Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 102: 102. Burning sparks


Osprey City, a coastal city in the Kingdom of Phikgis.

Arjan, the oldest prince of the Kingdom of Figgis, fled to this city with his wife, daughter and a group of residents of the royal city.

The first thing Agen did when he arrived in this city was to find the best therapist in the city.

His wife was attacked by a blood crystal beast during her escape and suffered some minor injuries. The most terrifying thing was that the earth vein crystal was swallowed by the blood crystal beast.

The country's inhabitants had all lost the protection of their leyline core, and so had her wife... In this weakened state, her wife contracted a terrible, strange disease.

"Your Highness Argen, I have only seen this strange disease in some slaves in the Far South. My herbal medicine can only temporarily relieve the condition and let your wife fall asleep for a while." The therapist looked at the gray-haired man and said helplessly.

"I understand. You guys take good care of her here."

Valan looked at the woman lying on the bed with a pale face. He wanted to stay and continue to accompany his wife, but the future of the country did not allow Valan to stay here.

He came to Osprey City to attend a meeting, a meeting that could determine the future of the Kingdom of Fekegis.

After instructing his subordinates to take good care of his wife, Agen quickly left the room and walked all the way to the parliament court of Osprey City.

The Kingdom of Fekegis is slightly different from the traditional monarchy. This country is made up of seven different clans, and the king of the country... that is, the Gray Feather Clan is the patriarch who rules all the clans.

The difference between each clan is the type of crystal trees they cultivate.

The crystal trees cultivated by the royal clan of Agen are mainly magic crystals, most of which can be used as raw materials for making magic wands.

The other largest clan in this country is the Iron Clan. The fruit produced by the crystal trees they cultivate is the finest steel in the world.

The raw materials for many of the Far South Empire's high-quality weapons come from the steel fruits produced by the crystal trees of the Steel Clan.

In the past, the existence of the earth core allowed Ajan's father... the King of Figgis to easily command the seven clans, but now the earth core has been devoured by the blood crystal beast, and the holy crystal on the back of Ajan's hand has lost its luster.

He no longer had the ability to enforce orders on the seven clans, so today he came to Osprey City to discuss the future of the country with the leaders of the seven clans.

The moment Valgen came into the parliament court... he knew that this country had no future.

Because he saw the golden lion-patterned flag of the Far South flying above the council chamber, and the Far South soldiers in black armor seemed to have been waiting for Ajan for a long time.

Agen remembered that this meeting of the seven clans should have been kept secret from Yuannan, but a leaker appeared among them, or Yuannan knew their secret through some channel.

Valan stared at the soldiers of the Far South Empire in the council chamber. He almost couldn't control himself and wanted to pounce on them and strangle their necks!

But Valan held back. He knew that if he did this now, not only would his wife be threatened, but even his daughter might suffer an accident.

All Valan could do now was to endure it, and he walked into the meeting room as if nothing had happened.

"Your Highness Valgen! You are here at last."

The patriarch of the Iron Clan walked out of the crowd and wanted to give Jean a hug enthusiastically, but he stopped halfway.

Because the look in Valang's eyes when he was looking at him was extremely terrifying, like a lion ready to devour someone.

At this moment, Valang could tell at a glance that this guy was the traitor!

"Don't show such a scary expression. From today on, we are all under the glory of the Far South. Be happy." The patriarch of the Iron Clan saw the hatred in Ajan's eyes, but he did not hesitate to stimulate Ajan with words, and even walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder.


Valan wanted to open his mouth and curse at the other person, but he couldn't do it... and he wasn't qualified.

The Kingdom of Figgis has been a vassal state of the Far South for nearly several decades, and the rule of the Far South has thoroughly penetrated into every corner of the Kingdom of Figgis.

The Kingdom of Figgis could tolerate heavy taxes and various excessive demands...but the Far South Empire fed the core of the earth veins of the Kingdom of Figgis to those monsters.

From that moment on, Valanciunas completely broke with the Far South Empire. If he had the chance, he would definitely raise the flag and call on the people to resist the tyranny of the Far South Empire.

"From today on, we have truly become a member of the Far South Empire." The patriarch of the Iron Clan led Ajan to the other seven clans.

Argen glanced at the back of the patriarch's hand. The inscription on the back of his hand was already branded with the mark of the Far South Empire.

This meant that he had completely belonged to the Far South Empire. Ajan glanced at the other six clans. A small number of clan leaders had very grim expressions, and they obviously did not expect that this meeting would be known to the Far South Empire.

The results of the parliamentary discussion were no longer meaningful, so Valgens found an excuse of feeling unwell and temporarily left the parliament.

After suppressing his anger and arriving at a garden behind the parliament court, Valanciunas slammed his fist on the wall beside him with such force that blood oozed from his palm.

"This is the only choice we can make, Your Highness Agen."

A female voice sounded behind Valan, and Valan turned around to see an old woman, the chief of the Brown Iron Clan.

"Yuannan destroyed the core of our country's earth veins! Those blood crystal beasts devoured countless of our compatriots in the royal city, and you just surrendered to those enemies?" Arang wanted to roar, but he was also afraid of Yuannan deep in his heart, and finally he could only sit down on the ground helplessly.

"Resistance will lead us all to death." The voice of the chief of the Brown Iron Clan was also full of powerlessness. "Far South has mastered the ability to drive the blood crystal beast. Even if we unite the surrounding countries, we are no match for them. We have already lost the core of the earth vein, and we should not lose the remaining people."

"..." Argen ignored the patriarch of the Brown Iron Clan. He stood up and walked out of the meeting area.

There was one thing he did not tell the clan leaders...that was that the core of their country's earth veins had not completely disappeared.

Before the earth core was devoured, an egg-like object poured into his daughter's body.

Now Ajan's Saint Crystal has lost its original luster, but his daughter's Saint Crystal has not...

But now he may have to keep this secret forever as long as the shadow of the Far South Empire still exists in this world.

"I'm serious. Skarre was protected by God. The flames of heavenly punishment directly burned those blood crystal beasts into charcoal."

As Valan was walking aimlessly beside the port of Osprey City, the discussions of the fishermen beside the port instantly caught his attention.