Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 111: 111. Rescue Operation (Second Update)


Located in the rich room of the Laughter.

"Move the wardrobe over here!"

The captain of the Laughter shouted at the only two sailors in the rich man's room at the top of his lungs.

The two sailors tried their best to move the wardrobe but failed. Suddenly, a pair of strong hands stretched out from behind them and pressed against the wardrobe. The two sailors were frightened and stepped back... watching the muscular man push the wardrobe to the door little by little.

"Ah...Your Highness Valan! This ship may not hold on for much longer!" The captain said to the sturdy man, holding his staff and sword tightly in his hands.

"I know."

After pushing the wardrobe to the door, Valgen walked back into the crowd and hugged his daughter and wife. He didn't expect that he would be so unlucky as to encounter pirates just a few times out to sea.

But the situation in the Gray Feather Kingdom has been turbulent recently, so it is normal for pirate activities to become more frequent.

"I know you're in there! You'd better come out before we get mad!"

Outside the door came the excited voices of the pirates and the creaking sound of wood being chopped.

Those crazy pirates are outside chopping at the door with axes!

"Father, you are bleeding!" Valanciunas' daughter Annie touched the blood flowing from Valanciunas' arm.

"I'm fine, Annie... You have to protect your mother when I leave, okay?"

Valan placed his daughter's little hand on the hand of his wife who was in a coma.

When these pirates boarded the ship, Valanciunas had a fight with their leader. These guys were not ordinary pirates... They were most likely rebels from the Far South.

The leading pirate was proficient in frost magic. When Ajan was confronting him, he accidentally got his neck cut by an icicle.

Fortunately, the wound was not deep and not fatal.

In addition to Ajan's family, there were other businessmen and noble ladies in the room who were preparing to go to the Kingdom of Xiuenzhelai.

They screamed in fear after hearing the threats and foul language from the pirates outside the door. Who knew that the screams of these noble ladies further stimulated the hormones of the pirates.

"Oh! I heard a woman's voice! Little sheep, wait until we chop this damn door into pieces, and then we'll go in and pluck your wool!"

"Not only the hair, but also the skin will be peeled off!"

The pirates outside were completely excited. They were like wolves that smelled blood. What was locked up in this room were not sheep, but a group of cooked mutton that had already been cooked and exuded an enticing aroma.

The only thing standing in their way now is a door, and they have already found a can opener, so it won't take long before they can open the cans and taste the delicacies inside!

Despair, fear and other emotions intertwined in the room. Valanciunas' daughter Annie tightly held her mother's hand and trembled, while Valanciunas tried to calm herself down.

He is an excellent magician and an excellent swordsman. The problem is that there may be more than ten pirates outside the door, and their swordsmanship is not much worse than his. The worst thing is that there are also spellcasters inside.

Pirates with this configuration should have robbed fleet-level merchant ships, but they chose to set their sights on this small merchant ship with little oil.

Valang suddenly realized that the Far South Empire might have known that he was going to flee, and that was why they were planning to get rid of him in this way.

Now all Valgen could do was fight to the death. He stared at the door of the room. The two sailors had been hiding behind the wardrobe, but they had fallen to the ground, twitching and paralyzed, unable to move.

Snake Fang is a kind of magic commonly used by pirates. It is to control the venom and directly penetrate the enemy's body.

The wardrobe was already looking shaky. Arang held the sword tightly in one hand. The moment the enemy rushed in, he would immediately stand up and kill the enemy.

But the movement outside the door suddenly stopped. It only lasted for two or three seconds, but in the next second a crack suddenly appeared on the wall on the other side of the room!

An axe blade appeared on the wall!

The noble ladies screamed in fear again, and the sound was extremely harsh.

"It won't be long before we strip you naked!" the pirate shouted excitedly again, and then chopped the wall with another axe.

The crack in the wall was big enough for a person to walk into, and the next moment the pirate holding the axe buried his cheek in the crack, looking at the screaming noble ladies with greedy eyes.

"My sweethearts, did you miss me?" The pirate showed a ferocious smile, but his smile did not last long. He suddenly found something cold pressing against his forehead.

He raised his pupils and saw an expressionless man standing in front of him, holding a strange object against his head.

"No, you will never miss me."

Lu Cheng looked at the pirate with cold eyes, and there was no emotion in his words.

"Who are you..." Just as the pirate was about to curse, Lu Cheng pulled the trigger of the pistol in his hand.

The gunshot was accompanied by the sound of a skull exploding, and the pirate's brains spurted directly onto the wall of another room.

This scene happened too quickly. When the pirate gang just reacted, Lu Cheng fired three consecutive shots directly at the wall of the room.

The bullets quickly penetrated the wall and directly hit the pirates in another room. In less than four seconds, the three pirates' heads exploded and their brains were splattered on the ground.

"Hookeye! What happened to you? Damn it! Hookeye!"

The pirate who was breaking down the door in the corridor realized something was wrong, but by the time he shouted it was too late.

"You...what are you going to do!?"

At this time, the captain in the room finally reacted, but it was too late for him to stop it. Lu Cheng came to the wardrobe blocking the door of the room, put his arm on the wardrobe and pulled it back. The heavy wardrobe fell to the ground with a loud bang.

The pirates in the corridor broke into the room in an instant, but just as they stepped into the room, they knelt down on the ground at the sound of gunfire.

Lu Cheng fired four consecutive shots at the door, and four pirates who wanted to rush into the room lost their lives the moment the gunshots rang out.

The pirates behind seemed to be aware of the danger and did not rush in rashly, including the two pirate spellcasters... But when they realized the danger, Lu Cheng directly picked up his main weapon, the Type 95 rifle.

Lu Cheng aimed directly at the wall of the room and pulled the trigger again. A series of shots directly ended the sinful lives of the four pirates in the corridor.

After doing all this, Lu Cheng confirmed that there were no living humans in the corridor, then turned around and looked at the hostages behind him.

"You are safe now." Lu Cheng said to them.


At this moment, the captain had already sat down on the ground with his legs numb and unable to move. Behind Lu Cheng, the corpses of the pirates piled up into a small hill, and blood splattered all over the walls of the corridor.

All this happened in a flash, and when the noble ladies saw Lu Cheng, they didn't even have the strength to scream.

"There are still many pirates and crew members in the cargo hold and on the deck!"

The only calm person in the crowd was Valan. He saw a strange circle of light flash across the room, and then Lu Cheng appeared in the room.

A cold-blooded killing began the next second... But Valang was sure that Lu Cheng was their benefactor.

The corridors aren't the only pirates occupying this ship!

When Lu Cheng heard Valan's reminder, he glanced at his watch and then turned off the radio he was wearing.

"All team members report on the progress of the mission." Lu Cheng asked.

"Team A has cleared the cabin area."

"Team B has cleared the cargo hold area."

"C-Team has suppressed the deck area."

A series of reports sounded over the radio.

"There are no more active pirates on this ship, so you are safe." Lu Cheng repeated what he had said before.