad to maintain a passable phalanx.

The battle flag of the Holy Maiden fluttered high, facing the Demon King's army, although the people felt a little fear, but they believed that their Holy Maiden could lead them to win any war.

Margaret led the cavalry to follow 50 meters behind the phalanx of the pikemen. This distance was enough to ensure that the crossbowmen would disperse when they retreated, so that the cavalry would not collide with the retreating crossbowmen when they charged.

Margaret glanced at the crossbowmen phalanx, and then ordered: "Raise the flag!"

The female knight beside him shouted, "Raise the flag!"

A huge red knight was erected by several female personal soldiers, and the big banner fluttered in the wind, making a "huhu" sound on the land of Chiri.

The commander of the crossbow phalanx saw the signal flag raised from the rear, and quickly shouted: "Reload! Reload! Prepare to shoot!"

The Imperial soldiers in the crossbow phalanx began to bend down and "crunchly" pulled the crossbow strings.

“Da da da da…”

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Pfft! Pfft!"

In an instant, a spot of light flashed over the Demon King's army's position, and blood rose from the crossbowmen who were still carrying their bows and arrows.

The tragic arm was broken on the spot, as if it was torn apart by some powerful tearing magic.

There are even more unlucky imperial soldiers, whose heads blossomed on the spot, and the brains of Bai Huahua splashed out in an instant.


"Help me!!!"

"Ah, my hand!!!"

"My leg is broken! Come and save me!!"

The crossbowmen fell to the ground in a mess, with blood all over the place. There were screams everywhere, and it was heartbreaking. Even Margaret, who was standing 70 meters behind, was stunned.

The 2,000 crossbowmen were instantly wiped out by the Demon King's army.

The morale of the remaining ordinary crossbow soldiers collapsed on the spot, throwing away the bow and crossbow in their hands, holding their heads, turning around and running back.

Under the powerful magic attack of the Demon King's army, the crossbowmen phalanx collapsed.

Margaret was also terrified when she saw that the strange light from the spears in the hands of the pikemen on the hills in the distance made the imperial soldiers in the crossbowmen phalanx fall in pieces like reaping wheat.

The people just now thought it was a bit ridiculous, except for making noises and intimidating animals, the short spear that had no effect, actually released such a powerful magic at this time.

Margaret didn't know what kind of magic this was from the Demon King's Army, but under the formation of the Demon King's army's spearmen, the spear released a magical power that was enough to wipe out the Imperial phalanx.

This completely disrupted Margaret's battle deployment. In her imagination, after the crossbowmen fired a wave of arrows, the opposite pikemen and steel behemoths would rush down.

As for the rest, leave it to the pikemen of the empire and the civilians on the two flanks, and finally lead the cavalry to launch an assault should be able to solve the battle.

But all of this was completely different from the battle he knew.

The steel behemoth of the Demon King's Army did not charge him, but it should have been the lowest-level spearmen of the Demon King's Army, but they formed a magic array.

In such a battle, even the pikemen of the central army and the civilians on the two wings were greatly deterred, so that the phalanx of the civilians on the two wings was shaken.

Even though Margaret caught the strangeness of the civilians, after a while of thinking, the phalanx of the crossbowmen was less than one-third, and Margaret immediately ordered: "The whole army assault!!!"

"Lonely Step into a Fairy"

The civilians cannot be allowed to flee at this time, otherwise it will only affect the morale of the entire army.

With an order, another signal flag was raised. Under the restraint and command of the imperial officers, the civilians on both flanks burst into anger and charged towards the Demon King's army with their weapons.

At the same time, the imperial pikemen in the middle army also took their steps, passed through the collapsed crossbowmen phalanx, and rushed towards the hill where the Demon King's army was.

"Your Excellency Jacobin, let the Royal Magic Corps attack and cover the attack!!"

"As ordered."

The royal magic troupe that fell behind suddenly divided into arrays, began to form arrays, and chanted loudly.

An array of magic began to be prepared in their hands, and the magic elements on the entire battlefield became violent.

"Report! Several square formations in the rear of the Imperial Army that are suspected to be the Magic Legion may be preparing large-scale magic!"

Guang Shi was very determined, he didn't want any possible magic to threaten the CPA, and immediately ordered: "Fire!"

Several 99's 125 guns were aimed at the direction of the Royal Magic Corps long before the war, in order to prevent the suspected magicians from releasing magic.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the sound of artillery shelling, Margaret, who led the charge, saw the long-nosed steel behemoth spew out a group of flames.

"call out!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the blink of an eye, huge fireballs exploded from the position of the Royal Magic Corps behind them, engulfing the magicians in an instant.

The explosion of the fireball made the whole earth tremble, as if the end of the world.

Margaret turned her head back in horror and looked at the Royal Magic Corps, which had disappeared behind her. It was one of the elite troops of the empire. In such an instant, there was nothing left

However, at this moment, a female knight of the personal soldier looked at the sky and cheered: "His Royal Highness! It's meteorite!"

I saw that in the originally empty sky, boulders condensed out of thin air.

The originally bare stone "Peng" suddenly ignited in the air, and fell to the cpa position that was facing straight down.


Margaret turned her head in surprise and looked at Jacobin not far away.

It seems to be an inherent sense of crisis. At the moment when the long-nosed steel behemoths of the Demon King's Army roared, Jacobin subconsciously used space magic to move the mages of an array of royal magic groups to the flank.

It was this divine move that led to the only 10 magicians in the Royal Magic Corps, who survived the bombardment of 99 and successfully summoned the meteorite technique.

It's just that the power of this meteorite technique is not too great. If all the 200 members of the entire Royal Magic Corps are successfully activated, Jacobin thinks that the Demon King's army in front of him can't resist.

Guang Shixin also looked up at the dozens of falling meteorites at an altitude of 1,000 meters. They did not come from outer space, but were created out of thin air.

The speed of the free fall of the object, more than ten seconds, is enough!

Guang Shixin shouted: "Defense! Air!"