Different World Development Manual

Chapter 82: That must be cowardly


"Hush hush hush hush hush hhhhhhh..."

The j15 formation whizzed through the air, and below them, a huge fleet of several hundred warships was fleeing towards the east.

"Songjiang, Songjiang, this is Sea Bird No. 1. The target fleet has been locked and is fleeing east."

Immediately after that, the j15 tumbled violently, left the formation directly, and flew at a low altitude.

The pilot observed the fleet that fled east and continued to report: "It's the fleet of Panda, Avalon, and Tomir."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

As the j15 formation flew by, Mi Rui swallowed, stared at the distant birds, and said in a panic, "Why are they catching up? Could it be that the Holy See's fleet has been destroyed?"

The others also had a hint of doubt, and another said, "Did the sky turn black just now?"

The person next to him nodded: "Okay... It seems so, I saw that the sky in the direction of the Holy See fleet turned black."

Mi Rui murmured: "It should be the Holy See and the Demon King's army fighting."

Mi Rui's group could not see the blood moon that suddenly hung in the dark night, nor could they feel the waves that suddenly became manic, but they could see a hint of darkness at the border of the divine art.

Mire guessed that the Holy See must be fighting against the Demon King's army.

But seeing the big bird flying away, Mi Rui couldn't help but feel nervous: "Could it be that the Holy See has been defeated? Even the big bird flew over, so it wouldn't be an escape, would it? If you run away, you should flee to the coastline in the west or north. ."

At this time, the looking finger on the mast pointed to the rear of the fleet and shouted: "No, the air force of the Demon King's Army is catching up!!"

I saw more than a dozen black spots suddenly appeared in the distance, Mi Rui quickly used the mirror technique, zoomed in, and found that it was the monster that easily killed a large number of combined fleet air cavalry in the previous battle.

"Damn, it's those tin monsters!!"

Mi Rui shouted, other air knights in the combined fleet also discovered this, and the entire combined fleet panicked immediately.

It was the combined fleet that had fled. At this time, the pot was completely blown up, and the commander shouted: "Get out of here! Quick!"

However, the speed of the sailing warship could not match the speed of the helicopter. After a while, the iron monsters in the sky caught up.

"Too tao tao tao..."

12 helicopters rushed over from a distance, and the soldiers on the hatch pointed the muzzle of their machine guns directly at the huge fleet below.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

At this time, the j15 in the sky also flew back and began to circle over the fleet.

From the point of view of Mi Rui and others, they seemed to have encountered a group of monsters that were hunting, they hovered high, molesting the prey at the moment.

At this time, the entire fleet that fled was completely powerless, and there were only less than 100 air knights left. Those magicians also consumed a lot of magic power when they cooperated with the Holy See to hold up the light curtain.

It is impossible for these archers and bowmen on the deck to deal with them, the arrows cannot reach them.

Mi Rui vaguely remembered that in the previous battle, when he was close to those iron-skinned monsters, he could feel a powerful wind magic blowing over, so strong that the air knights could not maintain normal flight as usual.

Even if those arrows shoot up, they will definitely be blown away by the wind magic that comes with those iron-skinned monsters.

Mi Rui hesitated for a while, then looked at the rest of the flying dragon knights, only to see that they were as uneasy as himself.

From the eyes of the brave and fearless elites of these dozen empires, Mi Rui actually saw fear and cowardice, and they were afraid to fight.

But Mi Rui was not much better, and he was afraid of fighting.

Mi Rui carefully glanced at the Panda Empire fleet commander who was looking at the iron monsters in the sky, praying that this guy would never send his surviving flying dragon knights to fight those monsters, he really didn't want to die. what.

However, at this time, the familiar imperial language rang in the air.

"This is the Republic of China, the Chinese People's Army Navy!

The Panda Empire fleet listened, immediately put up the sails, stopped the boat, and surrendered to our army!

Think of your parents, think of your wives!

lay down your weapon! Stop and surrender now! We treat captives well!

Otherwise, it will be destroyed on the spot!

Repeat, this is the Republic of China, the Chinese People’s Army Navy…”

In addition to the official language of the Panda Empire, the languages of the Avalon Empire and the Tomir Empire were broadcast by these helicopters.

Thanks to the skill of An Rui's "Aghanim Language Omniscient", these shouts of persuasion to surrender were recorded in advance and passed to the fleet.

Mi Rui and the soldiers of the Panda Empire looked at the monsters in the sky that claimed to be the Chinese People's Army Navy, but were flying in the air.

First stunned: "Sound range magic?"

Immediately afterwards, he said in surprise: "Imperial language! My God, they can actually speak imperial language!"

Except for those nobles, many soldiers of the empire are all alone and have no worries, as if their parents and wives have nothing to do with them.

But these calls to persuade to surrender touched those high-ranking officers and elite soldiers. They are different from those single old dogs who are recruited. They have a bright future.

Coupled with the powerful strength of Huaxia, there is no room for them to resist, and they will be counseled immediately.

Even those low-level soldiers who were alone, after seeing this powerful force called the Huaxia People's Army, did not have the slightest idea of continuing to resist.

To them, the battle with the Demon King's Army was a matter of those high-ranking noble lords and great heroes. They were just eating and waiting to die, taking some army salaries and dignified the existence of green leaves.

Although he is cannon fodder, he still has the faith to live.

"Quick! Quick surrender!"

"Hurry up and put the sails away!"

"Throw all the weapons into the sea!!"

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, the officers and elites have thrown away their weapons, knelt down on the deck facing the helicopter in the sky, buried their heads deeply, the standard surrender of the Panda Empire.

And when the recruited soldiers saw this, of course they also followed.

Your noble grandfather has surrendered, how can we still fight hard

Although it is a cheap life, it is still a life anyway, and the old paper still has to go back to find a woman alive.

All the survivors of the Panda Empire fleet chose to surrender involuntarily, as did the fleets of the Tomir Kingdom and the Avalon Empire.

Throwing away their weapons, they all surrendered.

On the Songjiang, Xia Jianhua, who had been gloomy after the battle, also received news: "Report! The fleets of Tomir, Avalon and Panda have surrendered in place!"

Xia Jianhua nodded and said coldly, "Make arrangements to bring them back to China."


Not long after, there was another news report: "Report! The Campbell Fleet, Ottoman Fleet, and the fleets of the Great Plains countries in the southeast have surrendered! Please instruct!"

Xia Jianhua slapped his mouth, sighed, and muttered, "Isn't there any resistance?"

Three frigates were severely damaged, and dozens of officers and soldiers suffered casualties, which made Xia Jianhua very dislike of these otherworldly natives.

Although Xia Jianhua expected the other party to be stupid enough to bump into him, the commander of the other party didn't seem to be a real stupid person.

"Demon Museum"

This somewhat frustrated Xia Jianhua's hope of taking the opportunity to express his anger, but in desperation, he could only arrange: "All, together, take them back to China.

In addition, the battle report will be reported to the General Staff and the General Army! "
