Different World Development Manual

Chapter 93: Call for All Territories


On the northwestern frontier of the Norman Empire, the Kingdom of Wienchard is the kingdom of frontier kings.

The Queen of the North, Qian Qian, was shaking with excitement as she held the summoning order in her hand.

The little fresh meat of his own actually summoned the courage to issue a call for the entire empire to the empire, and assembled a large army to the abyss in the south.

Sissi, who has been fighting Avalon on the frontier since she was 12 years old, received her coming-of-age ceremony when she was 16 years old.

The former king was poisoned to death by the villain, and Sissi, as the only child in the family, also received the crown symbolizing the kingdom of Wienchard from the former king.

As the only emperor in the Panda Empire, 16-year-old Qian Qian, with her outstanding military exploits on the border, stunned all the nobles who tried to spy on her territory.

What followed was more than 10 years of peace.

Today, Qian Qian is 28 years old. She recruited a local nobleman and gave birth to 2 children.

But even so, Qian Qian, who was supposed to be a mother, still hasn't changed her belligerent personality.

Norman, the little lover, gave her a separate condition in the summoning order, allowing her to collect war taxes and recruit troops for the small nobles in Panda, south of the Aran River.

In Sissi's opinion, in the south of the Alan River, except for the Valkyrie's territory, which is the most difficult to deal with, no one would be in her eyes, even the Aghanim warrior who was idle one day and became the Duke of Salted Fish.

Qian Qian licked her lips: "That idiot Norman, was he fascinated by Aijia's beauty, and he promised such generous conditions.

Then the little guys in the south have all washed their butts, and wait for Aijia to have a medical examination one by one! Hahahahaha! "

At the moment of holding the call for the whole territory, Qian Qian ordered 70% of the army in the territory and began to gather towards the Shield of Alan in the south.

The southwestern border of the Norman Empire, the border duchy of Berbor.

The Valkyrie Isabella looked at the summoning order in her hand and was silent for a while. After all, did that man still launch an expedition to the abyss in the south for that woman

Although Isabella didn't think it was wise to go south to expedition to the abyss, she still bit her lip lightly with her teeth, and made up her mind to go with her.

That man, her sweetheart, she absolutely did not want him to encounter any accident in the land of the abyss.

Under an order, 60% of the troops in the territory were recruited and began to gather towards the east.

At the same time, located on the eastern side of the Norman Emperor's direct jurisdiction, the eastern frontier territory bordering the Furry Kingdom, the Duke of Florence.

The only second emperor in the Panda Empire, and the most powerful prince in the Panda Empire, King Nord is holding his own brother Norman's call-up order, pouted, and snorted coldly: "Humph. ,expedition

Ridiculous love is nothing more than using this false banner to use the hands of the expedition to the abyss to consume the troops of the great nobles in our empire there. Norman is playing a conspiracy. "

In the battle for the throne a few years ago, although Nord failed, he became the only prince among the princes who stayed in the empire and dominated the side.

Nord's minister stepped forward and persuaded: "Your Majesty, it is better to donate some expedition funds, we will not participate in this expedition."

Nord shook his head and sighed: "It's not that simple.

Norman stands on the basis of law and reason. The northern countries of Aghanim Continent have long established regulations in order to deal with the demon king in the land of the abyss. Once the domestic monarch launches an expedition to the land of the abyss, the domestic lord must follow the special domestic laws. Send troops to fight.

Otherwise, the Holy See will bring the countries to impose sanctions on those princes who do not participate in the war, which is quite disgusting.

Moreover, the kingship law of the empire stipulates that once an expedition is launched to the abyss, each lord of the empire must send 50% of the troops in the territory to his monarch's expedition.

Norman, my brother who looks stupid to the outside world is actually very shrewd.

Occupy the legal principles of the empire to launch an expedition, and take advantage of the rationale for rescuing the queen, and transform himself, the 'incompetent' monarch, into an empire hero who is loyal, dedicated to the public, and inspired to destroy all evil forces.

That guy can not only use this expedition to reverse his image and prestige, but also use the abyss to weaken all the nobles in the empire.

That guy has already started his slashing. "

Nord's minister looked anxious, his face full of anxiety: "Your Majesty, what should we do?"

Nord shook his head and said helplessly: "Issue a mobilization order and let the eldest son of Wang lead the army."

"The eldest son of the king?"

Nord nodded: "Yeah."

The kingdom of Florence is primogeniture, but King Nord prefers a second son who is naturally intelligent to his eldest son who is mediocre.

If the eldest son is unfortunately killed in the expedition, then the throne of Florence will naturally fall into the hands of the second son.

But if the eldest son returns triumphantly, it will also wash away his prejudice against this mediocre eldest son. At that time, he will become a general who can conquer and fight well, become his successor, and obtain the assistance of the second son.

The capital of the Panda Empire, Torres.

When Norman returned to the city, it was 10 days later.

Torres is located in the heart of the Panda Empire, in a super city with a population of 1.05 million. At this time, it did not fall into a jubilation because of the return of the emperor.

On the contrary, the streets were full of soldiers, raising the security level of the capital to the highest level.

At this time, Norman was dressed in military uniform, riding on a warhorse, and in front of him were the elite generals assembled on the Royal Capital Square.

The elites of the Magic Knights, the mages of the Royal Magic Corps, and the guards who accompanied them on the expedition almost filled the square.

In the sky, the Flying Dragon Knights and the Griffin Knights were all geared up and lined up in the sky, waiting for the order of the Norman Emperor.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

In the square, the soldiers let out waves of roars, which were their most direct emotions towards the Demon King Army in the southern abyss.

The sound resounded through the sky, and as long as it was in Torres City, it could be heard from anywhere, from any corner.

Norman rode his horse slowly onto the podium, looked at the enthusiastic soldiers in front of him, and squeezed his hands, and soon the wave after wave of voices subsided.

Norman didn't say much, but slowly took off his helmet, revealing that handsome face.

Norman quietly looked at the group of soldiers below, just as the group of soldiers looked at him quietly.

Immediately after the sound of "clang", Norman slowly pulled the ancestral sword of Panda from the scabbard.

Norman glanced at the gleaming blade, and at the reflection of his face on the blade.

Taking a deep breath, he cut his hair with a "swoosh" under the watchful eyes of everyone.


The soldiers in the whole square and the people of the empire around the square suddenly exclaimed, what is the Norman emperor doing? Why are you shaving your head

What Norman is doing now is very confusing to them, and they can't guess the thoughts of their emperor at all.

Immediately afterwards, Norman held the cut hair in his hand and gently let it go, and it was all scattered in the air by the breeze.

This is why everyone present did not understand Norman's intentions.

Norman jumped off the horse, and several waiters who had been waiting beside him for a long time hurriedly greeted him. Razors, mirrors, bubbles, towels, and a set of barber tools all greeted Norman's head.

Less than three minutes later, the waiters retreated one after another, and Norman violently pulled the silk scarf on his shoulders, revealing his bright bald head, clenched the sword of Panda, pointed to the sky, and shouted: "Wu Pan. The Emperor of the Empire, Norman, hereby swears:

As long as one day does not pierce the abyss of the south.

As long as the queen is not rescued for a day.

I will never have to hair!

Shaved Chronicles! To prove my heart!

Soldiers of the Panda Empire! Heed my orders! Dig through the abyss! Save the Queen! Expedition! Long live the Empire! "


"Cut through the abyss! Save the queen!"

"Long live the Empire! Long live Your Majesty!"

"Cut through the abyss! Save the queen!"

"Long live the Empire! Long live Your Majesty!"

No one is comparable. The lecher who looked mediocre and incompetent in the past is now like a hero, holding the sword of Panda, pointing to the sky in high spirits and making an oath.

Even the people of the empire who looked down on the emperor completely abandoned their prejudice against him at this time, and cheered with enthusiasm.

"Sword Comes"

"Cut through the abyss! Save the queen!"

"Long live the Empire! Long live Your Majesty!"