Different World Development Manual

Chapter 70: Prisoner of war camp


The northern part of the Chinese mainland, the Monan province, the Chiri training base.

A temporary large-scale prisoner of war camp was built by CPAs. CPAs who have not fought such a "large-scale" war for decades still feel a bit fresh.

Especially when looking at these imperial soldiers from the backward magic world of cold weapons in the prisoner of war camp, their eyes are full of awe, curiosity and fear for everything around them, which makes the cpa warriors very interesting.

Because such an expression, on the original earth, was absolutely impossible to see from the eyes of the prisoners of war in those earth countries.

In the battle that ended dozens of minutes ago, more than 3,000 people were wiped out and more than 16,000 people were captured, of which four-sevenths were injured, and one-third of them were seriously injured.

At present, the participating troops participating in the joint exercise of the 4th Army of the Sea, Land, Air and Space in the Chiri Base have urgently established a field hospital. These thousands of seriously injured people cannot be rescued at all.

At the same time, the nearby Monan Provincial Military Hospital, Gyeonggi Military Hospital, and Jizhou Provincial Military Hospital also received names and began to dispatch medical staff to Chiri Base to treat the wounded urgently, and to practice and learn battlefield medical experience.

Inside an army green tent, on the marching bed, Jacobin slowly opened his eyes.

Falling from a horse can knock him down a lot. After all, he is not a strong old warrior, but a knowledgeable and weak old mage.

Jacobin only felt sore all over. Fortunately, the soft camp bed made Jacobin feel less sore, but the green tarpaulin that caught his eye made Jacobin alert.

I wondered in my heart: "What is this place? Where is this

Yes, I was with Her Royal Highness Margaret just now, what about Her Highness! ? "

After all, Jacobin was the Norman Emperor who specially arranged for Queen Dao to be by her side in order to protect Queen Margaret. His role was to protect the Queen. Even if he abandoned his old bones, the Queen must be kept safe.

However, the weapons of the Demon King's army they encountered before the coma were too powerful. Even though they tried their best, they couldn't escape with Queen Margaret. Instead, they fainted.

"Your Excellency Jacobin, are you awake?"

A woman's voice, a familiar voice.

Jacobin looked happy, it was Her Royal Highness!

He quickly stood up and followed the place where the voice came from.

I saw Margaret holding an army green iron cup in both hands and walking towards Jacobin with a look of relief.

Margaret came to Jacobin's window, squatted down, put the cup aside, her eyes were red, she hugged Jacobin at once, and sobbed: "Your Excellency Jacobin, it's too good that you're fine. All right."

Jacobin was slightly taken aback by the sudden embrace. After all, Margaret was a commoner saint of the Holy See, and she did not have as much etiquette as those nobles.

As a saint, this hug is no problem.

But Margaret is not only a saint now, she is also the queen of the Panda Empire, Jacobin reminded a little: "His Royal Highness, apart from a little pain in the body, the old minister is fine, thank you, Your Highness.

Ahem... It's just Your Highness, the identities of monarchs and ministers are different..."


Only then did Margaret react. When she saw Jacobin awake just now, she went up to hug him when she was excited, but now she felt very uncomfortable, so she quickly released her hands that were holding Jacobin and wiped her eyes. With tears in her eyes, she squeezed out a smile and said, "I'm so happy to see you awake, Your Excellency, I couldn't help it for a while."

Jacobin warmed his heart, sighed, and reminded, "Be careful next time."

As a commoner queen, although Margaret has a high prestige among commoners, she is a rude Cinderella in the eyes of the imperial aristocracy.

In addition, she also likes to command the army and gallop on the battlefield, which makes some nobles disgusted with the image of Margaret, the holy queen, and think she is a barbarian.

Therefore, Margaret occasionally did something that was not in line with court etiquette, and as a confidant of the Norman emperor, Jacobin had to point it out.

Margaret nodded and regained her dignity as a queen: "I, I see."

Jacobin looked around. In this space, besides him and Margaret, there were several strange people in green.

They held steel weapons and stared sharply at themselves.

Those sharp eyes seemed to warn himself, don't do any tricks, or the steel weapon in your hand will kill you immediately.

Jacobin wondered, "Your Highness, where is this place?"

Margaret was a little sad: "I surrendered to this Demon King's army, this is their camp."


Jacobin looked at Margaret with a look of surprise, only to see Margaret nodded, affirming.


At this time, the curtain of the tent was opened, and a female officer walked in with a rifle, glanced at Margaret and Jacobin, and said in the blunt official language of the Panda Empire: "You... come with me... "

The strange pronunciation made the female officer very uncomfortable, but her words made Margaret and Jacobin somewhat startled, and the two looked at each other: "Do they speak imperial language?"

It's not that she learned the imperial language so quickly, but An Rui, who was far away in Jiangzhou, taught her a few words through communication, which is why she seemed so jerky.

Since the Demon King's Army has given a clear request, Margaret and Jacobin have no choice.

Margaret gently helped Jacobin out of the bed and followed the officer out of the tent.

The two walked through the camp full of green tents, the "one-two-one" sound of the man in green running, the "bang" sound of the shooting practice, the "wuwu" sound of the roar of the truck, and the roar of the green steel monster. The sound made both of them tremble with fear.


In the sky, several big steel birds flew by with their wings spread.


A group of flying steel monsters moved from one end to the other.

For these things that defeated them and did not know, the two naturally also had a sense of awe.

Although Jacobin really wanted to cast space magic and escaped with Margaret directly, but his staff was not with him, it should have been captured by these Demon King's army.

It is impossible for him to cast spells without a wand. The magic power consumed by space magic cannot be supported by his own magic power at all. Without the magic crystal on the wand, Jacobin cannot perform the magic that can transmit people at all.

After a while, the two followed the officer to another tent.

I saw a large white cloth in the tent, except for a few men in green clothes who looked like guards.


As a beam of light shot out from the strange square on the table in front of the white cloth, the entire white cloth immediately lit up.

Margaret subconsciously put her hand on her waist and wanted to draw out her knight's sword, but like Jacobin, her knight's sword was also surrendered by the Demon King's army.

Seeing the two of them like this, the female officer behind her hurriedly reassured them in an unskilled imperial language: "It's okay... It's okay."

He pointed to the blue-tinged piece of paper, and said, "Someone... is talking."

Although she didn't quite understand what the woman in the strange green clothes was doing, Margaret Jacobin probably understood that the piece of cloth in front of them shouldn't hurt them.

After the words "Signal Adjustment..." popped out of the blue screen on the white cloth, a figure appeared in the screen after a while.

Margaret covered her mouth in surprise, while Jacobin stared at the picture angrily.

"An Rui?"

I saw An Rui in the picture, first gave Margaret a noble salute, and then smiled: "His Royal Highness Margaret, Your Excellency Jacobin, it's really good that you are all right."

Jacobin stared at the picture, and did not want to worry about why An Rui appeared here or on the white cloth, squinted his eyes, and asked word by word, "An Rui, Have you taken refuge with the Demon King?"