Different World Development Manual

Chapter 78: People are scattered


After ten minutes.

On the deck of the flagship of the United Fleet, Sturgessaw looked at the black dots in the sky, and his heart sank immediately: "Damn, how did those guys fly back?"


Defeat the war

Not so fast, right

Or did the air knights of the various countries suddenly defect

One by one doubts lingered in Sturgess's heart, and all the guesses were solved as the air knights got closer and closer to the combined fleet.

The air knights of the Panda Empire, the air knights of the Avalon Empire, the air knights of the Tomir Kingdom, and even the air knights of the Holy See are all listed.

Each one of them looked utterly embarrassed, with fear written on their faces, and flew down from the air in a panic.

Mi Rui held on to the reins of the flying dragon and flew towards the fleet of the Panda Empire: "We have to hurry up, we can't fight here any more, our opponent is not the Demon King's army at all."


The legs of a flying dragon of the Panda Empire faltered, and one fell on the deck, unable to stand still, and rolled over on the deck with the dragon knight on its back, and finally slammed into the wall heavily.

The commander on the deck immediately ordered: "Quick! Save people!"

The sailors rushed to help. This was the first time they saw an empire like the Flying Dragon Knights appear so embarrassed.

In their opinion, no matter how powerful their opponents are, these knights will deal with it calmly and will never appear so panicked and unbearable.

"Quick, get up!"

"Be careful, you're not hurt, are you?"

When the sailors lifted up the dragon knight who had hit the wall, they looked at his mount, the mighty flying dragon. At this moment, its body was shaking violently, shrinking into a ball, and the dragon's mouth was beating. Trembling, and making a "boom boom" sound.

"My God, this flying dragon is afraid."

This is the first time that the sailors are afraid of flying dragons. Those guys, even in the face of the powerful magic of the titled magician, will rush up with the dragon knight without changing their face.

The commander squinted his eyes, looked at the flying dragon that fell on the deck and turned into a monster, looked at the fearful dragon knight, and murmured, "What happened to those guys?"

"Your Excellency Commander!"

At this time, Mi Rui also flew down. He was fine, and he landed on the deck steadily. He suddenly fell off the back of the flying dragon, knelt down on one knee, and saluted.

He said, "We have to get out of here, we are not their opponents!"

When the commander saw it, he said in surprise, "Mi Rui? What's going on?"

"We were attacked by the light magic of the Demon King's army, and their powerful magic caused us a heavy loss.

The powerful army of more than 500 air knights was killed by the Demon King's army in less than half a minute.

Even if we are the elites of the empire, under the attack of those light magic, there are only a dozen or so people left.

Your Excellency Commander, we have to get out of here! "

Mi Rui spoke in a hurry, swallowed, and continued: "They have steel warships, no masts, no sails, no oars, but they can sail fast on the sea.

Their warships are like small islands, and they can even run horses on them.

Look at those big birds hovering above us, I saw with my own eyes in the chaos, they perched on those steel islands.

That is the sea nest of these big birds.

Think about the power of those big birds, we are no match for them at all.

Rather than saying that they were the Demon King's Army, it would be more accurate to say that they were the gods of death.

Your Excellency Commander, please lead us out of here, out of the combined fleet, and no longer fight those monsters! "

The commander knew that the words of the dragon knight Mi Rui were by no means deceitful. There were only a dozen or so of the 50 powerful dragon knights left.

Thinking about the battle just now, I didn't even see the Demon King's army anywhere, and I was attacked by the opponent. How can I fight this battle

At this time, the adjutant suddenly reported: "Your Excellency Commander! Tomir Kingdom's fleet has begun to leave the combined fleet, and they have begun to turn to the eastern seas!!"


The conflict between the Kingdom of Tomir and the Holy See has a long history, and the depth of the conflict between the two sides is simply not comparable to Avalon and Panda.

The originally huge Tomir Empire was abruptly torn apart by the Holy See, and its last emperor, under the pressure of the Holy See, destroyed the title of the Tomir Empire and reduced it to a kingdom.

It can be said that Tomir's dispatch of the expedition force this time is entirely to cooperate with the northern countries of Aghanim Continent. As the Tomir Kingdom in the northern continent that is farthest from the abyss, it almost gives the countries face.

Tomir's air knights also suffered heavy losses. In the face of such a powerful Demon King's army, of course they chose to leave the combined fleet and returned to the original route.

After pondering for a moment, the commander of the Panda fleet ordered: "Order the entire fleet to turn around, turn around and head east, join the Tomir fleet, and return to the empire on the same road."


Although the tentacles of the Holy See have extended to the territory of the Empire, the Empire and the Holy See are not bordered, so even if the Holy See is annoyed by the Empire's behavior, it is not easy to send troops to attack the Empire.

This is also one of the reasons why the commander of the Panda Empire arranged the retreat so calmly.

After the fleet of the Panda Empire withdrew from the combined fleet, the fleet of the Avalon Empire also began to turn around, moving towards the east, following up, and joining the retreating army.

Sturgessor looked at the three fleets that were far away, and said angrily: "Damn bastards! You guys, all of you have to die!"

However, he wanted to order the Holy See's fleet to attack them, but was afraid of provoking a reaction, and was besieged by the three fleets united.

Coupled with the existence of the Demon King's Army, it was impossible for Sturgess to let the Holy See's fleet be attacked.

Moreover, the Holy See does not have its own fleet. As an inland regime, this fleet with the banner of the Holy See Red Moon was formed by the coastal states of the Holy See.

Because of the withdrawal of the three major northern powers, the Holy See states also began to be shaken.

"Lord Archbishop Noghu, what should we do?"

To be honest, Sturgessou also started to retreat at this time, and the retreat of the Aerial Knights of the Holy See had a great blow to the morale of the entire Holy See.

Noghu looked at the three fleets that left the combined fleet, and snorted coldly: "Write down this account first, and I will definitely settle the account with them when I go back."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and a beam of holy light shone directly on the dozens of sky knights, with a lengthy incantation in his mouth: "Moon God, Moon God, listen to the prayers of your most devout believers, please disperse. Those poor bastards ruled by fear, let your protection continue to shine on us."

As the holy lights descended from the sky one after another, the unease of those Aerial Knights disappeared instantly.

However, the memories of the Aerial Knights just now were not dissipated as the fear disappeared.

"Master Archbishop, Great General, the power of the Demon King's Army is too strong, I'm afraid... we won't be able to defeat them."

Noghu squinted his eyes and ordered: "Remember, you are a Holy Knight of the Holy See, and it is my duty to destroy the Demon King's army.

Please put away your cowardice, show your courage, and say no to all evil forces. "

Saying that, Noghu took a step forward, and the divine scepter lightly tapped on the shoulder of the sky knight, and a divine technique was immediately blessed: "May the moon god bless you."

After speaking, he retracted his divine staff, put his head against his throat, looked at the sea area where the Demon King's army was located in front of him, and shouted loudly: "Holy warriors of the Crimson Moon Holy See, the Moon God bless you, move forward, and destroy all the Demon King's army. !"

This loud voice shrouded the main sky, as if it was an oracle. Even the Campbell and Ottoman fleets, which were many kilometers away from the combined fleet, could vaguely hear the majesty from the air.

The Huaxia Fleet far ahead also heard such a loud voice in the airspace. Xia Jianhua carried his hands on his back and looked at the picture captured by the drone, hehe said: "It is indeed a magical world, separated by such a long distance. Their inspiring shouts can be heard."

"Commander-in-chief, several more fleets have left the combined fleet. From the intelligence point of view, it should be Panda, Avalon and Tomir in the north."

Xia Jianhua nodded: "I see, but is the Holy See's fleet planning to rush up? Weren't we intimidated by our firepower?"

The only remaining battleships in the combined fleet now are the warships under the banner of the Crimson Moon Holy See. They seem to have abandoned life and death and rushed towards the Huaxia fleet.

Xia Jianhua ordered: "All warships obey the order and fire! Be sure to annihilate all the Holy See fleet in front of you!"