Different World Development Manual

Chapter 77: Death has come


"Damn, the people of the Holy See actually let us attack? We were attacked without even seeing the Demon King's army. Isn't this a free gift?"

Facing the decisiveness of the Holy See, Mire, the flying dragon knight of the Panda Empire, was very angry.

But there was nothing he could do. Even if he wanted to remind the Imperial Fleet to leave the Combined Fleet and return to the Panda Empire, this voyage would take them at least 2 years.

As a member of the Knights of the Dragons, one of the Empire's elite forces, he has the power to advise the commander of the Panda fleet.

But the commander also has the power to choose whether to take his advice or not.

Another flying dragon knight said angrily: "That bastard commander, but he wants to mix with the people of the Holy See. I suspect that he secretly has a lot of activities with the Holy See."

Mi Rui pursed his lips, he didn't know what he was about to face, and what would happen to the 50 flying dragon knights, but he knew that their opponent, the Demon King's army who was suddenly summoned to this world by the Demon King. , must be a very powerful enemy.

As the flying troops of the Crimson Moon Holy See, Avalon Empire, and Tomir Kingdom rushed forward, the commander of the Flying Dragon Knights also reminded: "Go, let's follow."

Several acceleration magics of the combined fleet shot up and blessed the flying dragon. The flying dragon knights pulled the reins and rode the flying dragon. With a long cry, they flew out with the large army.

On the Songjiang.

"Report! The enemy's flying unit is approaching rapidly, and it is expected to arrive within our visible range in 23 minutes!"

Xia Jianhua stood in front of the screen and watched the picture returned by the drone. Not only those strange flying units were flying towards him, but even the half-scattered combined fleet was heading towards him. Driving over here quickly.

Xia Jianhua pinched his knuckles, and ordered in a leisurely manner: "Count the number of enemy flying units and warships."


According to the pictures captured by several drones, AI quickly began to analyze, and the operator immediately reported: "Report! 547 flying units and 482 combined fleet battleships!"

At this time, Xia Jianhua's adjutant asked, "Commander-in-chief, let j15 get rid of these flying units?"

Xia Jianhua curled his lips: "No, put it in and fight, and let these otherworldly natives see what the Demon King's army is like.

Ordering the close-up guns of each ship to prepare for battle, we must weave a dense net of firepower, not all air units of the other side are required to be annihilated, but this group of guys must be deterred, and the fish that slip through the net will bring back the panic.

Also have the destroyer turn on the missile launch unit, and if the enemy shows up again that strange thing that can block missiles, destroy it immediately. "


Immediately afterwards, Xia Jianhua continued to order: "The main guns of each ship are aimed at and locked on the enemy ship. Once the deterrence fails and the enemy fleet continues to advance, fire immediately."


This combined fleet made Xia Jianhua somewhat surprised. A wave of missile rain only defeated half of their fleet, and the other half still chose to move towards their own side.

Xia Jianhua also had to take a high look at the morale of the combined fleet organized by the Holy See. Probably this is an army of religious fanatics.

If the next few consecutive waves of deterrent offensives fail to deter the opponent, they can only annihilate them all.

At this time, the fighter jets on the aircraft carrier also took off, and the helicopters on the amphibious assault ship also flew with fighters.

The fighter jets will act as firefighters in the battle. Once they find such a strange situation as the light curtain just now, they will immediately rush to save them.

As for the combatants on the helicopters, if the other party chooses to surrender, they will also go up to assist other combat forces in capturing the battleship.

Or hover around the fleet, machine guns to kill stubborn enemy elements on board.

Mire, the flying dragon knight in the sky, was quite uneasy. It had been 22 minutes since he was attacked by the Demon King's army last time, and he had not been attacked again by the Demon King's army until now.

As for the top of his head, there are more than a dozen strange big birds circling. They fly so high that bows and arrows can't hit them, magic can't touch them, and even the beasts under their crotch can't touch them.

Although the flying troop tried to send people to drive them away, in the end, because they couldn't fly to their heights, they could only return in anguish, leaving those big birds circling there like vultures.

But it wasn't the big birds that disturbed Mire, and it wasn't that the Demon King's Army hadn't attacked for 22 minutes.

But at the speed of their flight, they flew for 22 minutes, and they still hadn't seen the Demon King's Army.

How far did the Demon King's Army attack them before

Such a long distance was simply not something Mi Rui could imagine.

At this time, the sky knight in front of the Holy See suddenly shouted something, but Mi Rui did not understand the language.

But following the eyes of everyone, I saw a black spot on the sea level.

Mi Rui immediately sang a series of incantations, and then turned his left hand to the side for a while, and a crystal mirror suddenly appeared beside him.

"Mirror Technique!"

As the crystal mirror began to emit bursts of light, the originally cloudy mirror began to gradually become clear.

A few seconds later, I saw a dense array of steel battleships sailing in the mirror.

They don't have masts, they don't have sails, they don't even have oars, but they can gallop on the sea at high speed.

Riding the wind and breaking the waves, even the sea below seemed to be completely broken by them.

And most importantly, their hulls looked as if they were wrapped in iron, or more accurately, as if they were entirely made of steel.

But what made Mi Rui puzzled was that such a battleship would not sink, but instead floated at sea, which had completely subverted Mi Rui's cognition of battleships.

And what surprised Mi Rui was that these battleships were definitely bigger than any battleship he had ever seen.

Especially those few strange warships that looked flat, they were like small islands, and Mi Rui even believed that even war horses could run back and forth freely on those small island-like warships.

On those small islands, there are still many strange big birds who just easily killed the combined fleet air knights and severely damaged dozens of warships.

It's a bird's nest of steel!

On those battleships, there are still tall steel buildings.

Mire didn't know what those steel buildings were or what they were used for.

However, Mi Rui can see that there are various flags hanging on those buildings, and a flag with a red bottom and 5 yellow stars is the flag that every one of those steel warships will fly. A flag that hangs in the most visible place.

Mi Rui looked at the steel battleships in the mirror and exclaimed, "What are those things?"

However, at this time, the warship in the distance was flickering, and a dense golden spot of light flew directly towards him.

Like a violent storm, it came overwhelmingly.

"Light! Department! Magic! Magic!"

"Be careful!"

Although the two sides were separated by a distance of several kilometers, the strange light magic flew over in just a breath.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ..."

The light magic quickly passed by Mi Rui's side, and Mi Rui only heard the sound of "puchi puchi" coming from the side.

An Rui turned his head and saw that a flying dragon knight beside him was hit by light magic before he could react, and it exploded into a blood mist in the air.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

Under this powerful barrage woven by dense light magic, the flying units of the United Fleet did not hold on for long, and in less than half a minute, three-quarters of them were killed.

This was still under the condition that Xia Jianhua kept his hand. After several seconds of shooting, Xia Jianhua also stopped the fleet from attacking.

At this time, Mi Rui, who was still in the air, was already covered in the blood of those comrades around him, and there were not even one Aerial Knight flying in the front of the Holy See.

Looking at the flying dragon knight beside him, there are only less than 20 left.

Mi Rui gasped for breath and shivered. Fear had swept through his whole body. Even the flying dragon under his crotch was shivering because of the scene, and he didn't even have the courage to continue flying forward.

I don't know who shouted, it should be Avalon's sky knight, I saw the entire flight force collapsed immediately, and even the sky knights of the Holy See rushed to flee back.

Mi Rui didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly pulled the reins, dragged the flying dragon, and fled back frantically.

"This is hell, this is the god of death, this is not the Demon King's army at all, this is just a one-sided massacre! The empire can no longer follow the idiots of the Holy See, and must go back and tell them that the god of death is here!"