Different World Development Manual

Chapter 56: North of the desert


Chiri training base, an aviation unit.

The pilot Liu Li held his helmet excitedly, leaned over to Li Zihui and said, "Brother Hui, the reconnaissance mission is also, I will be your wingman."

Li Zihui didn't think it was such an easy thing.

The exercise was abruptly terminated, and the troops started the first-level battle preparations. At the same time, a group of troops from other worlds broke into the exercise field, which made Li Zihui, a guy who took everything seriously, not at all curious about it. The mind is in it.

According to the news from above, Mobei Kingdom and Lucia Kingdom in the north have disappeared, and now there is an unknown land in the north of the Republic.

And the entire base has been informed that the country has crossed.

It is the country that has crossed into another world, not the other world has crossed into modern times.

The officers and soldiers of the entire base from top to bottom all fell into a kind of enthusiasm for the future expansion of the territory.

In their opinion, powerful modern weapons and Huaxia's entire industrial system are enough for Huaxia to develop in this brand new land.

The new world means large tracts of new land, which also means a lot of untapped resources.

The imperial army that appeared on the training ground was also considered by the participating officers and soldiers to be the average military level of the countries in this world.

After all, no matter how huge the world is, those who should communicate will still communicate. There are no two continents, or there is a huge gap in technological development between two countries that are thousands of miles apart.

So for Huaxia, this is a piece of virgin land that was given to them by the gods and was completely unindustrialized.

The Red Sun's Air Force did not ask to actually participate in this completely unequal battle, and they did not know how the battle between the professional Blue Army brigade and the Imperial Army was going.

Following the above request that Li Zihui go north as the reconnaissance force, a message from above also passed down.

According to the observatory's speculation, the earth under his feet is not spherical, but a pure plane.

The satellite that passed through should have stayed on the earth, and it is not known whether this so-called flat world can continue to launch satellites.

As for the moon and the sun, the gossip that Li Zihui heard was said to revolve around this flat world.

A flat earth world that is completely different from the earth, but has almost the same parameters as the earth, which makes Li Zihui feel quite abnormal.

Therefore, as Liu Li was eager to try the investigation mission, Li Zihui urged, "Don't be careless, we are now in a completely unknown different world, a flat-terrestrial world."

Liu Li nodded, smiled and put on his helmet: "I know, Brother Gray."

Li Zihui patted Liu Li's helmet and smiled: "Boarding."

Liu Li saluted, "Understood!"

Li Zihui also returned a salute, and then each boarded his own car.

With the hatch closed, Li Zihui began to check the various instruments in the cockpit, and the ground crew also rushed over to help with the final inspection.

"Ailerons are normal!"

Li Zihui said while making a "normal" gesture to the outside.

One of the two ground staff recorded it on the electronic board, the other confirmed it again, and then returned a gesture to let Li Zihui carry out the next inspection.

"The tail is normal!"

"The landing gear is normal!"

"The engine is normal!"

"The fire control system is normal!"

"… "

"The auxiliary fuel tank is connected normally!"

"The reconnaissance pod is connected normally!"

After all inspections were completed, the ground crew began to guide Li Zihui's fighter jets into the takeoff runway.

Li Zihui looked at it, and beside him, Liu Li's fighter plane also slowly drove out of the hangar.

I saw Liu Li squinted and smiled at Li Zihui, and Li Zihui also nodded.

"Channel establishment."

As soon as the voice was broadcast, Liu Li's voice came from the channel: "Brother Gray, your wingman is in place, please advise."

Li Zihui nodded: "Get ready to take off and wait for the order."


As the two-plane formation that ran to the previous team flew into the sky and headed north, the tower's order was also passed to the channel of the two at this time.

"05 reconnaissance team, enter and run, ready to take off."

"The 05 reconnaissance team received it, and No. 1 is ready."

"No. 2 received, No. 2 is ready."

"The 05 reconnaissance team strikes, I wish you good luck!"

Li Zihui and Liu Li pushed down the afterburner at the same time, and two long flames erupted from the tails of the two fighter jets. The two j11s skidded on the runway for a while, jumped sharply, and rose into the sky toward the sky. flew up.

As the border province of northern Xinjiang, Monan Province is close to Mobei Kingdom.

Driving a fighter jet north from Chiri, it won't take long to fly out of the country.

However, what appeared in the eyes of the two at this time was not the desolate grass (huang) plain of Mobei Kingdom, but a lush forest.

From south to north, from west to east, it is almost endless.

As the wingman of this operation, Liu Li's main task is to protect the leader of the reconnaissance mission from being threatened, so he did not carry equipment such as reconnaissance pods.

Liu Li can be regarded as a tourist. Looking at the dense jungle below, he excitedly shouted on the channel: "My God, Mobei is now a jungle! Ha, the north finally doesn't have to suffer from the sandstorm from Mobei. influence!"

Liu Li screamed excitedly like a child, while Li Zihui next to him was not as excited as he was. He was observing the reconnaissance pod, which recorded the data that flew over this way.

After flying out of Monan Province, the terrain here in Mobei has changed significantly.

The original Mobei Plateau has disappeared. As the terrain from the south to the north began to show a downward trend, the Mobei that appeared in front of Li Zihui has become a plain, a plain full of towering trees.

In the picture captured by the reconnaissance pod camera, a few playful rivers can be vaguely seen, interspersed in this forest, as cute as playing hide-and-seek with the fighter jets in the sky.

As the fighter planes continued to head north, many unseen beasts appeared in the Li Zihui screen.

They are the little elves in this forest, cute and funny.

They are chewing the grass and enjoying their peaceful life.

Perhaps it was the whistling sound of the low-flying fighter planes in the sky, which frightened them, and they jumped up and down in the forest.

Looking around, almost the entire area below is full of forests, and there is no end in sight.

Li Zihui swallowed his saliva, what this forest portends is self-evident.

Forests, plains, animals, streams, north of Mobei, this is a fertile land given to China by God.

I remember the news I got, there should be an empire called Panda in the north.

If this land is the empire, the top officials of China must use the imperial army to invade the territory of China to bring this fertile land and open up a new world for the children and grandchildren of China.

Li Zihui thinks so, of course, he also believes that the top management will definitely have similar plans.

At least this high-quality land, no one will give up.

What's more, in this vast forest, Li Zihui did not see the existence of any towns and villages, nor did he see the traces of human activities. Could this be an endless land without owners

However, at this moment, Liu Li next to him shouted: "Brother Gray! The radar is responding! There is something ahead!!"

Li Zihui looked at the radar, and was surprised to find that a light spot suddenly flashed 3 kilometers ahead, as if it appeared out of thin air.


At the same time, a huge roar crashed from the front, even the two people sitting in the cockpit could hear it clearly.

The pilot's vision was excellent, and he saw a green behemoth slowly flying up from the forest below, hanging in the air, staring at the two of them.

Liu Li shouted: "I'm going, it's a dragon! A giant dragon!! A green dragon!!"