Different World Development Manual

Chapter 91: Terror lights


The ten-minute battle ended quickly, and the team had no interest in having a picnic after cleaning the battlefield.

After dividing the roasted whole wolf into hot pieces, I took it to the car, and then Guan Lin ordered the team to continue to move forward. There was still 120 kilometers to go, and it took 3 hours to reach the Shield of Alan, and then spend the night in the Shield of Alan. .

An Rui sat in the co-pilot's seat, and from time to time he tore off the whole roasted wolf for a short walk and handed it to Guan Lin's mouth.

Guan Lin held the steering wheel, opened her small mouth and unceremoniously took away the wolf meat that An Rui handed over, chewed it, and swallowed it.

Taking advantage of the lights in the car, Guan Lin glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time, watching the back seat holding the magic core the size of an ostrich egg, and asked curiously, "Is that thing a magic core? It's so big."

An Rui nodded: "Yes, a monster with magical power in its body, whether it is a beast or an element.

Whether it is powerful or not, they will have a magic core in their bodies.

The magic core is to them what the heart is to us humans.

It's just that among various monsters, there is also a lot of surprise in the magic core in their bodies.

The magic core of this earth spirit can provide enough energy for a large magic array. "

While listening, Guan Lin nodded her head from time to time. At the same time, the monitor in the car also recorded everything An Rui said.

"Whether it's mages or clerics, as long as it's a profession related to release, their weapons are closely related to these magic cores.

A high-quality magic core is polished and inlaid on the staff and scepter, which can provide the caster with a lot of magic or divine power, and at the same time increase the power of the magic after it is released. "

Guan Lin thought thoughtfully: "So, magic and divine arts mean the same thing?"

After pondering for a moment, An Rui shook his head and said noncommittally: "I don't know, at least summoners, magicians, priests, conjurers, witches, Taoists, etc., they do not classify the abilities they use as unified. technique.

The mage is called magic power, the priest is called divine power, the conjurer is called magic power, the witch is called magic power, and the Taoist is called qi.

Although most people in the world think that they are not the same thing, I think that whether it is magic or divine power, they are all one substance. "

Guan Lin licked the cumin on her lips and giggled, "Huh? Are our heroes or scholars?"

An Rui chuckled: "Scholar? Don't dare to be, I'm just a modern person, scientifically analyzing and judging.

Because the magic core only contains a kind of energy, no matter what they say, it is this magical power that is used in the end.

The power of this artifact is probably like a number from 0 to 9. Taoists, witches, mages, and priests have different formulas when they use them. "

As a hero of Aghanim, and at the same time obtained the divine gift of "system", many of An Rui's skills can be obtained from the system.

Regardless of whether it is obtained with skill points or other methods, An Rui has a lot of magic and divine skills in addition to many martial arts.

It looks like a swordsman holding a big sword, but in fact it is a panacea carrying a 95 rifle.

Therefore, An Rui also has his own set of opinions on magic, but this set of opinions is not recognized by many people in this world, just like An Rui's "The Circle of Earth".

However, An Rui had the full support of his friend, the red-clothed archbishop of the Panda Empire, Luceli.

That guy, in An Rui's view, was the most enlightened and pragmatic clergyman.

The road at night did not make the team travel fast, but the 3-hour journey could be considered to have arrived at the destination safely.

The convoy stopped between the trees at this time, looking at the tall black shadow in the night sky from a distance, blocking the crowd in front of everyone like a row of skyscrapers.

The city walls were brightly lit, torches were everywhere, and torches were everywhere.

By candlelight, you can still see the warriors of the furry kingdom behind the parapet, wearing a pair of oriental-style armor, holding weapons, standing on it, and guarding the surroundings.

Even at night, the vigilance on the city walls was not relaxed.

Different from the western style of the Panda Empire section of Alan's Shield, the furry section of Alan's Shield, whether it is a city wall or a garrison, is completely the style of an eastern country.

The familiar city gate tower, hung with big lanterns and hammers, fell down.

The lights in the tower are brilliant, it is not a song and dance, but the soldiers stationed here are constantly studying the map of the nearby defense.

The Demon King's Army has arrived, which makes the soldiers stationed in Alan's Shield in the Furry Kingdom have to be 100% full of energy.

On the city wall, the dragon flag of the furry kingdom is fluttering fiercely against the evening wind.

Several soldiers lifted a red square lantern, and then lit an oil lamp under it.

With a light touch, the red lantern flew into the sky through the updraft of the oil lamp.

"Kongming Lantern? Tsk tsk, although I have already prepared a little in my heart, but I still didn't expect that the furry kingdom looks like we have traveled back to ancient China."

Guan Lin held the steering wheel with both hands, looking at the kongming lanterns in the sky that converged into stars and lit up the area near the city gate, envious.

An Rui leaned on the passenger seat, looked at the sky with the Kongming lanterns that formed a galaxy, wiped his nose, and corrected: "It's the 'frightening lamp', the terror of dinosaurs, the song of birds."

Guan Lin rolled her eyes at An Rui: "Fear of the lights?"

An Rui said helplessly, "You can't possibly think that Zhuge Liang came across as a brave man, right?"

Guan Lin nodded subconsciously, and An Rui explained: "There is a beast called a phoenix in the furry kingdom. They have the body of a hippo and the head of a Tyrannosaurus rex. They are relatively docile herbivores.

And their leather is treated to produce a very thin mucous membrane.

After the mucous membrane is set, it can be used to make a lantern.

Lanterns made of it can magnify the brightness of candlelight several times. "

Guan Lin nodded slightly and smiled lightly: "So that's the case, I said that the lantern seems to be much brighter than our Kongming lantern.

It's just that these fearful words can be understood as the phoenix horror beast, what about Ming? "


An Rui chuckled: "The terrifying light is also a kind of alarm. As long as the unknown creature or hostile creature is illuminated by its light, it will immediately make a sharp chirping sound."

Speaking of which, An Rui pointed to Alan's Shield in front of him, and pursed his lips: "If you don't believe me, move the car a little bit forward and put it under the light."

Guan Lin nodded, then lightly stepped on the accelerator, and slowly drove the Warrior armored vehicle out of the woods.

When the front of the car touched the light of the continuous terror lights in the sky, in an instant, the continuous terror lights burst into a harsh scream.


It's like the chirping of birds, the sound of dragons, or the emergency braking of a train on the tracks.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, the sound of drumming rang out on the city wall dozens of meters high, and the warriors of the beast-eared tribe ran out one after another with their bows and crossbows, hid behind the parapet, and aimed the crossbow arrows at the security below. Rui's group.

Guan Lin sat in the passenger seat, looking at the 30-meter-high city wall and the rows of beast-eared warriors wearing oriental-style armor in front of the city gate tower, curiously said: "Well trained, and still Eastern style country."

An Rui continued to introduce: "In this world, in addition to Western fantasy countries, there are also Eastern fantasy countries, as well as some other countries."

Guan Lin turned her head back, looked at Ali and Meng'er sitting in the back seat, licked her lips and said, "No wonder there are Taoist priests from Huaxia and witches from Rihe, I thought there were only wizards and knights in this world. , Hee hee, it seems to be an interesting world."

"Alert! Alert!"

At this time, the machine guns on the 4 warriors armored vehicles were aimed at the defenders on the city wall, and heavy weapons such as the Type 08 rocket launchers were also aimed at them.

At this time, both the furry kingdom and the motorcade maintained great restraint, and no one took the lead, but both sides fully reflected the good habit of the oriental civilization and etiquette state.

"crunch crunch crunch..."

At this time, the huge city gate was slowly opened, and a group of cavalrymen from the Furry Kingdom trotted out from inside.

The weapon in his hand is aimed at the convoy's side, and he looks like he is on guard.

After all the cavalry came out, the gate of Alan's Shield also closed again with a bang.

The two sides were fighting each other with swords drawn, and neither of them lit the first fire of the battle.

An Rui patted his butt, opened the car door gently, walked down with Ali and Meng'er, waved at the cavalry team, and shouted in the language of the furry kingdom: "Hey, I'm Ahari. The Brave An Rui!"

The captain of the cavalry was startled, and when he rode his horse closer to take a look, it turned out to be a group of brave men.

"That's the 'Scarlet Witch' of the shrine!"

"That's 'Fairy Zixiao'!"

"It's all the people around the brave."

Ali slowly stepped forward, took out a token from his pocket, and threw it to the leader of the cavalry captain.

The captain of the cavalry took a look and exclaimed, "It's a pass from all directions!"

As a token issued by the furry royal royal family, the Bafang Travel Order can rely on it to enter and exit any place outside the palace, and no one can stop it.

This token represents unhindered access, and there are only a handful of people in the furry kingdom who have obtained this other piece.

Ali opened his mouth and said indifferently: "This is a new country in the south, a diplomatic mission of the Republic of my country, and they are going to Kyoto to establish diplomatic relations with our country.

Please let it go. "

With the Bafang pass order in hand, and the other party is a brave team, although it came from the abyss, but there are enough legitimate reasons, it is impossible for the officers and soldiers guarding the city not to let go.

The captain of the cavalry quickly jumped off the horse and returned the token to Ali: "Fairy Zixiao, this subordinate will let you go. Do you need to arrange an escort?"

Ali added the token and said casually: "You don't need to escort, you just need to immediately pass the news of the Huaxia diplomatic mission's visit to our country back to Kyoto.

Another arrangement, tonight we and the Chinese diplomatic corps will rest here at Alan Shield for one night. "

