Different World Development Manual

Chapter 65: Aghanim Continent


"Article 1 of the Time and Space Management Law, "Prohibition of Five Changcheng Formation", this article was deleted the moment our bureau was established, hehe, just joking.

Our bureau was established to implement the country's foreign, military, and economic policies towards other world countries.

The above thinks that since we have all traveled through, we simply use the name 'Time and Space Administration' to clearly identify the department, which will be closer to the public and more appropriate to our current situation.

Although the name is 'Bureau', the actual level is 'Department'.

Our bureau has obtained a series of authorizations in the military and politics, which can be regarded as relatively powerful.

However, our bureau directly belongs to the center, so everything is closely related to the center.

Even if I am the director, it is impossible to violate the center. "

The brief introduction made An Rui understand a little. The so-called Time and Space Administration is the country's window agency to the countries of the other world in terms of politics, military, economy and diplomacy.

To put it clearly, An Rui knows that the author or screenwriter who created this world properly created this institution to avoid some irresistible force, and try to avoid high-level descriptions as much as possible.

An Rui is very sure that his guess must be correct.

An Rui nodded: "Uh, I probably understand."

At this moment, the words and deeds clicked on the tablet in his hand, and with a sound of "zizi", the projector above his head projected a map of China onto the conference table.

An Rui saw that the east of this map of China was still an endless sea, except for the disappearance of the Goryeo Peninsula and the Rihe Islands in the east, replaced by a string of unmarked islands.

Like a string of pearls, it spreads from the northernmost point of the Eastern China Sea to the South China Sea.

Further south there is a peninsula that bulges to the north, as well as a continent.

As for places further south, there is no painting.

Words and actions pointed to the southern part of the island and said, "This is a map drawn temporarily by the navy. There seem to be many civilizations from other worlds on the southern continent."

An Rui nodded. That place An Rui had been to several times was the Campbell Peninsula in the southeast of the South China Sea.

An Rui said: "There is a country called Campbell, whose full name is Campbell Commercial Republic. I once used the golden finger of the traveler to make a batch of relatively primitive glass and plan to ship it to that place to sell. …”

After all, the golden fingers of the traveler are necessary to make money and make a fortune.

Glass, gunpowder, paper, steam engines, antibiotics, mirrors, perfumes.

Poor An Rui, a liberal arts student who knows nothing. He worked hard to find someone to get the glass out, only to find that there are better ones.

An Rui scratched his cheeks embarrassedly, and said embarrassingly: "I didn't expect their glass manufacturing technology to be quite advanced, and they can already produce products similar to modern glass, so that this trip has cost me three years in my territory. I feel like I'm losing money on taxes."

Words and deeds nodded: "Oh, by the way, Xiao An, are you still a noble of the Panda Empire?"

An Rui answered truthfully, as if he was spitting bitter water on his words and deeds: "Yes, a duke on the southern border is all wasteland, and there is no oil or water at all."

Immediately afterwards, An Rui pointed to the sea area in eastern China and said: "This sea area is called the Central Sea. It is said that this is a huge Mediterranean Sea, but I have never crossed it.

The southern Campbell people are the masters of this ocean. They are a commercial country. Everything in their country depends on trade. Among them, the sea is their major, and they almost monopolize the trade of the entire central sea.

However, they are not really invincible. In the southeast of the central sea, it is said that there is a powerful empire called Ottoman, and they are competing with Campbell for maritime supremacy.

It's just that this empire is too far away, and I've never been there.

All information about him is heard from the furry kingdom as they are at war with the Ottoman Empire in the southeast. "

An Rui said a bar, looked up at his words and deeds, and saw that his words and deeds had the same expression as usual, as if he had remembered all the news in his mind.

Words and actions looked at An Rui and smiled: "You continue, I'm listening."

Seeing this, An Rui was somewhat surprised. Isn't this memory too amazing

At this time, the projected map on the desktop began to undergo a series of changes under An Rui's description.

The peninsula, which had no name before, was marked with the "Great Campbell Peninsula", and the large sea area in eastern China was also marked with the name "Central Sea".

An Rui was stunned for a moment. It was obvious that he and his words and actions were not the only ones in the conference room. Out of the corner of the eye, he glanced at the cameras in the conference room, each of them staring at this side silently like a pair of eyes.

An Rui knew that behind them, there was a strong national team, they were correcting various data according to An Rui's dictation, and drawing the first version of the map of this new world.

Being stared at by these countless pairs of "eyes", An Rui was somewhat unnatural, swallowed his saliva, forced himself to calm down, and continued: "The furry kingdom should be in the northeast of our country.

They are the masters of the eastern world of the northern continent of Aghanim, a very peaceful country.

This country is made up of the beast ear clan. The Taoist priest Ahri and the witch Menger around me are all from this country.

The furry kingdom and I have a very good personal relationship. For our country, it should be regarded as a very good country to deal with. "

An Rui's identity at this time has been completely replaced as a citizen of Huaxia, and he has completely abandoned his identity as a nobleman of the Panda Empire. This makes his words and deeds very satisfied.

After speaking, An Rui pointed to the west of the furry kingdom, which is the north of China, and said, "This should be the seat of the Panda Empire. As for the size of the area, I can't be sure, after all, I'm just a liberal arts student.

There are currently undercurrents in the Panda Empire. The Emperor Nolan is a young emperor who has not been on the throne for many years. Queen Lit. "

Speaking of An Rui, he revealed a trace of regret, and he didn't know whether it was the regret for what happened to Queen Margaret or the regret for Margaret herself.

Then An Rui clicked about the northwest part of Erie Province, and was not quite sure: "Although I don't know where the specific place is, there is also a powerful empire in the west of the Panda Empire, called the Avalon Empire.

If you go further west, you will enter the sphere of influence of the Holy See.

Both Victor and Maria were from the Holy See and were considered serious clergy. "

Then he pointed to the west of Erie Province, frowned and said: "This area should be a no-man's land, filled with all kinds of magical beasts, so that human society hardly wants to expand here.

Aside from those desperate adventurers, there is very little information about this place. "

Immediately afterwards, An Rui pointed to the sea in the south of Tubo Province and said, "This place is called Longmianhai. It is said that after the death of the old giant dragon, their descendants and companions were buried in this sea area. Avoid the intrusion of the undead and let them sleep peacefully here forever, so it is called Longmianhai.

However, in the west of Longmianhai, there is a kingdom composed entirely of giant dragons.

I have been fortunate enough to travel there, and each of them, or each of the dragons, is very powerful.

Fortunately, giant dragons are lazy. They don't pay much attention to things on the Aghanim continent. They only like to stay in their own homes, eat, sleep, make beans... and save gold coins. "

At this time, An Rui found that his brows slightly wrinkled in words and deeds, obviously showing a lot of attention to the kingdom of giant dragons that An Rui spoke of.

An Rui casually opened the mineral water on the desktop, which was not paid for advertising, and therefore had no brand label, and took two sips. It seemed that the dry mouth was relieved.

After taking a breath, he continued: "In the south of Nanzhong Province, there is a force called the Emerald Forest. My team and the elves started from the Emerald Forest and went all the way north to arrive here.

Vivian and the other dark elves belong to this forest.

It is said that in the southern part of the forest, a place I have never been to, there is an empire called Alabas, and they are waging a tragic war with the elves. "

With An Rui's introduction, the text on the map became more and more, and the information Huaxia got became more and more detailed.

After An Rui explained all the information about the forces he knew, he looked at An Rui in his words and deeds, and asked solemnly, "Xiao An, if I give you a chance to become emperor, would you like it?"
