Different World Development Manual

Chapter 60: The curve saves the nation


Scarlett Continent.

A young man with short blond hair was dressed in casual clothes of Earthlings, standing on a watchtower, wearing a pair of sunglasses from the army called Mi Jun hanging on the bridge of his nose.

He is the hero of the Scadi Continent, Mickey.

With the Demon King's army carrying the Stars and Stripes, killing the Demon King and becoming independent from the Demon King's command, they have been invading the Scarti Continent with great fanfare for half a month.

The countries of the mainland have fallen, and the group of rice troops are unscrupulously looting the resources of the countries and serving as their own military supplies.

The Scarlett Continent is facing an unprecedented crisis at this time. The previous experience of dealing with the Demon King's army handed down from the ancestors has all failed in front of this strange and powerful Demon King's army.

They can't do magic, they can't curse, they can't even do the simplest of grudges.

But they have powerful weapons, extremely hard steel machines, all invincible.

The almost invincible tank in the land battle, the fighter jet whizzing through the sky, and the warship running unhindered on the sea.

The thing called a gun in their hands can kill almost any creature on the Scarti Continent in an instant. Even a brave man like him died thousands of times when facing that gun.

Their bombardment was like the wrath of the gods, and the sky was torn apart, causing the whole earth to tremble. No one, no force could stop their progress.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

In the sky, the bombing formations of several B52 bombers flew overhead without any escort beside them. This was the Demon King's contempt for the Scarti Continental coalition. Nothing in the coalition could fly to such a height.

Even if there is, it was defeated in the previous battle.

Those b52s are like the wrath of the gods, the gods are punished, and countless bombs run down from the cabin of the b52, densely packed.

And in the distant position, those Sijiadi Continental Allied Forces, who were ready to fight to the death with this Demon King Army called the Mi Army, were wiped out in the repeated bombings of B52.

This was a one-sided slaughter. As the bombs fell to the ground, huge fireballs hoisted the flag high, and the ruthless devourer Scarti Continental Allied Forces died.

"Is this called carpet bombing?"

Mickey pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, watching the bombardment spreading towards him, pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and muttered: "I can't fight Mi Jun head-on, I have to find a way."

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the b52 flying overhead, the carpet bombing also blew directly to the watchtower from a distance. The little friend of Mickey, the Scarlett warrior, has already fled, but he was facing this fierce bombing, but he did not move. Standing there, watching the last scene before his death.


With an explosion, the 5-story watchtower built with magic stones collapsed.

And Mickey's body was also blown to pieces and flew high.

Mickey's head turned in the air, his eyes staring silently at the Scadi Continental Allied Forces, who had been bombed and completely unable to take care of themselves.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart and lost again.

As Mickey's eyes gradually closed, his ears could no longer hear the explosions from the bombing of the American bombers.

"Your Majesty, the fog has dissipated!"

Hearing someone calling his name in his ear, Mickey slowly opened his eyes, and the time went back to when the fog that summoned the Demon King's army had just dissipated a month ago.

Mickey waved his hand and said, "Tell everyone to withdraw from the Demon King's territory! Don't do anything when you meet someone from another world wearing the Stars and Stripes!!"

"Huh? This... "

Mickey sternly scolded: "Do it! Everyone! Withdraw all! Never stay in the Demon King's territory!"

It was the first time that man saw Mickey, the Scadi hero, with such a dignified expression, as if his orders were not to be disobeyed at all.

The usual easy-going man, the great hero of Scarti, the founder of the Tiny Empire, the legendary emperor, his face was full of majesty that could not be rejected.

Mickey's order is effective, although the idea of Scarty's coalition forces entering the Demon King's territory and then destroying the Demon King's army and the Demon King appears here.

But the hero stopped them, so there must be his reasons.

Although the coalition generals and nobles are very unhappy, but everyone has to sell Mickey this brave man a face.

This guy is very skilled, almost every country and every force on the Scarti Continent is friendly with him, and no one wants to offend him.

Seeing that the coalition forces in the Scarlett Continent began to retreat, Mickey breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the frontier town of Milliken that appeared in the distance, and the star-spangled flags flying high on the roof from a distance, Mickey murmured: "It's back to the starting point again, this is already a war against the Demon King's army. The 9999th death since then."

Mickey, the hero of Scady Continent.

Like An Rui, he is a summoned hero.

But the difference between Mickey and An Rui is that Mickey is not completely from another world, more precisely, he should be from another time and space.

Mickey was originally an ordinary person in the Scarlett Continent 700 years ago. On the way to a market in the city, a six-pointed star suddenly appeared under his feet.

The magic circle flashed brightly, and Mickey disappeared directly in place.

When Mickey opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in the Scadi Continent 700 years later, and at the same time his body had changed from a middle-aged man in his 30s to a child only a few years old.

Looking at the surroundings of Mickey after crossing, various mages and nobles surrounded Mickey.

Mickey also gradually accepted this reality from the initial panic.

He, an ancient person from the Scarti Continent, traveled to the modern age of the Scarti Continent and became the Scarti Warrior of this era.

He is destined to lead the coalition forces of the countries on the Scarti Continent, and the Demon King's army led by the Demon King to start a life-and-death battle.

Mickey knows that every summoned hero will receive a "divine gift", and Mickey's divine gift is a strange ability called "reincarnation".

Mickey can be recorded at a time node, and whenever Mickey dies, he will return to that time node.

In layman's terms, Mickey's "reincarnation" is also called s/l.

In simpler and more understandable terms, it is archiving and reading files.

Of course, Mickey didn't know that this "reincarnation" was called s/l in the opposite Millicians and even in the other 4 Earthling societies.

But Mickey used the ability of reincarnation to return to the time point again and again, and to live every day he lived to perfection.

Mickey, who is mediocre in appearance and mediocre in talent, relies on reincarnation to study all kinds of magic and various martial arts over and over again, which also makes him, in a certain respect, the most comprehensive strength among the five heroes in the flat-earth world. A strong presence.

However, Mickey did not stop there. As an ordinary civilian before he became a hero, Mickey took advantage of reincarnation and began to use "subtle" political skills among nobles and princes to win over batches of allies.

From an ordinary hero, he has stepped to the pinnacle of power step by step, and established a huge empire.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Mickey the Scadi Warrior is a great emperor with amazing talent, full of tyrannical spirit, and smooth sailing all the way.

However, only Mickey himself knows that in his life, in order to perform himself perfectly, he has bumped and reincarnated countless times along the way, which has created the situation today.

Each reincarnation means gaining previous experience, and Mickey can use these experiences to transform it into a "foresight" of the "future", predicting every possible event in the future, so as to avoid All wrong options.

With the arrival of the Demon King's Army, Mickey recorded the last reincarnation when the fog just rose.

No matter what decision he makes, he will face the inevitable strong enemy Demon King Army on this Scarti Continent.

No, they should be called Milikan, the mighty kingdom that came through from that place called Earth.

"Since you can't beat you, then let's disintegrate you from the inside."

Mickey murmured, through these 9999 deaths, Mickey learned the rice language, and also learned about the state system of Milliken.

Mickey looked back at the direction of the Tiny Empire he created behind him. Although he was a little unbearable and a little reluctant, he still turned his head and looked at the land of Milliken in front of him.

"Can everyone become president and be the master of this country

It seems to be an ideal society where everyone is equal, and even the Tiny Empire, which I created, cannot catch up.

It's a bit interesting, maybe becoming the emperor of Milekien is also a good choice.

There is no way to serve the country, I surrendered to the enemy.

Oh, Milikan, here I come. "