Different World Development Manual

Chapter 96: Skyfire


Wu Yin and Zhou Yu were lying on the roof of the mansion, holding night vision goggles, watching the imperial soldiers who surrounded them outside.

Zhou Yu looked at the scene in front of him, lowered his voice and exclaimed: "I'm good, there are more than 40 cloth armor soldiers.

There are hundreds of heavy armored infantry outside, which is too much to look at us. "

Wu Yin also looked at it and said, "More than that, there are several teams of imperial soldiers standing by 100 meters away in several directions. They should be backup troops. Once their assassination against us fails, those guys will definitely rush over for reinforcements."

In this way, there are at least a thousand imperial soldiers who surrounded the mansion.

Thousands of people are really admiring 6 people.

What Wu Yin didn't know was that from the time they used the helicopter to appear, General Michelle, who was stationed at Alan's Shield, was taken aback.

A thing that can carry people directly in the air without eating meat or magic.

How could such an enemy not be treated with 12 points of spirit by Michelle.

He knew that Her Royal Highness Margaret's army of 20,000 people had just gone south to the abyss when news came that the entire army had been wiped out.

Michelle didn't dare to underestimate these guys who claimed to be Chinese.

Wu Yin continued to watch: "At 1 o'clock, there is a guy who looks like a magician on the clock tower of the town."

"I see."

"At 11 o'clock, there are 2 suspected magicians and 5 bowmen on the roof of the hotel."


Wu Yin took another look at the imperial soldiers who were working on the helicopter below, and muttered: "Those guys dismantled the helicopter, let's not think about flying out, just stay here and wait for reinforcements."


Windmill Town is the territory of An Rui, the Duke of the southern border of the Panda Empire and the Aghanim Brave.

However, the lord is currently leading a delegation to the furry kingdom of Kyoto as a diplomatic ambassador of China, and he has no way to return to his own territory to deal with these matters.

With the generals of the Demon King's army and the departure of An Rui, who had been assigned by Norman to the Emerald Forest in the south to seek out elves, Michelle also arrived here with the Empire's 30,000 standing army.

There are 10,000 soldiers stationed on the city wall of Alan's Shield, and they are scattered on various sections of the city wall.

Every other week, it rotates with the 20,000 Imperial soldiers stationed in Windmill.

After all, Windmill Town is a marginal town near the abyss. There are not too many people, and the economy is not prosperous. With the entry of the 20,000 troops, it can be regarded as revitalizing the economy of the entire town.

Except for the 2,000 defenders stationed in the city, the remaining 18,000 people are all stationed in the barracks outside the city.

Wu Yin arranged: "Control the drone bomb, lurking near the places where the two mages are, waiting for the order to attack."


I saw Zhou Yu took out the two small disc drone bombs from the backpack, and after entering the program in the terminal, with a single shot, the two small drones sent out "Furfurfurfur. "The voice, under the cover of the night, quietly flew towards the buildings where the two mages were located.

At this time, Wu Yin continued to ask in the channel: "Luo Xiaohei."

"We have arrived at the designated location, and we will not let any Imperial soldier rush in from the main entrance."

"Lu You, Ni Qiao."

"Lu You is in place!"

"Ni Qiao is in place!"

"Xia He."

"Report, the information has been passed, and I am moving to the designated location."

"it is good."

Wu Yin nodded and continued: "When the explosion sounded for a while, the imperial soldiers would rush in immediately. Everyone must stick to the mansion and wait for reinforcements."


At this time, Wu Yin opened the antenna of the radio station and called: "The former enemy headquarters, the former enemy headquarters, here is the 'Messenger Squad', here is the 'Messenger Squad', please answer when you receive it."


"The former enemy command received it."

Wu Yin breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and then continued: "The assassination of my team by the empire failed, and there were no casualties. The imperial army should respond soon.

The Imperial Army's location has not changed, and you can act according to the established plan. "

"The former enemy command received, reinforcements will arrive soon."

Dozens of kilometers away from Windmill Town, four phz89-type 122mm 40-barrel self-propelled rocket launchers were lined up in the shelling positions opened up by the CPA.

"Coordinate 76815! Coordinate 76816!"

I saw the 122mm 40-barrel self-propelled rocket launchers on the backs of the four armored vehicles suddenly raised their heads and aimed the black, hard, long, thick and large gun barrels at the sky.

After half a minute of aiming, the commander gave an order.


"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

One by one, the rockets dragged the dazzling firelight and turned directly into skyfires.

Outside Windmill Town, Imperial Barracks.

The large-scale military camp was brightly lit. Although the soldiers in the camp did not know what they were going to face, they still entered a state of alert under the order of General Michel.

Teams of soldiers stood listlessly in the open space, and the commander scolded them and ordered them to cheer up.

"Don't forget our mission. We are the army that sticks to Alan's Shield. We will never allow any Demon King's army to pass through Alan's Shield and enter the territory of the Empire."

One of the old fritters yawned, looked at the moon hanging high in the sky, and muttered, "But sir, Alan's Shield is obviously impregnable, and I haven't heard of Alan's Shield being broken.

It's so annoying to get us up at night and toss our troops that are rotating and resting at the back. "

The commander glared at the old fritters and scolded: "Do you think I don't want to rest? The little girl in town just came back from playing, and I'm terribly tired.

What can I do, General Michel's order, no one wants to sleep tonight.

Even if there is no Demon King's army, I will keep my eyes open! "

By the light of the torches, the little warriors in the team timidly looked around, looked anxious, and said worriedly: "I... I always feel that something will happen tonight, otherwise General Michele will not let us The entire military camp came out to be alert at night."

Outside the battalion commander of the military camp where 18,000 imperial soldiers are stationed, Michelle sat on the horse and looked at Windmill Town not far away, and asked the personal soldiers next to him: "How long has it been since the action?"

The soldier looked at the marching hourglass in his hand, and reported that: "It's been 7 minutes."

"Seven minutes?"

Michelle pouted. For those assassins who have already acted, this time is not too long or too short, and it is not certain whether they have executed an assassination.

If the assassination is successful, then the imperial soldiers outside the hut will ignite the signal after all to inform themselves.

It's just that these 7 minutes made Michelle feel a little uneasy.

Looking up at the bright moon in the dark night and the starry night sky, he murmured: "More than 1,000 people against 6 people, if this can't kill you, I... I specially ordered the army in the military camp. , take you down with your own hands."

No matter how strong the six Huaxia guys looked, it was unknown, but Michelle couldn't feel a trace of magic and a trace of a martial artist's breath from them.

In the eyes of Michelle and most of the powerhouses in the army, the six Huaxia people should be just ordinary diplomats, and they shouldn't threaten him.

The past few days have been entertaining with good wine and meat. The six Chinese diplomats should also relax their vigilance, and they can be regarded as practicing for these six Chinese people.

"Huh? What is that?"

Suddenly, Michelle noticed that something was wrong with the stars in the sky. It seemed that the dark clouds had been pushed aside, and more and more stars appeared in the dark night.


Michelle narrowed her eyes, and saw that the stars were getting brighter and closer.

Looking at the sparks flying from the direction of the abyss in the south of Alan's Shield, they were densely packed, as if the storms and fires had covered the entire night sky.

Even the stars and moon in the night sky pale in comparison to them.

Looking at the fast flying sparks, Michelle's heart jumped, and she got up from the pony with a sound of "ho".

That thing, Michelle can be sure, is definitely something from the Demon King's Army, and immediately raised his arms and shouted: "Damn it! It's not a star! It's a fire! Heaven fire!!"