Different World Development Manual

Chapter 9: Transfiguration


The garrison is responsible for the defense of the city and belongs to the type of city defense.

As responsible for urban defense, the garrison area also accepts the leadership of the local government, which is a dual leadership.

If during a war, the garrison area can receive all armed forces within its jurisdiction, including the military, military police and police forces.

As one of the four municipalities directly under the Central Government in China, Jiangzhou's garrison level is a military-level unit.


Li Le immediately got feedback on the situation he encountered, and Han Zhi, as the commander of the garrison area, made a decisive decision: "Arrange a platoon of soldiers to carry out rescue operations to ensure the safety of citizens."


It is impossible for the troops in the city to fully deploy. The combat power of a platoon, the number of about 30 people, is enough for Han Zhi in street fighting.

What's more, the city is Jiangzhou, with dense high-rise buildings and narrow old streets.

Immediately afterwards, Han Zhi continued: "Connect to the Jiangzhou Emergency Command Center, call the nearby surveillance cameras, and pass the situation to them at any time."


The incident happened suddenly, and the garrison area was still a long way from the city government and the police station. Han Zhi did not meet Dakang and Qu Gang in time to set up the emergency command center.

Instead, they chose to command the armed forces in the garrison area and marched toward the urban area.

"Li Le! It's approved! It's our platoon, let's save people, fight monsters, hehe..."

Suo Hui looked excited, like a silly roe deer.

Li Le nodded and put the mobile phone with the girl's photo into his pocket.

At this time, the platoon leader said: "All in 1st row! Check the equipment, run forward, there are a lot of monsters ahead!"


Citizens with cats in office buildings and shopping malls on both sides of the street photographed the chaotic situation below. The soldiers fought back and directly repelled the offensive of the goblin squad.

Citizens were lying by the window, holding large mobile phones, while taking pictures of the cpa (chinese people's army) below, and cheering: "The People's Army is doing well, our Chinese People's Army is the most powerful!"

When the girls saw the heroic figure of the CPA warrior, they couldn't help but become crazy and screamed, "Brother Soldier, come on!!"

While enjoying the cheers of the citizens in the buildings on both sides, Suo Hui wiped his nose and said with a smile: "Hum, do you hear me? There are cheers for us on both sides. We are heroes now, Li Le."

Although Li Le was happy in his heart, he pretended to be calm and said, "Let's save the people first. That woman said that there is a monster in front of her."

The platoon leader also quickly got the monitoring data, and each squad also received the news: "There is a goblin army on the corner ahead! Prepare to fight!"

The citizens in the building also shouted, "Be careful, there are goblins ahead!!"

The platoon leader ordered: "Quickly! Quickly! Quickly!"

A transfer, a green creature appeared in front of everyone's eyes, it was the goblin army.

I saw that in the high-rise buildings on both sides of the street, citizens were holding various objects and smashing them at the goblins they received below.

The densely packed goblins, even with their eyes closed, can hit them with just about anything.

Of course, the goblins were not incapable of fighting back. The bows and crossbows in their hands were aimed at the top of their heads, and a rain of arrows was placed "swish, swish" toward the top.

It's just that the tall buildings are too tall, and the small broken arrows commonly equipped by goblins can't injure the citizens of the high floors at all.

But the citizens of the lower floors were not so happy. No matter men, women or children, they stood by the smashed glass windows, or used folding stools as shields, or used mops as long poles, guarding the windows.

As soon as a goblin wanted to jump up, they would immediately go up and stab the goblin from the window.

There are several burly goblins in the street, and they are much more involved than those ordinary goblins.

With a height of almost 2 meters, ordinary goblins can only look up to the sky! You are so tall!

I don't know what these guys have eaten and grown into this. With strong muscles, carrying a goblin, he recognized it directly at the broken window above, and without any effort, he let Qi enter the building. .

However, the height of ordinary goblins is less than 1 meter. The heroic citizens in the building are fighting together, and these goblins who are suddenly thrown up cannot easily break through.

On the streets, citizens who haven't had time to escape are either surrounded by cars and afraid to get out.

Or be surrounded by several goblins armed with weapons, and they will be taken to the side after a confrontation.

There are also citizens who escaped the weapons in the hands of the goblins with their bare hands and fought fiercely with these green monkeys.

The citizens between the buildings on both sides were also throwing things frantically to provide fire support to the citizens below.


The platoon leader immediately gave an order, and the gunshots were loud for a while, and the goblins began to fall in pieces.

"Li Le! Suo Hui! Go and save the people over there!"

The squad leader immediately arranged tasks for the two of them. Li Le and Suo Hui quickly rushed forward along the aisle, and with every shot, a goblin was eliminated.

For the two of them, it was the first actual combat that they had never imagined. In fact, the opponent turned out to be a Goblin from another world.

"It's solved!!"

"Change the magazine, Suo Hui covers me!"


After the two killed the goblins in front, they immediately greeted the rescued citizens: "Quick, everyone come here!"

The appearance of the People's Army made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. At this time, the citizens only felt that the People's Army was extremely cordial.

Li Le pulled a citizen, took out his mobile phone from his arms, pulled out the girl's photo, and asked, "Have you seen this girl?"

The citizen glanced at it, rubbed his chin, looked thoughtful, and said after a moment: "I saw that this little girl was captured by goblins just now, and those citizens who were captured should be there. "

Then he pointed to the position further ahead: "We escaped from there. There are more goblins there. Be careful when you go there."

Li Le patted the citizen on the shoulder and said, "Thank you."

Li Le immediately reported the news, and the entire platoon began to rush towards the little girl's position, because there were not only little girls, but also many citizens caught by goblins.


A goblin flew over directly, loaded it heavily on Suo Hui's body, and knocked him to the ground.

"Suo Hui!"

The goblin was also knocked into a mess, Li Le hurried up, kicked the goblin away from Suo Hui, then pulled the trigger, and with a "bang", directly knocked the goblin away. Brin was shot dead.

"I'm fine..."

Suo Hui propped up on the ground and got up a little wobbly.

"Li Le, that big goblin..."

Everyone can see the strength of these green-robed mages with steel staffs. The almost 2-meter-high muscle goblins no longer threw little goblins at the citizens on the building, but turned their eyes away. When they reached the soldiers, they directly picked up the goblins and threw them as cannonballs.

"Deal with the big goblin first!!"

Muscle goblins looked at the cpa warriors with disdain. As a special existence in the goblins family, the muscles all over their bodies not only gave them great strength, but they also got mutants in the process of growth. guy.

Every Muscle Goblin has a certain degree of magic resistance, even if it is an ordinary small fireball, it will not hurt half of their hair.

Therefore, disdain for these green-clothed mages is considered groundless. In the eyes of the muscle goblins, it seems that these green-clothed people can be pinched to death by reaching out.

That shot of a little goblin, in his opinion, even if it is himself, he can punch one.

A mere little goblin, my brother can hit 10.

Therefore, the Muscle Goblins did not take these green-robed mages seriously at all.

His fists were like gorillas, "bang bang bang" hammering his chest, showing his power to Li Le, Suo Hui and others, and even making a strange cry of "oooooooooo".

Goblin's language, anyway, everyone can't understand, just think that this is a green-skinned orangutan.

"Fire! Kill them!!"

Dare to provoke the cpa

The muscle goblins were instantly turned into a sieve.

Hearing the explosion of the green-robed mage's staff, the muscle goblin's head blossomed, or a hole was blown out by the steel staff in some part of his body.

With a "pop", the Muscle Goblin fell directly to the ground, and blood spurted out from the pierced gun hole.

They were shocked. I have a magic resist skin, why can't I fight like this

The muscle goblins looked at the green wizards in horror. In their imaginations, no matter how powerful the steel staffs of the green wizards were, their attacks would not cause too much damage in front of their own magic resistance skin. s damage.

However, they were wrong. The seemingly weak green-clothed mage was so powerful that even they could easily be brought down.

The Muscle Goblins screamed, speaking in a strange language that humans couldn't understand at all, and shouted: "Run! We are not the opponents of these green mages! They are too strong!"

As the Muscle Goblins began to flee, the entire Goblins' front began to collapse, and the Little Bean Goblins fled, and the Green Wizard had become a nightmare lingering in the minds of these Goblins.

Li Le was noncommittal: "Goblins collapsed?"

Suo Hui said proudly: "Just right, go for it!"

The platoon leader also shouted: "Everyone has it, move on! Pay attention to clearing the nearby goblins that endanger the citizens!"

The buildings on both sides of the street suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers.

"Long live! Long live the People's Army! The goblins have been defeated!!"

"Damn it! The cpa is really good for Jill! The video that Lao Zhi just recorded can be watched as a movie!!"

However, at this moment, a resounding chant rang out. Although everyone could not understand it, both the CPA and the cheering citizens knew that there should be some big man like a magician coming.

A 2-meter-high wall of fire suddenly burst into flames in the street, blocking the goblins' retreat.

"The Guard is Here"

Those goblins who could not stop themselves rushed into the wall of fire and immediately burned.

The other goblins were also stunned by the sudden wall of fire and the sound of chants, they stopped and didn't dare to move.

"It's a magician!"

The citizens shouted, looked in the direction of the sound, and found a Goblin less than 1 meter tall wearing the usual purple robes with stars, hairs, and holding a question mark shape. 's staff floats 10 meters high in the air.

"Fuck, goblins also have wizards? Aren't all goblins all low-IQ creatures?"

The citizens in the building have already exclaimed, the goblins in fantasy games and novels are generally scumbags, and they exist at the level of cannon fodder.

You can just play cannon fodder as a goblin, why are you still a mage

Suo Hui also called out: "Fuck, goblin mage?"

It seems that the goblin mage also noticed the cable emblem, and the short hand held a staff that was taller than others and faced the cable emblem, and the spell was hurriedly connected to the mouth.

"Crackling, mummy mummy..."

When the last note was spit out, only listening to the sound of "Peng", a cloud of white mist exploded directly from Suo Hui's body.

Li Le next to him shouted badly: "Suo Hui!"

When the smoke dissipated, there was still Suo Hui next to Li Le. There was only a cute little hamster on the ground, with its small paws raised on his chest, with a confused look on his face.

The citizens were completely shocked: "Fuck, the cpa was taken by a sheep??! Transfiguration!!!"


At this time, the goblins roared again, turned their heads, and charged towards the warriors again.