Different World Development Manual

Chapter 64: Time and Space Administration



Although the Demon King's army had already laid down their weapons under Yuffie's order, the martial law in Jiangzhou was not over yet.

As more and more cpa entered the urban area, the whole city gradually stabilized.

However, many citizens can still be seen in the urban area, ignoring dissuasion, sneaking out of the house, picking up the items from the bodies of the Demon King Army of the other world that fell on the battlefield, and taking them for themselves.

This is their trophy, something that can be passed down as a family heirloom in the future.

"Your ancestor, but you fought with goblins and the others!"

Although the CPA is scolding them, such behavior has been repeatedly banned. In their opinion, these Demon Kings are just like the ordinary mobs in the game. They can't even turn a wave in front of the CPA. No fear.

In the Jiefangbei located in the core area of Jiangzhou City, Yuffie's Devil's Castle, a large number of CPAs, as well as military police and special police were stationed in it.

All the civilians of Obsidian City were also restricted from leaving the city, waiting for further arrangements from the special response team.

A series of personnel from the police, fire protection, medical care, urban management, emergency rescue, transportation and other departments also began to flood the streets on a large scale to rescue disasters and restore the order of the city. Yufei's "invasion" is no less than a disaster for Jiangzhou. a major disaster.

Even the relevant disaster relief workers from the neighboring province are on their way.

Jiangzhou Special Response Team Headquarters.

As the meeting room was opened, under the leadership of Guan Fei, Aghanim warrior An Rui and Aghanim Demon King Yuffie walked in slowly.

Sitting across from the conference table are the words and deeds of the commander-in-chief in charge of the Jiangzhou defense battle, Dakang, the mayor of Jiangzhou, and Qu Gang of the Municipal Bureau.

Jiangzhou's soldiers calmed down, and An Rui finally breathed a sigh of relief. Let's take a moment to see if he wants to meet his parents whom he hasn't seen in 3 months or 12 years

Or have a meal with your old friends, blow a few bottles, and talk about the mountains of a different world

I really miss home.

But looking around at the solemn-looking CPA soldiers standing by the wall of the conference room last week, An Rui swallowed again, knowing that his matter was not really over yet.

Looking at her little fan girl next to her, she stepped cautiously and followed.

It would be more appropriate to say that she is more of a little girl who made a mistake rather than a demon king.

Words and actions stood up, looked at the two protagonists who entered the conference room, and smiled politely: "Sit down."

Before coming, An Rui had fed Yuffie a translation ball so that she could understand Chinese.

Guan Fei stepped forward and pulled out the chair for Yuffie. Yuffie stepped forward, sat up obediently, glanced at his words and deeds, and then gave a soft hum, then lowered his head, not daring to look straight. Look into the eyes of three people.

An Rui also sat up, nervously looking at words and deeds in his heart.

On the table, Qu Gang looked at Yuffie's calm face, while Dakang's face was angry. As for words and deeds, happiness and anger were indistinguishable, and An Rui could not see why.

The entire conference room suddenly fell silent.

However, words and deeds took the lead in throwing out a sentence, and said slowly: "Yuffie, so far, your subordinates have caused a total of 2,308 deaths in Jiangzhou City.

Among them, 86 soldiers and police officers died.

The total number of casualties has reached 6,874, and the specific number is still under further statistics, and the data may rise. "

His words and deeds were very calm. Although An Rui's observation was not very good, An Rui knew that this was not the time for him to speak at all, so he closed his mouth and sat there motionless.

And Yuffie's body trembled, and she could clearly hear the blame and a trace of anger in her words and deeds.

It's like killing and injuring the beloved apprentice of an absolutely strong man. Now people have come to the door and asked him to give an explanation.

It's just that in the face of this absolute powerhouse, even if Yuffie is a demon king, she doesn't know how to compensate the other party.

Yuffie bit her lip, her eyes were red, she finally gathered up her courage, raised her head, looked at her words and deeds, and said loudly: "Ben Gong... Ben... I will compensate you!"

It's a simple little girl, not a real devil king who is wicked.

Human beings on the Aghanim Continent are generally discriminated against, and even elves and beast ears are often discriminated against by humans.

Yuffie just wanted to conquer the entire continent in one fell swoop with the powerful Demon King army, and then establish an ideal kingdom of "the kingdom of gods in the sky and the kingdom of demons on earth".

Let all races live equally in this country.

Although the ideal is beautiful, Yuffie's approach is wrong.

The corners of the mouth raised slightly in words and deeds, it was very easy to deal with such a little girl.

However, Dakang next to him slammed his palm on the table with a "pop", causing An Rui and Yuffie who were opposite to tremble.

An Rui groaned in a frantic heart, and his momentum changed from Sheng to weak: "Mayor Dakang! You scared me..."

I saw Dakang's fingers pounding heavily on the table, "Duo Duo" roared, "Compensation? How to compensate? 2,308 victims! That's 2,308 families!

How many people have been separated because of the crimes of you and your subordinates, and how many people have been broken up because of the crimes of you and your subordinates!

Come and tell me, how do you compensate

Are you an outsider, can't you still be resurrected? And bring everyone back to life! ! ? "

Mayor Dakang almost poured out all the anger he was holding in his heart, Yuffie looked aggrieved, endured the mayor's anger, and weakly squeezed out a few words: "I... I will compensate them. ."

Just when Mayor Dakang was about to get angry again, he made a wink, and Qu Gang quickly went up to hold Dakang: "Mayor, calm down, calm down."

Dakang glared at Qu Gang: "Fuck off! What to do!? What about the citizens who died from labor and capital!?"

Qu Gang pouted and said quietly, "Then, the commander-in-chief must have other things to discuss with them. It's not a bad thing for us to keep going like this."

Dakang glared at Qu Gang, then at words and deeds, and finally sat back in his seat angrily, clasping his hands without saying a word, staring at Yuffie.

Words and actions cast a grateful look at Qu Gang at this time, then looked at Yuffie, and said word by word: "Although your subordinates violated your original intention of establishing contact with us, causing such a mess to the citizens of Jiangzhou City. big damage.

However, the perpetrators must be severely punished, and all relevant personnel must accept the sanctions of our Chinese laws. "

The words and deeds directly took out the originator of Yuffie. In terms of words and deeds, although Yuffie's role was not as good as An Rui's, it was not small for Huaxia.

Punishing this little girl and letting the little girl serve the country is the best choice.

After some coercion, Yuffie fell silent in the face of her words and deeds that could not be rejected. After her poor Demon King's army entered the city with more and more CPAs, she became completely vulnerable in front of them. .

As for the capable generals under his command, almost all of them were caught by Huaxia, and there were no cards in their hands to play, and they became a lamb to be slaughtered by others.

Yuffie looked at the words and deeds, and said uneasy: "Ah? But... But."

Yuffie, An Rui and the others had already been clearly arranged by the powerful state machinery behind Yan and Xing, but Yan Xing handed over a document prepared in demon language to Yuffie, and said unhurriedly. : "The above are the war criminals of this war. They must be severely punished by the law and give the people an explanation."

Yuffie glanced at it. On the entire list, the only condemned prisoner was "Hell Lord" Arthur, while the others were only marked as war criminals and needed to wait for the sanctions of Chinese law.

Although I don't know what Arthur did to Huaxia, it must have angered the Chinese people, otherwise they should not have executed Arthur.

However, the rest of the people were not marked with the death penalty, especially his own court mage, which made Yuffie greatly relieved.

"Okay… okay."

Yuffie calmed down a little, returned the list to Yan Xing and asked, "What treatment will they get?"

After taking over the list, words and deeds smiled: "Only after the trial will there be a result."

Yuffie nodded and reluctantly accepted the result: "Okay."

Then his words and deeds continued: "Because Obsidian City, as an illegal building, suddenly appeared in the territory of our country, our country will confiscate the city according to law..."

After saying that, she looked at Yuffie. After struggling for a while, Yuffie finally accepted the reality calmly. In front of the mighty Huaxia, Yuffie had no second choice at all.

Unconditional surrender, Yuffie probably understood the meaning: "I... I understand."

Immediately afterwards, words and deeds continued: "The citizens of Obsidian City will be temporarily in charge of the newly established department of Huaxia."

"Won't hurt them?"

Words and deeds smiled lightly: "Hua Xia is not a devil, right, An Rui?"

An Rui nodded frantically from the side, and said in agreement, "Yes, yes."

Yuffie nodded, the woman was magnanimous, she had nothing to worry about, and Obsidian City was gone. As long as the lives of her subordinates could be saved, Yuffie would give whatever the Chinese people wanted. The citizens of Obsidian City might give it to Huaxia. Also a good choice.

Yuffie dreams of building a society where everyone is equal and where all races can live in harmony. It seems that China, a country in another world, is such a society.

Immediately afterwards, he told Yuffie some requirements and conditions, and Yuffie agreed.

In the end, he looked at the little girl with a smile and said, "Okay, Yuffie, there is one last request I hope you can accept."

There were too many lice and she was not afraid of being crushed, so Yuffie bit her lip and said, "You... talk about it."

Words and deeds said: "We have specially prepared a study class for you, so that you can better understand our country, our society, and how to build a country where everyone is equal.

And those of your subordinates will also join this class one after another.

As for the tuition fee, let's temporarily use the Obsidian City that was confiscated by us. "

Yuffie's originally depressed mood was gradually ignited at this time. In an advanced study class in modern society, Yuffie agreed without any struggle this time.

Since then, the entire power of Demon Lord Aghanim has been brought under the control of Huaxia, and Demon Lord Yuffie has officially joined the study class arranged for her by Huaxia.

After Yuffie's related matters were dealt with, everyone also left the conference room.

But at this time, An Rui and Yan Xing were left in the conference room, and even the guards were all evacuated by Yan Xing.

Inside the closed door, An Rui swallowed and looked at Yan Xing: "Brother Yan..."

Words and deeds smiled and said: "Xiao An, don't be so nervous, the next thing is about you."

An Rui nodded, and sat on the road with his chest upright, with a strong desire to survive. God knows how they would arrange their own brave man, and said obediently: "I will fully cooperate with you."

Words and deeds said with a smile: "But before that, the title of the leader of the Jiangzhou Special Response Team on my head has to be changed.

In order to cope with this sudden emergence of a flat-earth world, the country officially established a department just now.

And I am the head of the department.

And you will become the most important member of this department and the first batch of members of this department. "

When An Rui heard this, he was shocked. He joined the mysterious department for no reason, and became a member of the system in a daze

An Rui asked uncertainly, "Brother Yan, I... Am I included in the system?"


Words and deeds smiled and pointed to the badge on his chest that was dyed red by the blood of the revolutionary predecessors, opened his mouth and said, "You can even go a step further, and I can be your introducer."

The hint was so obvious, An Rui was so elated, as if he had won the lottery, he was ruthlessly favored by the goddess of luck.

"I will, I will!"

An Rui asked a little excitedly: "Brother Yan, what is the newly established department?"

Words and deeds squinted and said word by word: "Time, space, management, management, bureau."
