Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 115: 115. Conspiracy (sixth update! Begging for your monthly ticket support!)


Lu Cheng first talks about the mental journey of the half-elf prince Arang.

First of all, Prince Ajan has a very strong self-esteem. Although the Gray Feather Kingdom has been a vassal state of the Far South Empire since he was born, Ajan has always been dissatisfied with the Far South Empire's way of doing things.

But he still endured it, so he grew up peacefully, married his beloved and had a daughter, and had no idea of inheriting the throne.

This peaceful life continued until the Far South Empire forcibly threw the Grey Feather Kingdom's earth core to feed the Blood Crystal Beast.

At that moment, the hatred and anger that Valanciunas had been accumulating for a long time completely exploded. When the prince was filled with indignation and wanted to call on the people and nobles to resist the tyranny of the Far South Empire...

He was sad to find that the nobles and citizens of the Gray Feather Kingdom had already surrendered to the Far South Empire, both physically and mentally.

To use Valanciunas' words, it is "a dog biting its tail and begging its master for a bone."

"The living conditions in the Far South Empire are better than those in the Gray Feather Kingdom. Even the slaves live better than those in the Gray Feather Kingdom. From what you described, the nobles in your country can also have status in the Far South Empire."

Lu Cheng listened quietly to Arang's talk about his mental journey during this period and gave a relatively objective opinion.

"Anyone who is a little bit sober will surrender to the Far South Empire, okay?" Lu Cheng said.

"Those people have no dignity at all!"

Valang didn't seem to agree with Lu Cheng's statement. He was the type who would rather die standing than live on his knees, but Valang gave Lu Cheng the feeling that he was more like a sulker.

"There is indeed no dignity involved. Your choice is not wrong." Lu Cheng still agreed with Arjan's idea. "But think rationally. In your current state, if you lead those who are willing to follow you to go to war with the Far South Empire, how confident are you that you can win?"

Valan clenched his fists, and finally uttered a sad word through his teeth.

"Not at all."

This is the reality. The citizens of the Gray Feather Kingdom do not have such a lofty sense of "national pride". They just want to make their lives go on, no matter whether they are dependent on the Gray Feather Kingdom or the Far South Empire.

"So if you want to take revenge on the Far South Empire, you have to use another method." Lu Cheng guided the prince to open up another way of thinking.

Although Ajan has lost his influence in the Gray Feather Kingdom, his connections and reputation still exist.

"Another way?"

"Have you ever thought about moving to another place to develop?" Lu Cheng went straight to the point and told Arang his real purpose. "Gray Feather Kingdom's current geographical location means that no matter how it develops, it will always be under the shadow of Far South."

"I have thought about this. Before I came here, I called on the leaders of the seven major clans in our country. One of the plans was to escape from the control of the Far South Empire, but they all refused."

Valang was not a reckless man. He thought that since he could not be the enemy of the Far South Empire, wouldn't it be enough to just run away

However, none of the seven clans could abandon the benefits they had gained in the Far South Empire and the Gray Feather Kingdom, and leave with Arang to explore an unknown new place.

"What if they agree?" Lu Cheng suddenly said what Arang really wanted deep in his heart.

They all agreed? That must be awesome!

If the seven major clans of the Gray Feather Kingdom all left the Far South Empire, the level of military equipment of the Far South Empire would drop by several levels.

Arang felt relieved just thinking about it, but...

"There is no if, Mr. Lu Cheng, they are not as stubborn as I am." Argen shook his head helplessly after thinking about it. "If we all leave, we will definitely run the risk of being hunted down by the Far South Empire, so the only way is to resist the rule of the Far South Empire..."

"You can't win. Okay, let's end this topic here. Let's continue to talk about how to get the residents of the Seven Clans or the Gray Feather Kingdom to leave Far South." Lu Cheng interrupted Arang and continued, "First of all, I have a place for those residents who can't stand the tyranny of the Far South Empire to live, and we can guarantee their safety when they go there."

As long as the city ships patrol the Crystal Sea, the pirates of this world will probably choose to be collectively unemployed.

"What you need to do is go back to your country and tell your friends and people about the existence of this place." Lu Cheng said with his hands on the table.

"Mr. Lucheng, I have tried it once, and I don't think those clan members and the general public will listen to me." said Ajan.

"They will listen, starting with the ordinary people who can't stand the tyranny of the Far South Empire, and then spreading to the nobles..." Lu Cheng's voice sounded full of confidence.

"Does this really count as revenge?"

Here, Valang chose to believe Lu Cheng's words because he had seen too many incredible things today.

"Whether it can be considered revenge or not is up to you. I call what is going to happen next the immigration trend. There are many things a country fears, one of which is 'brain drain'," Lu Cheng said.

"Mr. Lu Cheng, can you let me be alone to think about it?"

Valjean needed some time to sort out the current situation. From being hijacked by pirates to his wife getting treated, so many things happened today that Valjean's mind was a little confused.

Lu Cheng arranged a separate room for Agen and his daughter. His daughter Annie was sleeping soundly on the bed.

"Of course you can, but I remind you not to wander around the ship, otherwise I will not be responsible for anything that happens."

Lu Cheng stood up and left the cabin where Ajan was. Soon after he left, Scarre's crystal spirit appeared on Lu Cheng's shoulder.

"Contractor, will all my compatriots' children really come to my realm?" asked the Crystal Spirit.

Lu Cheng had already sensed that when he was communicating with Arang, this crystal spirit was listening beside him.

"That's fake. It's impossible for anyone to be willing to move here so quickly, so we need to use some tricks."

Lu Cheng took the Crystal Spirit standing on his shoulder down and found that there was an... owl cub standing on its back.

Most bird chicks look similar when they are young, but owl chicks are very different from other birds, especially their big eyes.

When the owl cub saw Lucheng, it opened its mouth and made a chirping sound.

"Can you give birth to cubs?" Lu Cheng didn't know how a peacock gave birth to an owl, but the cub of this owl was indeed a crystal spirit.

"My compatriot was too weak, so I gave it a small portion of my energy to allow it to awaken." said the crystal spirit of Skarre.

"Is this just the crystal spirit of the Gray Feather Kingdom?" Lu Cheng placed the baby owl in the palm of his hand. It was so small that it couldn't even speak.

"That's right, and I have signed an alliance contract with you, and you also have a certain relationship with me." There was nothing wrong in the voice of the Crystal Spirit.

"Contact means..."

"After we connected together, the efficiency of absorbing energy has been improved." The crystal spirit told Lu Cheng a good news. "Using your digital statistical method, it has increased by nearly 50%."