Different World Development Manual

Chapter 83: Energy issues


After the Battle of Gangju, 3 hours, Gyeonggi City.

At this time, Huaxia has entered the dark night. Although strange things have happened in Jiangzhou to the southwest, it has no great impact on the citizens of Gyeonggi City.

The only impact may be the sudden announcement of an indefinite state of emergency, as well as traffic restrictions in the city, which will have a big impact on tomorrow's travel.

Every household in Gyeonggi City has turned on the lights, and the hosts have also gone home from get off work to cook, and even those who don’t cook have gone out to restaurants.

Everyone gets together and blows.

There are too many news today, the state of emergency, the traffic control in the city, the interruption of the link with the external network, the mass arrest of spies in the city with the participation of the Chaoyang masses, as usual, everything is worthy of Gyeonggi City The townspeople played it for ten days and a half months and talked about it with relish.

However, what happened in Jiangzhou to the southwest made the citizens of Gyeonggi City almost focus all their attention there. It was an invasion of foreigners, and it affected the hearts of the people of the whole country.

Sudden outbreaks are almost impossible to hide in an era with such a developed network.

There are even people on the Internet who are speculating whether it is China that has transmigrated to another world, not people from other worlds.

Zero Point Reading Network

After all, there are still many netizens from border provinces on the Internet. Although they have not encountered the accident in Jiangzhou, they have also photographed their adventures online.

It doesn't matter how Gyeonggi City discusses its words and deeds, as long as public opinion is in the correct direction, there will be no problem.

Just after arranging the words and deeds of An Rui and his party, they flew from Jiangzhou to Gyeonggi without stopping, and rushed to the center as quickly as possible to participate in this emergency meeting.

Although it was meal time, none of the central bosses had the heart to eat.

Think tanks, military executives, and central bosses are sitting around this huge conference room, discussing something.


As the huge wooden door in the conference room was slowly pushed open by two guards, he hurried in from the outside with words and deeds sweating profusely.

Looking at the military and political leaders in the house, they immediately saluted and said loudly, "Report! Director of the Time and Space Administration, Major General, come to report with words and deeds!"

"Hahaha, our protagonist has finally arrived, Xiaoyan is still a resolute guy."

Listening to one of the bosses teasing, his words and deeds were embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I'm late!"

"No way, we don't mean that, you swept your tail in Jiangzhou, and then rushed over without stopping, 3 hours is already very fast.

If you feel bad about it, come over and sit down first, and let's start the meeting. "

One of the big men said and waved, then walked up immediately, pulled out the chair and sat down.

At this time, a staff member came up, poured warm tea into the cup in front of Yan Xing, and gently pushed down the front of Yan Xing.

With words and deeds, he grabbed the teacup, and drank the "ton, tons" without any scruples in front of this group of bigwigs.

The staff member was obviously taken aback by his words and actions. This is the center. Is this guy so rude and angry

Immediately afterwards, he put the teacup in front of the table, wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and said apologetically, "Sorry, I'm too thirsty."

The bosses nodded slightly, and expressed their understanding, indicating that their words and deeds should not be too concerned.

At this time, the staff filled the teacup of words and deeds again, and then slowly retreated.

At this time, in the conference room, the people from the think tank were the first to speak.

"Due to the sudden crossing, all our satellites have been left on the earth, so many things, we can't use them at all.

And this also made us temporarily lose contact with the other 4 countries and could not cooperate at all.

Now, I am afraid that only we know that the other four countries have also crossed together, and the other four countries may not know that there will be other countries that have experienced the same crossing as them. "

Saying that, a map was displayed in the entire conference room: "The observatory speculates that this is a flat-horizon world, that is, a world with a round sky.

It stands to reason that we can get in touch with the other 4 countries through radio waves.

However, here, here, here, and these places, our radio waves cannot penetrate at all, as if there is a wall there, blocking our way of radio waves. "

After taking a look at the words and deeds, the think tank refers to the places further east of the Central Sea, north of the Panda Empire, and further west and further south of the Emerald Forest.

Since there is currently no accurate map, all the information on this map is provided by An Rui orally and is not particularly accurate.

The think tank continued: "Of course, the most important problem is that after we cross, we lose the huge market of the earth, and our domestic economy will have serious problems.

First of all, the energy issue, the most important energy oil, we have lost the import channel.

Even our current strategic reserves of energy and domestic energy exploitation cannot support the development of our country's economy at all.

Even in a state of emergency now, all fossil-powered private cars are banned from the road, and it is also difficult to relieve the pressure we are facing now.

You must know that in this different world, we are called the Demon King’s Army. The countries in this Aghanim Continent are all hostile to us. Our energy must first be supplied to the military first to ensure that national security. "

At this time, the military boss continued: "The army has all entered a state of strategic defense, and the activities of high-energy-consuming troops should be minimized, except for sending necessary reconnaissance and combat troops abroad.

We desperately need energy right now. "

The military's appeal is very simple. Modern weapons eat petrochemicals. Without petrochemicals, tanks, armored vehicles, and military vehicles will be lying in their nests.

Fighters and ships will strike.

Even the most powerful weapons rely heavily on oil.

The sudden interruption of energy supply has greatly affected the entire CPA. The mechanized actions and quick responses that modern troops are proud of are all based on energy.

Oil is the blood of the machine, and without it, it's nothing unless you go back to the age of the steam engine.

But now it can only be used at critical times, and it is no longer possible to spend "without any degree" like before.

If the energy supply problem cannot be solved, the national security will be seriously challenged.

Words and deeds said at this time: "If the oil problem is concerned, it should not be a big problem."

As soon as the words and deeds came out, the eyes of the boss and the think tanks turned to him.

He stared in horror for a while, as if he was being stared at by a group of beasts.

Words and deeds opened his mouth and said: "If you have oil, you should already have it."


The corners of his mouth rose slightly: "This is also thanks to the Aghanim brave."

One of the central bosses has a deep image of this brave man: "Is that the Jiangzhou native who disappeared 3 months ago and traveled to this world 12 years earlier?"

Words and deeds nodded: "Yes, I saw it today, it is indeed a native of Jiangzhou, he did not lie.

The most important thing is that we quietly collected his DNA, and it matched 100% of An Rui, who disappeared 3 months ago with the same name and surname, so we can be sure that he is a person. "

The bosses in the center nodded, with a look of "yes, it's their own".

Words and deeds continued to say good things for An Rui in front of the central bosses: "The most important thing is that this guy Xiao An has replaced the identity of returning to China very quickly, and 12 years may be regarded as a study abroad and a different world for him. Go on a business trip.

After all, Xiao An's current ID card shows a 25-year-old Chinese citizen, a native of Huaxia. Even if he disappeared in Huaxia for 3 months, his social network is still alive, so I personally think Xiao An is still very reliable. of.

And what about the character of this kid

It's a bit ugly, it's called more cowardly.

It sounds nice, it's called very honest.

Xiao An is very important to our strategic vision in the flat-earth world, especially on the Aghanim continent.

And the most important point, from the perspective of Xiao An's previous big data analysis on the Internet, in fashionable terms, he is a ***. "

The benefits of the information age, no matter what you do, your every move will be transmitted to the database through the things around you that are connected to the Internet, including computers and mobile phones.

Don't ask, just don't click the "authorization consent" of those apps.

Since the words and deeds are all for An Rui, the bosses of the center didn't say anything more, just mentioned it a little, let the words and deeds figure out a way to make this "return" firmly tied to the Chinese chariot superior.

The topic has been withdrawn from the authenticity of Anrui's Chinese identity to the energy issue.

Words and deeds continued: "A few years ago, An Rui discovered oil on the southern border of the Panda Empire, which is his territory..."