Different World Development Manual

Chapter 53: Coercion


Two legs, four hooves, and trying to outperform tracks and tires would be completely out of the question.

Tanks and infantry chariots began to start "wuwuwu", closely following the rout of the imperial army.

Guang Shixin was not in a hurry to block their way, nor was he in a hurry to push them directly to catch them.

In this way, he fell behind the retreating troops of the Imperial Army, and ran after them until they exhausted their strength in panic, and the cpa slowly gathered them.

"Damn it! The steel giant behind him is catching up!!"

"Ha...ha...Everyone, run!"

"Those monsters breathe fire with their long noses, and they can easily destroy the monsters of the Royal Magic Corps!"

"You can't let them push them, they'll be eaten!!"

The imperial soldiers tried their best to escape, as if they had fallen into hell. Imperial elites like the Royal Magic Corps had nothing to do in front of those monsters except to summon a pitiful meteorite technique.

Such terrifying steel beasts, in their opinion, are not their opponents at all, except for those titled magicians of the empire to join forces.

Fortunately, those giant beasts didn't run very fast and couldn't catch up with them.

At this time, some imperial soldiers also began to disperse to the two wings, trying to shake off the fleeing army and escape alone.

However, those steel monsters with strange wheels on their abdomens also followed, and the pikemen of the Demon King's Army were riding on them, and the strange steel staff in their hands also followed.

At this time, the soldiers of the Imperial Army no longer thought those strange things were spears. The previous understanding of the Demon King's Army was completely wrong. They were not so-called spearmen at all, but the melee magic that the Demon King's Army liked to play in melee combat. The magic wand of the teachers.

In the empire, melee magicians are not uncommon. As one of the elite legions of the empire, the adults of the Magic Knights are the so-called melee magicians.

They have powerful martial arts, and at the same time they have learned powerful magic. They are equipped with excellent equipment and war horses. The combination of martial arts and magic makes them the most dazzling existence in the imperial army.

The melee mages of the Demon King's army on both wings flanked on the steel beasts with 4 wheels on their abdomens. Using their wands, they immediately used magic to build a death blockade in front of the imperial soldiers fleeing to the wings.

“Da da da da da da…”

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

A tug at the soil was agitated, forcing them to retreat again and join the army that was escaping forward.

"Hush hush hush hush hush hhhhhh..."

At this time, the low-altitude steel bird made a huge roar and swept through the air. In a few minutes, at least three waves of the steel bird had been seen.

The Imperial Army soldier swallowed: "Big bird! Big bird in the sky!!"

"Damn, there are so many big birds in the Demon King's army!!"

Although I don't know the size of Big Bird's combat power, just hearing the strange roar from Big Bird is enough to be comparable to the dragon's roar, making the soldiers of the Imperial Army shudder.

Such a big bird must be very strong in combat.

What they didn't know was that in order to create the effect of a large number of j11s, Guang Shixin deliberately divided the j11 formation into several echelons and flew back and forth over the fleeing army, in order to use the j11 to deter the soldiers of the fighter empire who had never seen them before. .

In the high sky below the big bird, the "humming" sound of "dragon roar" also rang out.

A group of unseen steel beasts flew over from the back of the Demon King's army. Although they were different in shape from the big birds in the sky, they also had a pair of small wings, like chicks.

It's just that they fly in the air, and like big birds, they don't flap their wings.

I don't know why, but I always felt that something was spinning on the heads and long tails of those black chicks.

And in their "sun"-shaped eyes, there were actually two humans sitting.

"That's the beast trainer of the Demon King's Army!!

They manipulated the black chicks, and they caught up with them parasitic in the chicks' eyes! "

"Damn, run away everyone!!"

Those black chicks must be the cubs of those big birds in the sky. The evil Demon King's Beast Trainer treated them so cruelly, parasitic in their eyes, even the most evil group on Aghanim Continent. A wizard can't be so cruel.

I don't know if the long tube under the black chick's head is its nose or what, "chuchu" sneezing with fire, and the ground around the imperial army also exploded with "boom boom". come mud.

"This is definitely an advanced monster!!!"

The soldiers of the Imperial Army were frightened by the j11 and wz10 in the sky, and behind them and to the left and right were steel monsters hunting like wolves.

Under the attack of these demon king army's monsters, the psychological defense line of the imperial army quickly collapsed.


Behind Guang Shixin, in the artillery position of the Chiri training base, with the commander's order, a dozen 152 howitzers suddenly roared into the sky.

This is a serious actual combat. Although the opponent is only the pitiful cold weapon magic army of another world, this is enough to make the artillerymen feel excited, and they all look at the sky where the cannonballs fly, looking forward to the commander's order to come to the first place. Second wave of bombardment.

"Report! The shelling is complete! Request a second round of shelling!"

The artillery commander scratched his head: "Save it, let's help the Blue Army brigade to show off, don't waste too much artillery shells, although we are rich now, but the tradition of saving can't be lost.


The above just let us do one round of salvos, it didn't let us do extra things.

Let everyone stand by first and wait for the next instruction. "


It can be said that the target of the CPA artillery is quite accurate. With a roar from somewhere and a scream in the sky, the soldiers of the Imperial Army saw a place about 1 km ahead, and a group of fireballs exploded. , the whole ground also trembled, and the ground shook.

The retreat in front was completely blocked by the artillery fire of the CPA, which also became the last straw to crush the soldiers of the Imperial Army, and the psychological defense line completely collapsed.

Coupled with the above, he had saved enough energy to escape, and at this time, his physical strength was exhausted.

The soldiers of the Imperial Army were exhausted and fell to the ground one after another.

I wanted to get up again, but I lost the strength.

The surrender draft from Jiangzhou was also passed over. Guan Fei asked An Rui to record a surrender call in the official language of the empire.

The z20 was equipped with fully-armed CPA soldiers, and a large loudspeaker hung below it, playing An Rui's exhortation draft in imperial language.

"Soldiers of the Panda Empire, this is the Chinese People's Army. You have already invaded the territory of the Chinese Republic, put down your weapons, and surrender immediately. You have no choice! Repeat, the soldiers of the Panda Empire, this is..."

Imperial language

The literate soldiers and officers of the Imperial Army have already heard it. This is the official language of the Empire. There are many ethnic groups in the huge empire, and they have their own languages.

Of course, in order to be able to rule efficiently, at the beginning of the establishment of the Panda Empire, the official language of the empire was established based on the mother tongue of the majority of the population of the Panda Empire.

With the release of the official language of the Empire's persuasion, the soldiers of the Empire completely gave up the idea of running away.

They figured it out, this group of Demon Kings didn't catch up with them at all, but kept falling behind them and playing with them.

If the Demon King's Army is willing, the Imperial soldiers believe that with their powerful strength, they can eat this group of Imperial Army effortlessly.

However, they did not, and they chose to persuade them to surrender.

The familiar imperial language suddenly stopped the imperial soldiers and fell to the ground, or sat on the ground, panting, and no longer wanted to move.

Running for a long distance, the whole body seems to fall apart.

I saw the melee soldiers of the Demon King's Army pulled out from behind the steel behemoth's buttocks, holding their staff capable of melee combat, fiercely shouting words they couldn't understand, and scolding them.

Although I didn't understand it, the imperial army had done that posture before, and it was no different from scolding the prisoners when they were cleaning the battlefield.

The soldiers of the empire were also simply, obediently following the most formal surrender ceremony of the empire, and came to a seat to the soldiers of the cpa.

"Fog grass!"

The cpa soldiers who accepted the surrender shouted, this feeling is the same as the prisoners of war in Japan and the country.

The soldier who received the captive held down his restless right hand and murmured again and again: "Control it, control it, you have to control the ducks you send, don't give them to Tutu."

The loud trumpet in the sky made Jacobin frown, and the strange steel beast on his head had already flown over: "Sound range magic!?"

I saw that in the belly of the monster, there were still several men in green from the Demon King's Army holding a steel rod towards him, getting closer and closer to him.

Margaret shook her head: "I don't know."

But one thing is certain: "That voice is a bit familiar, a bit... a bit like the hero An Rui."

"An Rui!?"

Jacobin's eyelids jumped suddenly, and he recalled the three prisoners of the Demon King's army that he had just captured. Their appearances were almost identical to Aghanim's hero An Rui.

"Your Highness! Come with me!"

A space crack opened, and Jacobin took Margaret directly into the teleportation channel.

The soldier on the z20 exclaimed: "I'm going, that old man knows magic, teleportation channel!!

Report! The target person disappeared! "