Different World Development Manual

Chapter 59: frontier


Li Zihui and Liu Li obviously didn't know that they were hated by a cute little loli.

After the two went north for more than 1,000 kilometers, Li Zihui immediately noticed that something was different in front of him, and saw a tall city wall that stretched out in front of him.

Liu Li exclaimed: "The Great Wall!!? The Great Wall of Another World!!?"

Li Zihui was also very surprised, and immediately checked the reconnaissance pod. It took off from Chiri and headed north. It has been 1230 kilometers here, almost reaching the combat radius of J11.

The camera on the reconnaissance pod was aimed at the city wall in front, and kept zooming in on the picture. What appeared in Li Zihui's eyes was no longer a simple city wall like the Great Wall.

Instead, through AI calculation, the height of the human soldiers stationed on the city wall was used as a reference, and the height of the endless city wall was immediately displayed on the screen.

Height 15-20 meters, width 5-10 meters.

Li Zihui stared at the data on the screen and reported it: "20 meters high? Can you tell me how this city wall was built?"

Even if it is the Great Wall of China, the average height is only 7.8 meters, and some sections are as high as 14 meters.

The Great Wall, that is, only Huaxia, can create such a magnificent facility.

However, the boundless and tall city wall in front of him made Li Zihui suddenly horrified. What kind of powerful existence is the country that built it behind the city wall

Looking at the height of the city wall, looking at the thickness of the city wall, Liu Li wondered: "This... this city wall was built to resist what!!?"

Liu Li said to himself, "Isn't it to resist the Titans?"

Even the giant dragon has come out, will the Titan still be far away? Liu Li thought so.

Li Zihui immediately sent back the detected information: "Bird's Nest, Bird's Nest, this is the 05 reconnaissance team, 1230 kilometers north of the base, and found an alien version of the Great Wall! The wall is 20 meters high! The wall is 10 meters wide!"

There are many weapons on the city wall standing high on the mainland, and magic spar is placed in each watchtower for the fastest transmission of information.

This line extends from the furry kingdom in the eastern part of the northern continent of Aghanim to the territory of the Holy See state in the western part of the northern continent, spanning almost the entire northern continent of Aghanim.

It has passed through a large beast ear kingdom and two human empires, as well as a number of small countries in the southeast of the Holy See state.

On this great city wall, the soldiers of the countries from the north are stationed.

Standing on the city wall, they looked out into the abyss to the south, guarding against the massive invasion of the Demon King's army every 300 years.

This great city wall is a great miracle built more than 1,700 years ago by Tomir Alan, the great emperor of the north of Aghanim, who spent hundreds of years to protect his descendants from the army of the Demon King.

This city wall, called "Alan's Shield", became the strongest line of defense for Aghanim's northern coalition and the Demon King's army to fight.

Watch the Great Wall.

The soldiers of the Panda Empire stood on the city wall, looking at the two big birds that suddenly appeared in the sky, and shouted: "Urgent report! Emergency report! The big bird of the Demon King's Army has appeared!!"

"Quick! Send the information back to the imperial capital!"

General Michelle walked out of the barracks on the city wall, looked at the big bird roaring from the sky with a worried expression, and whispered: "I hope Her Royal Highness and the others are safe and sound."

Immediately after that, he ordered: "Send order! Immediately activate the magic crystal and notify the rear Griffin Knights to scramble into the sky! Intercept those two big birds!"

After speaking, he fell into silence again: "I hope the Griffin Knights can fly to that height and catch up with them."

Not long after the fog dissipated, there was a border defense force in Tubo Province, the highest altitude in China.

The soldiers stood on the edge of the Yajiang River, looking at the boundless sea below, with the cry of Wang Defa in their hearts.

"Report! This is the border defense detachment 23074, and the Tianzhu Kingdom in the south of Tubo Province has disappeared! All... become the sea!"

However, this is not the most surprising place for the border guards. The Yajiang River, the longest plateau river in China, runs through the territory of Tubo Province and is also one of the highest rivers in the world. The sound, like a wild beast getting a new life, is shouting.

"Report! Yajiang... Yajiang has become a waterfall!"

In the south of Tubo Province, there are many sections that directly form tall cliffs with a vertical drop of thousands of meters.

Where Yajiang passed, it became a cliff several kilometers high.

Soon after, a modern poet, Li Heiyun, traveled here. Facing the magnificent new scenic spot formed after crossing, he immediately wrote a poem:

"Wangya River Waterfall"

Hua Li Hei

Rizhao Yajiang produces purple smoke, and the waterfall hangs before the river.

Flying down nine thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling into the sky.

Northeast China, Dongdan Province.

The frontier guards watched as they crossed the Heihe River in their kayaks, looked at the tropical forest north of the Heihe River, rubbed their eyes, and felt an unreal feeling.

I looked back at the subarctic trees in the south of the Yangtze River, as well as the famous border city.

He patted his cheek and felt a little pain, but there was no hallucination in front of him.

"Report! This is the border defense detachment 53346, and the small border town of Lucia to the north of Heijiang has disappeared.

In addition, there is a tropical jungle in the north of Jiangbei, please instruct! "


A few strange monkeys stood in front of the vines in the woods, looking curiously at this group of humans in khaki clothes, and it was a group of strange guys.

Northwest China, Yili Province.

"Fog grass! What are you kidding!!?"

"I crossed?"

After the fog dissipated, the road leading to the neighboring country seemed to have been chopped off by something, and was directly cut off at the border.

And the road on the other side of the neighboring country also disappeared.

But what surprised the border guards was not the disappearance of the road, but the desolate neighboring country turned into a forest.

On this side of the border, it is still unbearably hot in summer.

And when you stretch out your feet, cross the border, and step on the opposite land.

With a "crunch", the military boots stepped directly into the thick snowdrift.

On the other side of the border, there is indeed a winter world with frigid winds and snowflakes.

Several border guards tightened their rifles, stood on the snow on this side of the border, surrounded by the surrounding tundra forests, held the snow-covered pine trees, stretched out their hands, and then the snowflakes fell from the sky. , swallowed and said, "It's not true, is it?"

Another soldier bent down, picked up a handful of snow, stretched out his tongue and licked it, that cold feeling: "It's snow, it's really snow."

Peeling through the snow below, I saw a crushed grass buried deep there.

The soldiers said excitedly: "Oh my God, it turned out to be grass!"

After asking a question, a fragrant smell of grass pressed by the snow suddenly penetrated into the nostrils.


With a roar, a 10-meter-high white giant bear suddenly jumped out of the forest.

"Watch out for beasts!"

"Fuck, this isn't an animal of the earth, is it!?"

At the same time, another soldier reported: "Report! This is the border defense detachment 22346, and a boreal forest has appeared in the western part of Erie Province! In addition, we encountered a 10-meter-high giant beast, please instruct!"

South China, South Central Province.

The border guards at the Friendship Bridge stared blankly at the opposite side. The small town that originally stood there has disappeared, replaced by a dense jungle.

"Fairy Wood"

The border guards swallowed and leaned cautiously towards the half-broken Friendship Bridge.

On the other side of the broken friendship bridge, there is a towering tree with a diameter of 6 or 7 meters. The roots of the tree are connected to the broken friendship bridge, which almost becomes a brand new friendship bridge.

Looking around, in the dense jungle, there are all kinds of trees as tall as buildings.

On the branches, those little animals that have never been seen jumped up and down, gathered in a pile, held unseen fruits, and looked at the soldiers on the Friendship Bridge curiously.

"Report! This is the border defense detachment 77500. The city in the southern part of Nanzhong Province has disappeared, and a huge forest has appeared. Please ask for instructions!"


At this moment, the sound of branches swaying and leaves rattling suddenly aroused the alertness of the border guards.


When everyone looked for the voice and looked up, they suddenly found that the towering tree in front of them was bending slightly, staring at them with a smile on their faces.

The branches of the big tree are like countless hands, grabbing towards the bottom.

"Fuck, this tree is alive!"

"Get out of here and go back to the Friendship Bridge!!"