Different World Development Manual

Chapter 95: Assassination


Panda Empire, Windmill Town.

This is a border town in the abyss with a population of only over 5,000 and a distance of only 23 kilometers from Alan's Shield.

However, due to the arrival of the Demon King's Army, this place has become a military center a year ago.

The 30,000 Alan Shield defenders led by General Michel are stationed here.

In addition, the diplomatic corps called Huaxia was also arranged by General Michel to be entertained here.

It was already 2:00 in the morning, and the golden moon was hanging high in the air.

For some people of the Panda Empire, the moon also represents one of their beliefs.

It's just that what hangs in the sky at this time is not the red moon they believe in, but the most common "white moon".

This moon is no different from the moon on Earth. The crescent moon is curved, and it will not cause any strange things to happen in this world.

The residence of the Chinese Mission is outside a two-story mansion.

A team of light-armored soldiers with long halberds and cloth shoes ran over lightly, and surrounded the strange iron monsters parked outside the mansion.

The imperial soldiers looked at the iron-skinned monster in front of them. It was long and there were several large leaves on the top of its head. God knew what it was for, but they only knew that those who called themselves Huaxia came out of it that day.

Looking at this z20, the imperial soldiers whispered: "My God, what the hell is this, it doesn't even have wings, and it's not even a creature, I saw those Chinese people on the wall of Alan's Shield that day with my own eyes. Came here on this thing."

Another imperial soldier also swallowed, nodded, and pointed to the propeller on the z20: "That thing makes a terrible noise, and it can control the wind, so it must be a large magic item from the Chinese."

At this time, the commander of the squad lowered his voice and scolded several people: "Shut up! You idiots! Be careful to wake up the Huaxia people!"

The commander walked to z20, looked inside through the glass, then waved, "Quick, come here!"

At this time, several soldiers ran over carrying two quilts and put them directly on the windshield of the helicopter.

If they wanted to open the cabin door and enter the z20, these guys naturally couldn't do it. They had no choice but to break the glass and break in.

"Take it, take it easy, don't make any noise."



The elbow hit the quilted windshield, only making a sound, but not being shattered.

The imperial soldier was slightly taken aback: "Huh?"

The commander next to him also froze: "Is the glass blessed with magic? How can it be so hard? You, use more strength."


Covered with the quilt, I elbowed 2 or 3 times in a row, and then smashed the windshield of the z20 with a "click".


"Come in!"

After pulling the quilt, an Imperial soldier slipped in and got in.

Holding the torch, enduring the choking smell of burning animal oil in the cabin, looking at the bad environment made of steel in the cabin by the firelight, he exclaimed: "It's all iron inside?"

The commander outside threw a hammer and came in: "Break this thing for me, don't let it fly."


Outside the mansion, groups of imperial soldiers have quietly surrounded the house.

In their opinion, after destroying the Chinese air tin monsters, even if the assassination fails, they cannot escape, and can only face the tens of thousands of troops stationed in this small town.

A team of black-clothed assassins had already touched it, and Huaxia's diplomats were sleeping soundly on the big soft beds.

In the evening, General Michel prepared a banquet for them, and entertained the Chinese people well.

In the end, the Huaxia people got drunk one by one, walked back to the place where they stayed, fell on the bed and fell asleep.


The assassin outside the door gently pried the door lock, "creaked", slowly pushed open the wooden door, and walked inside cautiously.

There are 2 Chinese people living in this room, and they are falling asleep "huhuhu".

Assassin's door exchanged a little bit with gestures behind his eyes, and immediately drew out his dagger, leaning gently towards the window.

The belly of the drunk Chinese was heaving up and down. It seemed that General Michelle was comforting him. An assassin whispered: "Stupid Chinese, let you die in a sweet dream."


And when the assassin just raised his hand, he heard a "boom" sound, and the head of the assassin was directly shot into a flower.


The two Huaxia people who were sleeping soundly on the bed suddenly jumped up and pointed at them with strange things in their hands.

"Damn, they wake up..."

Before he could even shout, he heard two "咻咻" and two shots, instantly killing the other two assassins in the house.

One of the Chinese diplomats held a pistol with a silencer in his hand, looked at the assassin lying on the ground, and snorted coldly: "Small sample, want to kill us while drinking? What a joke, the degree of alcohol is not as good as beer. , drink Nima."

Obviously, the diplomat was not satisfied with the fine wine that Michelle served. After all, it was just a marching wine in the imperial army tent, not a noble wine.

"Lu You, next door!"

Another Chinese diplomat had already sat up, and by this time he had dragged out the tactical carrier and other items from under the bed and began to wear it.

Said to be a diplomat, but in fact it is a diplomat played by the special forces team.

Sure enough, everything went according to the setting, and the imperial soldiers stationed in the Alan Shield started to attack the "diplomatic personnel" of China.

"Sword Comes"

The guy named Lu You took two steps to our convenience, poked his head and went out to confirm the situation outside: "Martial team, there is no one outside the house!"

Wu Yin carried another set of carrying gear and walked behind Lu You, patted him on the shoulder: "Put it on."


Then, he cautiously walked to the door of the next room, looked inside, and saw four assassins lying in a pool of blood, and one of the soldiers was slightly opening the curtain to observe the situation outside.

"Oh, we're surrounded."

Another soldier loaded his rifle with a "click" and sneered: "Joke, line up and wait for us to chug one by one."

As he spoke, he saw Wu Yin standing at the door, and immediately saluted, "Army team."

Wu Yin pressed his hand, turned his head to look at the soldier who saluted him by the window, and asked, "Luo Xiaohei, what's the situation outside?"

Luo Xiaohei said: "I was surrounded by imperial soldiers, and the helicopter seemed to have been damaged by them."

After the soldier on the bed checked the weapons, he snorted coldly: "This helicopter of mua is possessed, right? Jiangzhou lost 1, Chiri lost 1, and Sun and Sea lost 2, and now it has been robbed again. If one is broken, is it difficult for helicopters and other worlds to get through?"

Luo Xiaohei smiled: "Martial team, Zhou Yu is feeling sorry for his wife."

The soldier named Zhou Yu on the bed gave Luo Xiaohei a blank look: "Whose wife? Damn it."

Zhou Yu was the helicopter pilot of the squad, and if the z20 was broken, of course it would make Zhou Yu feel a little uncomfortable.

At this time, two female soldiers in the corridor ran in: "Army team!"

"Xiao He, Xiao Qiao!"

Xiao He's name is Xia He, who is in charge of electronics and communications.

And Xiao Qiao is a tactical doctor named Ni Qiao.

These two are also the only women in the team.

Ni Qiaohui reported: "Three assassins were killed without making a sound."

Wu Yin nodded, and then arranged: "Xia He passed the information to the nearby garrison."


"Luo Xiaohei, you guard the gate for me. I don't want to see anyone breaking in under your machine gun."


"Lu You, Ni Qiao, check the house to prevent the enemy from sneaking in.

Zhou Yu followed me to the roof. "
