Different World Development Manual

Chapter 8: Goblin


23 minutes ago, Jiangnan District, Jiangzhou City, Jiangzhou Garrison Area of the Chinese People's Army.




"Li Le (yue)! Cast!"

A handsome man in his early 20s was wearing an army green vest, holding a basketball, kicked his feet violently, and jumped up.

The left hand holds the ball, and the right hand kicks the ball.

With a slight toss, the basketball draws a beautiful arc directly in the air.


Join the network.

"Nice job, Li Le!"


Li Le and the soldiers clapped their hands, quickly returned to their positions, grabbed the vest, wiped the sweat from his face, and continued to mark.

Li Le and their opponents this time were quite tricky. They pulled five points away last time and finally lost.

And this time, with Li Le's 2-pointer into the net, the score is temporarily ahead of the opponent by 1 point.

The game is still going on. With only half a minute left, Li Le doesn't want the guy on the opposite side to come back.

However, at this moment, a heavy fog suddenly filled the door of the basketball hall, and several soldiers rushed in from the fog, laughing and shouting: "Hahaha, what a big fog!!"

The fog slowly spread in with the gate of the basketball hall, like the fog in a fairyland.

The opponent who originally attacked was also disturbed by the invading fog. Seeing this opportunity, Li Le slammed the basketball out of his opponent's hand with a "pop", and his teammates hurriedly followed up and hugged him.

"Drip drip drip!!"

The game was officially over as the referee blew his whistle.

The opponent complained with dissatisfaction: "Wori, why is it foggy? If it wasn't for the fog, we would definitely be able to overtake."

Li Le sneered, wiped his sweat, and said to himself, "Even if there is no fog, you can't overtake you. You like to make excuses."

The end of the game did not seem to end the excitement of everyone. It was the fog that could not see the fingers outside that made the soldiers in the basketball hall excited.

Li Le wiped his sweat with a towel, walked to the door, looked at the fog outside, and muttered, "Although Jiangzhou is a foggy city, the fog is... too big, right? I'm coming to Jiangzhou. The state has never seen such a thick fog in such a long time."

Suo Hui, a comrade-in-arms beside him, shrugged his shoulders and handed Li Le a bottle of mineral water: "Who knows, El Niño, there are abnormal weather symptoms all over the world this year.

If you want me to say, it is all caused by the uncontrolled production of industrial waste gas by those western countries.

On the one hand they ask us what to do, yet they keep silent about themselves, huh, a bunch of double-standard dogs. "

As he said that, he opened his own mineral water bottle, and he got up, as if he wanted to drink the unhappiness in his heart as mineral water.

The fog didn't last long and soon dissipated.

When Li Le saw that the playground outside was still the same playground, the trees outside were still the same trees, and the house was still the same house, he couldn't help laughing dumbly and joked: "I thought there would be a plot of "The Mist", there are monsters everywhere."

Suo Hui laughed and said, "How is it possible, we're not making movies."

However, at this time, the entire security area suddenly sounded a battle alarm.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

Suo Hui was stunned and looked at Li Le with a weird face: "Old Tie, it won't really be "The Mist", right?"

Li Le was also taken aback: "I'm going, what the hell?"

The two did not dare to chat too much, and immediately rushed to get their weapons.

Although it was a joke that a monster appeared, but how could it be impossible

Recently, Milliken put a lot of military pressure on Huaxia, but the upper management agreed that there would be no war, because Milliken was just a paper tiger, and they dared not fight, nor could they fight.

However, this security area sounded the battle alarm, and did not say it was an exercise. Could it be that the special forces or espionage personnel of the Mi Army were doing trouble in Jiangzhou

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Get your weapon collection!!"

"Check ammo! Gear!!"

Li Le and Suo Hui held the weapons, checked them a little, and exclaimed: "It's really a real ammo, is Midi playing a big game?"

The two quickly finished dressing and assembled with other comrades in arms.

At this time, it was not the instructor and the trainer who was speaking, but the commander of the garrison, Major General Han Zhi.

At this time, Han Zhi was also dressed in military uniform, and glanced at the group of soldiers with bright eyes. After the assembly, he said with a serious expression: "This time is not an exercise, the whole country has sounded the first-level battle alarm, our mission this time is to enter the Jiangzhou City, protect the citizens, resist the invasion of foreigners, and wait for external help."

Alien? !

what the hell

Everyone, including Li Le, murmured in their hearts.

Han Zhi took a deep breath and said, "You may not believe it when you say it, and I didn't believe it at first, but the fact is that it happened, Jiangzhou Dakang asked us for help, and monsters from other worlds came across Jiangzhou.

This impossibility has become possible, so everyone cheers me up and must ensure the personal safety of every Jiangzhou citizen! Do you understand! "


"Okay! Let's go!!"

The soldiers boarded the truck one after another, and at this time, the alarm sounded in Jiangzhou City.

"This is the emergency command center of Jiangzhou City! There are a large number of invaders from other worlds in the city! Please everyone..."


The truck had already started. Li Le looked at the sky and listened to the siren. He said in a trance, "Really?"

As the gate of the security area was opened by the guards, trucks drove out one after another, and the squad leader in the car also shouted "Load", which made Li Le feel a little nervous.

He has never been comparable. As a soldier in the garrison area, as a garrison in Jiangzhou, an important town in the southwest, he actually stepped onto the battlefield one day.

Just this enemy on the battlefield...

The team traveled along Binjiang Road for about 1 km, then turned into a fork, and quickly drove into the urban area.

Li Le and Suo Hui had already seen citizens fleeing in panic all around, and the road ahead had collided due to the improper operation of the two yellow drivers, blocking the main road.

"Come on, there's a monster over there!"

"It's the troops, our troops are here!"

The citizens on the run said something, and Li Le knew that he was getting closer and closer to the battlefield.

The squad leader also received an order from Commander Han Zhi, and hurriedly shouted: "The road ahead is blocked! Get off everyone! Prepare to fight! March on foot!"


The squad leader flipped out of the car, opened the flap, and the soldiers jumped down one after another.

Li Le jumped down and looked at the citizens who kept fleeing here. Li Le knew that there must be an enemy just ahead.

"Cuckoo, hee hee hee hee..."

Suddenly a pair of green dwarfs in rags rushed out from a corner, they had pointy ears and noses, hunched over their bodies, stared wide-eyed, wore rags, and held wooden sticks. And all kinds of small and tattered cold weapons jumped onto the roof of the car.

It seemed that the group of citizens in front of them were complacent when they were frightened and ran around.

Suo Hui exclaimed: "Fuck, Goblin!"

Li Le also swallowed and aimed his gun at those goblins, which are really alien monsters.

The ghosts know how these goblins treat everyone, but the way they "drive away" the citizens is already regarded as a hostile act by the warriors.

To cause such a big riot, at least endanger public safety.

Han Zhi's order was immediately passed on: "Protect the citizens! Fire allowed!!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In Jiangzhou City, the harvest is said to be a good year, and the gunshots are heard.

"My yellow bullet goes in, the red bullet comes out, and I stir your minced meat.

I go in with a yellow bullet, or a white bullet out, and I'll blow your brains out.

My yellow bullet goes in, green bullet comes out, and I shoot you hard.

My yellow bullet goes in, the yellow bullet comes out, and I wear your shit. …”

While Suo Hui pulled the trigger, he muttered, and Li Le next to him kept rolling his eyes: "Why do you have such a strong taste?"

Suo Hui said with a look of disdain: "What is heavy taste? Uncle Ge's famous saying, let's stand on the shoulders of giants and have fun."

Well, Li Le admitted that the fact is indeed the case. Yellow, green, red and white, weak goblins are like nothing in front of the power of 95.

The small round shield made of rotten wood, even if there is an iron piece in the center of the round shield, the bullet will "boom" and directly penetrate the iron piece and shoot into the goblin's body.

As for the wooden shield in his hand, with a bang, it instantly turned into pieces.

Where have the goblins ever seen such an offensive, these green-skinned people in front of them are all magicians, magicians of otherworldly people.

The Goblin, who was only playing tricks on the residents of the other world, found that the situation was quite bad, and he accidentally broke into the magician settlement of the other world.

The magic released by the steel staff simply cannot be blocked by these weak goblins.

One of the leading goblins let out an "Ow", and the entire goblin team quickly retreated like a group of monkeys.

They began to retreat.

"Attack! Attack!"

"Protect citizens!!"

Li Le followed and patted a citizen who fell to the ground, shivered with fear by the goblins, buried his head, and dared not stand up: "I am the Chinese People's Army, are you alright?"

The citizen was so frightened by Li Le's slap on the shoulder that he turned his head stiffly to look at the man in the familiar military uniform behind him, shook his head, and nodded again: "I... I'm fine, thank you... Thank you... "

Li Le nodded, then pointed behind him, and said, "Go over there, there are no enemies there."


The citizen got up and ran away.

At this time, Li Le noticed that there seemed to be trouble on Suo Hui's side. Seeing that he was pulling with a woman, Li Le hurried over: "Suo Hui! What's the matter?"

Suo Hui had 95 hanging on his back, holding the woman in both hands, and said helplessly: "The citizens said there are many monsters ahead, but this woman still wants to go forward!"

The woman cried, "Let me go, let me go! My child!!"


Li Le was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

The woman cried: "The crowd was too chaotic just now, woo woo woo, my daughter and I were scattered, and she was still there! Help me!!"

It turned out that the woman was going to find her child, but was stopped by Suo Hui.

Li Le hurriedly reported the matter, and the squad leader said immediately: "Go! Everyone has it, pack up the equipment, and follow me in to save people!"

Li Le pressed the woman on the hood of the parked car and warned, "Just wait here, we will help you rescue your daughter in a while."

The woman quickly took out her mobile phone and opened it to Li Le: "This is a picture of my daughter!"

Li Le patted her on the shoulder lightly and reassured: "Don't worry, leave it to our People's Army."

Not far away, the goblin squad retreated one after another. The goblin king had a big belly, a red cloak, and a golden crown.

There was a large gold necklace hanging on his chest, a thick cigarette butt in his mouth, and a goblin who hurriedly retreated in his thick arm, asking: "You mean that you have met an army of mages from another world? "

The goblin nodded frantically like a chicken pecking at rice: "Mmmm, green mage army, strange iron staff! Very powerful!!"