Different World Development Manual

Chapter 94: Flat Earth


Monan Province, Chiri Training Base.

As China's northward policy has been finalized, coupled with the development of the newly launched Mobei Province, as well as the development of new land in Monan Province and Dongdan Province.

In order to facilitate the handling of new matters between the military and the government, the temporary office of the Time and Space Administration is also directly located in the Chiri training base.

At this time, the Chiri Training Base served as the front-line headquarters of the entire northward strategy. Although not to mention the gathering of stars, at that time, senior generals and senior government workers were everywhere in and out.

Most of the troops in the north began to advance to the barren land to the north, clearing the magical creatures with high threat.

The government department arranged for the follow-up pioneers, while paving the forest and paving the road, while under the protection of the military and police forces, they followed the cpa all the way north. On the new territory, they established one forward stronghold after another. Build a new city here.

Although this fertile plain is full of forests, the area is the size of the Central Plains. If it is developed properly, it is believed that it can support another 1.4 billion or even more people.

This is a godsend, but now there are a little more monsters and beasts.

However, with the spread of various news to the mainland, many bigwigs in the catering industry and in the animal husbandry industry are already discussing how to develop this new land in the north.

Compared with military affairs, the military attaché, words and deeds, has more time to deal with government affairs at this time.

No, words and deeds are leading a group of senior managers of the Time and Space Administration in the conference room to start a meeting with experts from the observatory.

On the projector, it was the encounter between the large fleet of Huaxia that originally exercised and the combined fleet led by the Holy See.

Song Guomin, an expert from the Observatory, said: "We read the battle report. Those of us who are engaged in astronomy and geography don't pay much attention to the outcome of the battle. We are concerned about the natural world."

Words and deeds sat at the conference table, nodded, and listened carefully to the expert's introduction.

Indeed, as Song Guomin said, these scientists are more concerned about the natural world in this world, which they have defined as a "flat world", rather than the military battles and the diplomatic planning.

"This is the picture during the battle. I don't know what the name of this bald man is, but what our fleet encountered is an unnatural natural phenomenon that can change day into night in half a minute."

Although it is a bit confusing, I can still understand what I say and do, that is to say, this phenomenon is a change process in nature that does not conform to the natural logic laws of the earth.

"The sudden replacement of the sun by the moon, and the fact that the moon has changed from the common moon on our earth to a red moon in vain, really makes our study of the world very sad.

"Gene Era"

However, research in the past ten days has found that from Dihua in Yili Province, East 6th District, to Gyeonggi City, East 8th, day and night are completely synchronized. "

Having said that, words and deeds suddenly came to the spirit.

It is indeed the information given by the military, whether it is East 6 or East 8.

No matter if you are in Gyeonggi or Dihua.

When it was dawn in Gyeonggi City, it was the time of dawn in Dihua City, and the two natural hours that were originally on the earth in the middle had completely disappeared.

Words and deeds said with a smile: "The time is synchronized."

Song Guomin nodded: "After the analysis and monitoring of many of our colleagues, it is confirmed that the time in this area where we are located is consistent."

Then Song Guomin continued: "We guess that the time of the entire 'Flat Earth' is also the same.

Whether it is the United States or the United States, including France and Britain, their time and our time should be exactly the same. "

Scientists always analyze and speculate based on various experimental data, but do not believe that these conclusions are imagined by experts with a slap on the forehead.

But if the time is the same, then there is another doubt that makes words and deeds curious: "If the time of our five countries is the same, then Britain, France, and Milliken should have crossed over at night

Hehe, I'm really worried about what those guys would be like when they were suddenly invaded by the powerhouses of the other world during the night. "

Song Guomin nodded slightly: "Yes, according to our speculation, those four countries should have passed through at the same time as us."

However, there is a jump in the thinking of words and deeds: "So is it possible that the other four countries also crossed over at the same time of our day?"

Song Guomin was stunned for a moment. After pondering for a while, he discussed with his colleagues for a while. After ten minutes, he reorganized his language and said, "It's not impossible."

Yan Xing looked at Song Guomin's serious face and smiled: "Don't be so serious, I just asked casually, it doesn't seem realistic."

However, in the imagination of words and deeds, the three countries of No, Fu, and Mi crossed over from the night. If the time of the flat world is the same, then if these three countries face the double blow of the mainland coalition army and the Demon King's army at night, the loss will be lost. Haha, don't think so.

However, Song Guomin said solemnly: "Director Yan, we are discussing scientific issues. As long as there is enough data to support it, we will not rule out this possibility."

This is true, but he was stunned by his words and deeds: "What do you mean?"

Song Guomin continued: "That is to say, we and Bu, Fu, Mi, and Lu cannot be ruled out at the same time."


"I mean the same moment, not the same point in time."

Song Guomin then drew a big circle on the whiteboard next to it, and wrote four characters "Flat World" on it.

Immediately afterwards, 5 small circles were drawn around the big circle, and the words "a001, a002, a003, a004, a005" were written respectively.

Then I drew an arrow from each small circle, pointing directly to the big circle with the flat-earth world written on it, and said like this: "If the universe we are in really has a multiverse, then we will travel through the universe at the same time during the day. It is also possible.

We think it is possible to travel from 5 universes a with the same development length to universe 0 where this flat-terrestrial world is located. "

Words and deeds were taken aback: "Multiverse? Improbable, right?"

Song Guomin said: "We have all traveled from the earth to this world where magic is rampant, even if it is a multiverse, there is nothing impossible.

Just like these magical magics, in our opinion, they are called magic only because we have not yet understood it scientifically.

If there is enough data and evidence to analyze as a conclusion, we believe that the hypothesis of the multiverse also exists.

Therefore, it is not impossible for the five of us to travel from five identical universes to the flat world at the same time. "

What he didn't expect in his words and deeds was that he just asked such a question, but he brought up the matter of the multiverse.

When contacts are established with the other four countries later, the question of whether there is a multiverse will soon be answered, so words and deeds are not in a hurry.

After finishing the topic, Song Guomin said, "Sorry, I've gone too far.

Speaking of the topic, the time of this world has been proved to be consistent, and coupled with the battle of the fleet in the Sea of Sun and the Sea, we can conclude that the sun and moon of this world are false existences, not real celestial bodies. "

Hearing the words and deeds, he took a slight breath, the sun and the moon are false existences

Song Guomin looked at the slightly squeezed brows in words and deeds, and continued: "Although we have observed celestial bodies through various astronomical facilities, we have obtained the same data as the earth, and we can calculate that the distance between the sun and the moon from this world is the same as on the earth. of.

But with the consistent time of this world and the changing sky in the naval battle, we conclude that the sun and moon of this world are some kind of projections, not real entities that exist in the universe. "

This conclusion made Rao Shiyan, the director of the Time and Space Administration, who was able to accept new things in another world, feel a little caught off guard for a while.

Are the sun and moon fake and non-existent

His words and deeds looked suspiciously at Song Guomin, but Song Guomin continued: "And from what we have observed, the natural climate on this land in China is no different from the earth.

However, in each frontier region, there are geography and climate that are completely inconsistent with the natural laws of Earth's astronomy and geography.

Take the newly established Mobei Province as an example, the Mobei Province to the north of Monan Province should have a temperate continental climate, but it has a subtropical monsoon climate.

The north of Monan should be a plateau, but here, the newly established Mobei Province is a lush plain with fertile soil, which can fully support another 1.4 billion Chinese people.

Therefore, whether it is the celestial bodies of the flat world, or the geography and climate of the flat world, we make preliminary inferences through these various signs.

All the natural laws of this world, except for the territory that China has passed through, must not be viewed with the eyes of the earth.

This so-called flat-earth world with a round sky is likely to be an artificial world.

So the so-called multiverse is not impossible. "