Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 140: 140. A businessman’s self-esteem


"Hurry, hurry! There's no need to live in the cabin anymore! Throw everything that can be thrown onto the shore!"

Captain Sina shouted at the sailors on the ship at the top of his voice. He stood in the cold wind and shouted like this for almost three hours.

When the cold wind blew, Captain Sina unscrewed the bottle of Erguotou branded on his glass and poured the liquor into his mouth.

The hot feeling in his throat made him unable to feel the cold.

Captain Xinna has been a businessman for so many years, and he has never seen such a generous way of doing business as Lu Cheng. It should not be said to be generous... When Lu Cheng talked about business with him, his words and actions revealed "Go away! You damn money, go to other people."

Captain Xinna really had this feeling. If Lu Cheng was a woman, he would definitely think that Lu Cheng was the incarnation of the goddess of wealth!

When he came to Skare, he was still racking his brains to think of how to sell these 3,000 refugees at a high price, but before he could start bragging, Lu Cheng waved his hand and gave him a price he could not refuse, or to be more precise, a product he could not refuse.

Those are his two merchant ships, and he will give them as much cargo as they can carry.

When Captain Sina heard these conditions, he was so excited that he almost had a heart attack and fainted.

But he was not overwhelmed by excitement. Captain Sina was certainly excited that Lucheng gave him so many goods.

Captain Xinna thought calmly and felt that the White Salt Chamber of Commerce would most likely become a transportation chamber of commerce specializing in serving Lucheng in the future.

Now that Captain Sina is selling something as exciting as Erguotou, who would still consider buying a commodity like sea salt, which has little profit

Captain Sina was certain that this kind of wine had an astonishingly large market potential in the Far South Empire. The upper-class nobles who had served in the military were worried that the wine they brewed at home was not strong enough.

In addition, Lucheng also provided him with many products he had never seen before, each of which had its own market potential and value.

"I have never seen the writing on these goods before. It doesn't look like the writing of the Far South, nor does it look like the writing of the Half-Elves."

The accountant held a thick account book in his hand, counting the goods that Captain Sina's sailors had brought on board. He glanced at all the goods on the ship. The packaging boxes were made of a material he had never seen before, and the words on them were also words he had never seen before.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense! Stop keeping the account book for now! Go and help throw the bed in the cabin overboard!"

One advantage of Captain Sina in doing business is that he must be meticulous where necessary, such as things like account books, but where the goods come from is not something Captain Sina needs to worry about.

The accountant did not dare to ask more questions, so he put down the account book and followed the sailor to the cabin to throw the furniture in it overboard one by one.

This was the first time in Captain Sina's life that he felt that his bed was an eyesore and took up too much space.

He took another sip of Erguotou and saw Lu Cheng waving at him on the shore. Captain Xinna immediately staggered from the deck to the shore and followed Lu Cheng back to the tent.

"Can you sell so much goods?"

Lu Cheng watched through the window of the tent as the sailors carried the cartons into the cabin of the Smile. The cargo hold of the Smile was already filled with a full fifty tons of cargo, which filled the entire cargo hold.

When Captain Xina heard this, his dream of reaching the pinnacle of life by selling Erguotou was shattered by Lu Cheng...

"This... Your Excellency, please rest assured..."

"You sound too guilty. If you want to continue this deal with me, what I need is your credit."

Lu Cheng interrupted Captain Xina's stuttering words. He had finished a whole bottle of Erguotou and his mind was gradually becoming unclear.

"I...maybe...I can't eat it." Captain Sina stammered out the most humiliating thing for a businessman, which is that he cannot sell the incoming goods!

If Captain Sina was a businessman from other countries, he might be able to guarantee the sale of this batch of goods, but he was a businessman from the Far South. One or two boxes of lighters would not change the current situation in the Far South, so the two major chambers of commerce in the Far South turned a blind eye.

But all the goods Lucheng gave him were brand new ones! If all these goods were sold to Far South, it would inevitably bring an unimaginable impact to the old market in Far South, which was something the two major chambers of commerce in Far South did not want to see.

Not to mention that Captain Sina was sold, even if the two cargo ships arrived at the Far South Port, his sailors would leak the news of the cargo on the ships and Captain Sina might lose his life.

"I suggest you find a backer in the far south," Lu Cheng said.

"Backed by the mountains?" Captain Sina did not understand Lucheng's Chinese-specific metaphor.

"It's the big shots and forces that you can depend on. I can recommend one to you."

Lu Cheng didn't want this relatively honest captain to have his cargo embezzled and be thrown into the sea to feed sharks on his first day back to Far South.

"Do you know any important figures in the Empire?"

Captain Xina rubbed his hands excitedly when he heard this, but after rubbing his hands, he found out that it is not easy to find a big shot who wants to compete with the two major chambers of commerce in the Far South.

"I don't know him, I just know the whereabouts of one of the big shots. Do you know Earl Lionheart?" Lu Cheng said to the businessman.

"Of course I know! Everyone in the Far South has heard of Lionheart. You mean Mr. Lionheart Earl Mori. It is said that he is an upright man, but my status in the Far South is too humble. I am not qualified to meet the earl at all."

Captain Sina's usual social circle consisted mostly of viscounts from the Far South. He could not even dream of meeting Earl Lionheart, who owned an independent earldom. At most, he would just glance at him from afar at a ball.

"You are lucky. Earl Lionheart is now recuperating in Black Sword City, all alone... When you are about to reach Far South, you can take a small boat to Black Sword City, and I can arrange a meeting between you and Earl Lionheart."

During this week, Lu Cheng had observed the character of the Count Lionheart through Zhou Hua. He had a typical knight character, rigid, serious, and absolutely loyal to the emperor. Secondly, he also had the concept of the people in the Far South that force is respected, but his attitude towards the weak was more like "perhaps this person still has the potential to become stronger."

It is truly a blessing for the Emperor of Far South to have such a loyal and righteous person.

"This..." Captain Sina showed hesitation and indecision at this moment. No matter who it is, they would feel uneasy when they know that they are going to meet the senior leaders of their own country.

"If you want to refuse, it's not too late." Lu Cheng said with a smile that made Captain Xinna shiver all over.


Captain Sina began to feel that something was not right. It should have been a happy thing to be able to get so many best-selling goods. These goods were almost free. The two kinds of happiness added together would obviously become double happiness. But when Captain Sina thought about it carefully... he was transporting a bomb ship!

The threat from the two major chambers of commerce is one, and the second is that Lucheng only accepts immigrants and not currency. If Captain Xina wants to continue the trade for a long time, the large number of immigrants he brings will inevitably arouse the vigilance of Far South.

Now the only way for Captain Xinna to save his life is to sell this batch of goods to the Dragon Scale Chamber of Commerce and the Sword Flag Chamber of Commerce! Then tell them the trade channels, so that he can get money and save his life.

But selling it to the two competitors who had been suppressing and bullying him? Keep biting their tails and begging for a sip of soup? No! Of course not! Captain Sina's self-esteem as a businessman would not allow him to do so!

"Sir! I will definitely sell these goods! And then buy a bigger ship!"

Captain Xinna unscrewed the cap of the Erguotou bottle again, let Tuntuntun drink up the liquor inside, then stood up suddenly and said.

"Then I wish you good fortune."

Lu Cheng made a gesture of invitation, and Captain Xina raised his belt and walked out of the tent with determination, but soon after he walked out, he fell to the ground unconscious.

The captain drank so much Erguotou that he lost his memory.