Different World Development Manual

Chapter 98: Yanlong's anger


Alan's Shield.

The imperial soldiers on the city wall looked at the fiery red sky in the distance, and as the sky flew by, a low roar of monsters came from afar.

An imperial soldier swallowed his saliva, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. Looking in that direction, he asked the soldier next to him with uncertainty: "Then... Is that Windmill Town over there?"

Another Imperial soldier nodded: "Okay... it seems so?"

The sound of the explosion ripped apart the sky like a roar, and it could be heard clearly even from a distance of 23 kilometers.

"Is it the Yanlong attack?"

"No...don't know."

The sky fire that flew over from the abyss just now, in their opinion, is the way the flame dragon turned into a meteorite suddenly appeared.

They are fortunate that they are not stationed outside Windmill Town. The windmill town where the sky is burning red can imagine that it must be purgatory on earth at this time. Even the 20,000 soldiers led by General Michelle may not be able to resist the flames. Dragon's wrath.

"Too tao tao tao..."

At this time, there was a strange sound in the sky in the south. Many people have heard this sound. More than ten days ago, there was a mission called Huaxia, which drove the steel monster to pass through the air and directed towards Mi General Shell conveyed the meaning of the country called Huaxia in the land of the abyss in the south.

It's just that General Michele arranged for the Chinese diplomatic corps to receive them in Windmill Town. It is estimated that those Chinese people should be terrified when facing the Yanlong attack at this time.

Turning his head to look at the sky in the south, I saw a lot of light spots flashing in the night sky, and immediately some soldiers shouted: "Enemy attack!"

God knows if it was the enemy attack, or the group of Chinese people passing by.

In short, let's talk about the enemy attack first.

The entire city wall suddenly sounded the alarm, and the sleeping Imperial soldiers were pulled up one after another.

"Damn, is that the cub of that flame dragon?"

"Hurry up, get up! The enemy is attacking!"

"Bowmen! Hurry up to the city wall!"

"It's a night attack! The enemy is coming from the sky!"

"Lighting! Lighting!"

I saw the mage stationed on the city wall immediately formed a magic array, and after a while of singing, the array burst into light in an instant.

The driver of wz10 saw the magic circle on the city wall in front of him, no matter what, he immediately shouted: "Alan's Shield defenders are suspected of launching a magic attack, please open fire!"

The CPA will not shoot the first shot, nor will it allow the enemy to shoot the second shot. Of course, this rule exists when the opponent and China are not completely at war.

If the two sides are at war, the CPA will never allow the enemy to fire the first shot at him.

Because of the existence of the northward policy and the assassination of the Chinese "diplomat" by the Windmill Town Empire, the two sides were already in a state of war at this time.

In terms of the first shot, the assassins in Windmill Town have already mentioned the Empire.

The former enemy headquarters immediately approved: "Approve the fire! According to the plan, immediately capture the Shield of Anlan!"


There are a lot of lighting magic arrays on Alan's Shield, and of course there are more wz10s in the air.

"Tut chug chug!"

As the cannon slammed out flames, orange-red light bullets smashed directly onto those magic arrays.

"Boom boom boom!"

The explosion immediately overturned the mages, and the unfortunate one just broke an arm or leg, and fell on the city wall, wailing and screaming.

Luckily, he was shot directly, his body exploded instantly, and he went to the undead world without feeling anything.

I am afraid that because of the sudden appearance of Wuchang, the world of the undead will have a huge population explosion.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Although the crossbowmen had already boarded the city wall, they fought at night, and the lighting magic circle was destroyed by the enemy, so that they could not see the enemy at all.

They couldn't see anything but those blobs of light that hung far ahead.


"Bam! Boom! Bam!"

As several sounds exploded, several light bombs flew directly into the air from the open space not far from Alan's Shield.

"Peng! Peng! Peng!"

Suddenly it exploded in the sky, and the dazzling light instantly illuminated the entire night sky, just like daytime.

This light is no less than the illumination technique on the magic array.

The soldiers on the city wall covered their eyes, and after a few seconds, they barely got used to the strong light.

However, looking at it, what appeared in front of him was a large block of steel monsters.

In the air, there are pieces of things that make a "humming" roar.

On the ground, there are also steel monsters with "wuwuwu" and "jijiji" moving slowly.

The most conspicuous sign on them is the red five-pointed star with a strange symbol.

That pattern, some Imperial soldiers had seen before on the tin monster that flew to Windmill Town more than ten days ago.

He suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed, "It's not the cubs of Yanlong, it's the Demon King Army who call themselves Chinese!!"

wz10 quickly cleaned up the magic array on the city wall. The ghost knows what magic it is. What if it is attack magic

Under the city wall, various armored vehicles stopped one after another, and their guns were aimed at the city wall and city gate, ready to attack at any time.

Z20 flew over with the soldiers under the protection of wz10, hovered in the air, and broadcast the surrender broadcast in Imperial language over and over again.

"This is the Chinese People's Army!

The Panda Empire has launched an attack on our diplomats, which is an act of war.

Listen to the imperial defenders on the Shield of Alan, lay down their weapons and surrender immediately, or we will regard your hostile acts as war!

Repeat, drop your weapon, surrender now! "

The imperial soldiers on the city wall looked at each other, facing the steel monsters in the sky and underground, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do for a while.

surrender? With that kind of thought, the opposite side looks quite strong.

However, as warriors guarding the continent of Aghanim, the imperial soldiers stationed on the Shield of Alan, facing the army of the Demon King from the south, can we surrender

Behind us is the Empire's territory, and we have no way to retreat.

This steel line of defense built by Emperor Alan is to allow us to resist the invasion of the Demon King's army. We must stick to it and never retreat.

In the face of the intimidation of the Demon King's Army, never back down!

"Attack! Never let the Demon King's army cross Alan's Shield! Behind us is the Panda Empire! Attack!"

As soon as the voice fell, a wz10 flew over the commander's head and hovered over the territory of the Panda Empire behind.

Slapped in the face, the commander felt deeply humiliated, and the commander looked at the dark steel monster with anger, and ordered, "Release the arrows!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The crossbowmen on the city wall immediately pulled the trigger, and the arrows shot straight towards the helicopter in the air.

However, the height of the helicopter was not within the reach of these crossbowmen at all, and the wind generated by the propellers made the crossbowmen's attack ineffective.


Stubborn, if you refuse to surrender, then choose a glorious death.

In that instant, the wz10 in the sky and the armored vehicle on the ground burst into flames.

On the shield of Alan, which was dozens of meters high, sparks exploded in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!"

After a series of explosions, even the sturdy Alan's Shield was punched out several times.

The defenders on the city wall were killed and injured one after another, hiding behind the parapet, squatting with their heads folded, shivering.

This is a one-sided slaughter, where is the fight.

The Demon King's army would not give them any chance to fight back.

The bow and crossbow can't shoot up, and can't shoot through the bodies of the iron-skinned monsters below, and it can't break the defense at all.

The entire defense system of Alan's Shield is useless in front of this Demon King's army called Huaxia.

In less than 20 minutes of bombardment, the screams of the imperial soldiers on the wall of Alan's Shield disappeared.

The fleet of wz10, wz19 and wz20 quickly rushed to support the windmill town in the north, while below, the soldiers jumped off the trucks and armored vehicles, blasted the huge gate of Alan Shield, rushed to the city head, and Those imperial soldiers who were still dying or who had escaped the catastrophe were all captured.

"All down your weapons! Raise your hands!!"

The soldiers of the cpa were roaring on the city wall. Although the imperial soldiers could not understand what the cpa was shouting, they could understand the imperial language broadcast played by the armored vehicle below.


They threw away their weapons one after another, and faced the CPA soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield on the city wall.