Different World Development Manual

Chapter 72: Combined Fleet


ps. This article is an article of joy, not a military text, and cucumber is a military blind, the battle may be written a bit badly, sorry

A few minutes ago, the Northeast China, the Southeast Sea, the Sea of Harmony.

A huge fleet composed of more than 1,000 warships is slowly sailing on this blue sea.

"huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh..."

In the high sky, two strange big birds whizzed past, and the sailors on the deck looked at the two big birds that flew past in the sky, and they talked a lot: "It's this kind of strange bird again, every 20 years or so. A few will fly by in twos and threes within minutes."

Another sailor said: "It should be near the abyss. They are probably the beasts led by the Demon King's army that was summoned this time."

The commander of the fleet, General Stechiso, put one hand on the scabbard at his waist and the other on the spine of the holy book tied to his belt, and loudly ordered: "Notify the fleet, be careful to guard against the enemy in the sky!"


After Sturgessor's order was issued, the sailors and soldiers on the decks of the ships were on alert one after another.

"We are entering the sea area of the Abyss! Everyone, be careful!"

The lookout on the mast, holding the monocular, ripped his throat and shouted toward the deck below.

The calm weather, bright sunshine, and the imaginary storm are the exact opposite.

Sturgessor murmured, "Is it the calm before the storm?"

Looking at the two distant birds in the sky, Sturgessor always felt a little uneasy in his heart, and followed the order: "Let the flying troops take off and protect the navigation of the fleet."


At the rear of the fleet, various flying troops, such as flying dragon knights, griffin knights, sub-dragon knights, and Pegasus knights, jumped up from the deck one after another. The fleet circled over the sky, alert to all possible enemies.

The flying troops in the sky have all kinds of creatures, like a hodgepodge.

But this is really a hodgepodge, this huge fleet is a combined fleet composed of dozens of countries in the Aghanim continent.

Every warship in this fleet flies a flag representing the forces behind them.

Three years ago, the Crimson Moon Holy See launched a great expedition against the Demon King's army.

The Pope personally baptized and blessed the soldiers who participated in the expedition.

Following the Pope's call, more and more Red Moon believers in the north of Aghanim Continent chose to participate in this expedition against the Demon King's army.

Although the Holy See is a landlocked country, there are many coastal states that are dependent on the Holy See.

After the expeditionary forces assembled in the Holy See, they walked all the way to the western coast of the Holy See state. On the docks of each state, they boarded the expeditionary battleship with the red moon flag.

And on the pier, the devout Red Moon believers also sent off the soldiers who were on the expedition to the abyss. They are heroes and will sacrifice everything for the Moon God.

This expedition fleet of the Holy See has been away for three years. The reason why they did not choose to go by land is also under the consideration of the Pope.

Now the influence of the Holy See is limited to the western part of the northern continent of Aghanim, and further east to the furry kingdom, which is completely hostile to the Holy See.

Overland will pass through Avalon, and even Panda, which the two empires and the Holy See do not deal with very much.

If you travel by sea or land, you can pass through many countries and forces along the way. The devout believers on the expedition can also spread the teachings of the Moon God to a wider area.

Therefore, sea and land have become the best choice for the Pope.

The three-year voyage has expanded the expeditionary force, which originally had only a hundred warships, to a magnificent picture composed of more than a thousand warships today.

After passing through the Tomir Kingdom, Avalon Empire, and Panda Empire in the north of the continent, the fleet has successively obtained more than 600 warships to join.

Although it was not helped by the hostile furry kingdom, the huge combined fleet of more than 700 warships was enough.

As it bypassed the eastern part of the furry kingdom of the northern continent and entered the entrance to the western part of the Central Sea, the combined fleet received the support of more than 100 warships from the Ottoman Empire.

Then all the way westward, it was supported by hundreds of ships from the countries of the Great Plains, as well as more than 200 warships from the Commercial Republic of Campbell.

Now the scale of the fleet has reached 1,200 ships, which is unprecedented in scale.

And what makes the Holy See most proud is that in this expedition, the Holy See has arranged for many missionaries to set foot on the land they have not established in the southern part of the mainland.

The missionaries used the invasion of the Demon King's army to publicize the excuse of forming the Aghanim coalition to fight the Demon King's army, and successively established missionary bases in the coastal cities of the Ottoman Empire, the Great Plains countries, and the Campbell Merchant Republic in the south.

Although the largest of these strongholds is a western-style building, and the small one is a dilapidated house, but this is enough, they will be the outposts for the Holy See to spread its faith to the south.

The Pope believes that, in time, the entire South will be fully embraced by the moon god.

The Pope's vision can be said to be quite long-term. Isn't the arrival of the Demon King's army an opportunity for the Holy See

On the deck of the flagship of the United Fleet, Sturgessor was busy issuing military orders. A middle-aged man with a feminine face holding a divine scepter and wearing a red robe slowly walked to the bow.

Feeling the sea breeze blowing, like a pair of jade hands, gently caressing his cheek.

Sturgessor looked at the man with a sullen face and bowed respectfully: "Sir Noghu, the wind is blowing on the deck, please return to the cabin to rest."

I saw the man named Nuo Gehu gently took off the hood covering his head, and let the sea breeze gently caress his bald head, like a young woman doing his head. General massage, Noghu likes this feeling very much.

Noghu waved his hand: "No, the cabin is very stuffy, I just want to come out and get some air.

It should be near the abyss, I already feel that the evil guys are close at hand. "

Although he is the commander of the combined fleet, Sturgessor is only a military leader, and the real leader of the combined fleet is this man named Noghu.

Sturgessor reported: "It should have entered the waters of the Abyss."

Noghu stroked the drooping strands of hair on the bald head, and his eyes flashed an imperceptible golden light when he looked into the distance, and said unhurriedly, "That's good, that's good."

The Pope initiated this expedition, and Noghu volunteered to join the expedition.

The three-year painful voyage was not endured by the Cardinal Noghu because of his "devout" beliefs.

But because of him, Noghu believes that if he relies on his exploits in this expedition to the Demon King's army and his achievements in spreading the teachings to the southern countries of the Aghanim Continent, he will definitely be able to defeat his old opponent, the red-clothed Archbishop Luceli.

In this way, he replaced Luceria as the Cardinal Archbishop of the Panda Empire and became a figure with real power.

Further, after the Pope is summoned by the Moon God, he can also rely on the identity of the Cardinal Archbishop of the Panda Empire to compete with other Cardinal Archbishops for the Pope's throne.

Although there are many red-clothed archbishops in the Crimson Moon Holy See, most of them have no real power.

And there are only three red-clothed archbishops who really hold real power.

Cardinal Archbishop of Tomir Kingdom, Cardinal Archbishop of Avalon Empire, and Cardinal Archbishop of Panda Empire.

And the red-clothed archbishop of the Panda Empire, Luceria, as Noghu's old enemy, his own behavior made the Pope very dissatisfied.

Often doing things that go against the teachings, especially with the brave An Rui who uttered wild words and falsely claimed that "the world is round", such absurd remarks made the Pope a lot more dissatisfied with him.

Noghu believed that as long as he seized the opportunity of this expedition, he would be able to squeeze Richelieu from the position of the Cardinal Archbishop of the Panda Empire by virtue of his achievements after the victory.

The three-year voyage of the Combined Fleet was just for the moment he took office.

Hearing the faint "buzz buzz buzz" from a distance, Noghu showed an undetectable smile, as if the real power position of the red-clothed archbishop of the Panda Empire was waving to him.

Sturgessor reminded softly beside him: "Lord Noghu, there are a few small black dots in the sky in the distance."

Noghu walked out of his fantasy.

"Huh? Something from the Demon King's Army?"