Different World Development Manual

Chapter 90: upgrade


After Guan Lin gave the order, she immediately got up and ran to the armored car, opened the door, and greeted: "Quick! Get in the car!"

One second she was an intellectual woman, the next she was a decisive female warrior.

Guan Lin's sudden change made An Rui unable to adapt to it for a while, and was taken aback for a moment: "You, aren't you a diplomat?"

Already sitting in the driver's seat, tilted his head, and said, "Don't forget that I am a former identity, and I am also a soldier, come up quickly!"

"Uh... Ali, Meng'er, get in the car!"

"Ah? Yes!"

In An Rui's seriousness, the level of the spirit of the earth is not high, only about 60. Even if it is handed over to Ah Li and Meng'er, the two girls can handle it alone.

As for now, I'm only level 25, so I definitely won't be able to win.

Although Ahri and Menger have strength, An Rui is more like seeing how the CPAs deal with this monster, so he just holds back and makes Ahri and Menger ready to fight at any time.

The spirit of the earth is that the land has been harassed by magic for a long time, thus accumulating a huge amount of energy, and then the soil and rocks are gathered together to form a 7-story tall soil monster.

Compared with clay puppets and rock puppets, the earth spirit has more powerful strength, more agile speed, and higher intelligence.

"The Age of Rebirth"


The Spirit of the Earth stretched out his hand and slapped it at the place where everyone was roasting the wolf.

With a slap, it directly slaps the earth with a big mark.

"Woo woo meow, other people's wolf!!"

The flares in the sky lit up the vicinity. Guan Lin turned the steering wheel and gave the oil while pulling the armored vehicle away from the spirit of the earth.

At the same time, he shouted to the channel: "The oil truck quickly gets out of here!"


Two oil trucks were quickly fleeing from here under the cover of one warrior, and the other three warriors also aimed the heavy machine guns on the roof at the spirit of the earth, spewing flames, the attraction of "da da da da" pay attention to it.

Guan Lin asked: "God-level firearms specialization? Can heavy functions be used?"

This woman even knew her own skills. An Rui turned around, looked at the heavy machine gun on the roof of the car, and said noncommittally, "It should be fine."

Guan Lin said, "Go up and attract that monster's attention."

"Uh… "

An Rui climbed over the driver's seat and entered the position of the machine gunner. Looking at the unfamiliar heavy machine gun, after hesitating for a while, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

Suddenly, it was as if an electric current was uploaded from the gun body to An Rui's body. At this moment, An Rui only felt that the heavy machine gun in front of him could no longer be familiar to him, as if it was a part of his own body.

Immediately, he set up a machine gun, aimed at the head of the earth spirit, and pulled the trigger firmly.

“Da da da da da…”

A tongue of flame was sprayed directly from the muzzle, and immediately turned into a beam of light, which shot straight at the head of the Earth Spirit.

No matter how strong the recoil of this machine gun is, no matter how fast the machine gun fires, with the "God-level Firearms Specialization", An Rui can even shoot every bullet fired from the machine gun in his hand to a point. superior.

The 4 warriors spun around the spirit of the earth quickly, and the 4 to orange light beams kept shooting stone debris on the spirit of the earth.

However, the spirit of the earth is made of mud and rock after all, and even the heavy machine gun on the roof of the armored vehicle cannot cause damage to the spirit of the earth.

"Be careful!"

An Rui shouted, and the Spirit of the Earth slapped an armored vehicle.

Fortunately, it was an old driver. One foot on the accelerator, one foot on the brake, and a sudden swipe of the steering wheel, a gorgeous drift, which was stunned by the Earth Spirit's pre-judgmental attack.

An Rui exclaimed excitedly, "Nice job!"


Guan Lin in the car had already called out, and An Rui was stunned: "What?"


Saying that, Guan Lin got off the back of the passenger seat with her right hand, took out a Type 08 bazooka from below, threw it on Ali's body, and ordered, "Give it to him!"

Ali held the bazooka in both hands, glanced at Guan Lin, who turned his head and groped for something while driving, and glanced at An Rui who was standing beside the machine gun, raised the bazooka and handed it to An Rui: "Hey, An Rui. Ray."

The moment An Rui reached out and touched the bazooka, it was like touching a machine gun, an electric current rushed into his body, a familiar feeling, like a part of his body.

and many more! Is a rocket launcher a gun? ? I'm just a "God-level firearm specialist"!


"Ah good."

After taking Guan Lin's shell, Ah Li handed it to An Rui.

Familiar feeling, An Rui seems to feel that he has become a veteran.

Loading, aiming, preparing, and thinking silently in my heart: "Is it finally my turn? There is nothing that one rpg can't solve. Go, rocket!"


As the barrel lit up, the rocket flew straight out, aiming at the head of the Earth Spirit and hitting it.


A huge spark exploded directly, and the head of the Earth Spirit was blown to pieces.

"Nice job!"

Guan Lin did not hesitate to praise An Rui at this time. A rocket accurately knocked off the monster's head, which was really amazing.

Immediately afterwards, the rockets on the other three fighters also flew up, "Rumbling Rumble Rumble", blasting a few sparks directly on the Earth Spirit.

A huge arm was suddenly blown up, and fell to the ground with a "bang", scattered into stones and clods.

As if the structure of the whole body was blown to pieces, the legs of the earth spirit softened and knelt down to the ground.


This kneeling, as if the earth was trembling in fear.


Guan Lin is not sure, after all, this is the first time China has played against it.

"No! Not yet!"

As soon as Ah Li's voice fell, the stones and mud blocks that fell from his body floated up one after another, and gathered towards the body of the Earth Spirit again.

Facing this situation, Guan Lin bit her lip and said, "The rocket attacks are all ineffective!?"

An Rui shook his head and said, "That's not the case!"

As he said that, he set up a heavy machine gun, aimed at the gap between the reassembled stones of the Earth Spirit and pulled the trigger.

I saw a string of light beams shot from the roof of the armored vehicle, passed through the stones and soil, and shot directly into the body of the Earth Spirit.

“Da da da da da…”

“Whoosh whoosh…”

After a few seconds, the stones and mud blocks that had gathered towards the body of the Earth Spirit suddenly stopped and were suspended in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the spirit of the earth let out a dull roar, and the stones and soil blocks that had been suspended in the air fell to the ground one after another.

Then the body of the earth spirit began to collapse, and the stones and soil on his body fell off one after another.

In the end, it shattered with a bang, like a building that suddenly collapsed, falling to the ground and shattering into a pile.

Guan Lin stopped the car, turned her head to look at An Rui, and asked, "Solved?"

An Rui nodded: "Well, it's solved."

Guan Lin said in surprise: "Isn't it impossible for rockets to solve it, how did you solve it with a heavy machine?"

An Rui raised his head, triumphantly: "Magic core, I shot through its magic core."

Guan Lin took a deep breath and spit it out slowly: "And this thing?"

"Of course!" Then he ordered: "Meng'er, go and dig out the demon core of the spirit of the earth!"

"Understood meow!"

Guan Lin also ordered: "Clean up the battlefield, be alert!"

The next thing is that Menger went to dig the magic core, and the cpa cleaned the battlefield. An Rui's attention was completely lost on this. An Rui, who had been addicted to a heavy machine, was now looking at his system.

"exp+9999999… "

A beam of light enveloped An Rui, and An Rui directly changed from level 25 to level 34, jumping 9 levels.

At the beginning of time travel, it took An Rui several years to upgrade from level 1 to level 34. Unexpectedly, he followed his thighs, and in 2 days, An Rui walked for several years before he finished walking.

An Rui said with joy: "Hey! I've upgraded!!"