Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 180: 180. Ideological construction


The communication between Lucheng and the Church of Pure Purity has been initially concluded. As for persuading Jin Naer, it depends on Zhou Hua's performance.

Jin Na'er would tell Zhou Hua the news of her connection with the Pure Church. Lu Cheng didn't know whether she did this out of trust in Zhou Hua or wanted to use this method to tie Zhou Hua and her together.

Because even if Earl Lionheart knew that his daughter had an affair with the Church of Purity, Earl Lionheart would ensure that nothing would happen to her. As for Zhou Hua... it's hard to say.

Of course Zhou Hua also saw through this. After temporarily sending away the members of the Pure Church, he stayed alone to talk to Jin Naer face to face.

This time he no longer used a stand-in named Lu Cheng, but relied on his own judgment to question Jin Naer.

"This is Skarre now."

There was a laptop on Jin Naer's desk, and on the computer was playing Elena's speech at the end of Scarre's transformation.

Although Elena's speech was not as inspiring as "I Have a Dream", she clearly expressed her political views and her awareness of abolishing slavery.

Of course, Jin Na'er couldn't just rely on Elena's poor speech and believe that Scarre had now gotten rid of slavery, a system that was common in almost every country in the world.

What Zhou Hua showed her was not just a recording, but a documentary called "The Rise of Foreign Countries".

In fact, Lucheng didn't know when the news of all the portals of the Celestial Empire would be exposed on Earth, so the research base was very foresighted and filmed a video of Skarre being reborn in the nearly destructive blood crystal beast disaster and gradually growing towards the modern trajectory.

The version played by Zhou Hua still has special dubbing and images of post-disaster reconstruction.

"Skarre has a sparse population now, and its economy and class are in the starting stage. It does not need to rely on slaves to build the country, but what will happen after the population increases?" Jin Naer raised her own question. The question she asked made Zhou Hua feel more and more that this was not a simple young lady.

"It's still the same even if there are more. Slaves are a low-level labor force. You mentioned before that they can only do some simple manual labor, which is completely useless to us." Zhou Hua picked up the bag of spicy snacks that Jin Naer had opened on the table. "You should have many bags of the same snacks. These are produced by us using machines... In your concept, they are produced by golems. The proof is that the words on the snacks are exactly the same."

Zhou Hua did not talk about ideals with Jin Naer. From the moment he entered the slave market, he realized that she was not the kind of person who could talk about ideals, so Zhou Hua could only talk about interests with her.

"After Scarre becomes strong, I'm afraid other countries on the continent will also change." Jin Na'er's eyes were on the screen again, and the people below burst into cheers after Elena finished her speech.

There were many examples of slave rebellions in the Far South Empire, but the final result was always suppression. However, Jin Naer knew that...human beings' desire for freedom could not be suppressed.

Although she vaguely felt that the existence of slaves would one day be eliminated, she did not expect it to happen so soon.

"Your existence will endanger the interests of many people." Jin Naer's words were completely different from her previous ideal of "saving the slaves."

"This has nothing to do with us."

Zhou Hua's attitude was very clear at this point. He closed his laptop and was ready to leave.

At this point, Zhou Hua could already tell the character of this young lady. She opposed slavery and liberated slaves essentially for self-satisfaction, but Zhou Hua seemed to have made a mistake this time...

"Wait a minute!" Jin Naer called out to Zhou Hua who was about to leave. She hesitated for a moment and said something that made Zhou Hua stay where he was. "How can I join your organization?"

"You want to join the party?"

It took Zhou Hua three seconds to react and figure out what organization Jin Naer was referring to.

"Party? Is this the name of your organization? Well...you are standing here and talking to me, you must hope to get something from me." Jin Naer kept nodding her head.

"Our organization does not allow foreigners to join." Zhou Hua said somewhat embarrassedly.

"Then I can join your country first. Do I need to sign an inscription contract?"

As if Jin Naer was afraid that Zhou Hua would turn around and run away, she quickly further expressed her "loyalty" to Zhou Hua.

"My country's citizenship may not be so easy to obtain." Zhou Hua once again told Jin Na'er the bad news. The Chinese citizenship is the most difficult to obtain on earth. The immigration policies regarding other countries are very conservative, not to mention immigration to another world.

That is why Lucheng has stepped up its efforts to build Scarre. Scarre is now regarded as a back garden for the Celestial Empire. All immigrants can be sent to Scarre, and the Celestial Empire can also gain a lot of benefits from it.

"I can provide you with a lot of help." Jin Naer seemed to have made up her mind to join the party.

"Why?" Zhou Hua put the laptop back on Jin Naer's desk and moved a chair to sit in front of the young lady.

He was not so narcissistic as to think that the young lady decided to abandon Yuannan and join the Celestial Empire because of him.

"Yuannan is ill." Jin Naer looked behind Zhou Hua, where a portrait of Emperor Yuannan was hanging. "I admire our Emperor Peisifu very much, because it is because of him that Yuannan has its current splendor, but there is no second Emperor Peisifu in the world. The emperor is now seriously ill and I am afraid he will not live for many more years."

"So you're planning on leaving the country?"

As a member of the investigation team, Zhou Hua was of course very clear about the situation in Far South. One of the arguments in the investigation team was, "After the death of the emperor of Far South, how long can this country last?"

The current political system in the Far South is too bloated, and underneath the bloat lies poison and pus... After the death of Emperor Peisif, these hidden dangers will surely erupt instantly.

By then, this empire will become a battlefield where warlords fight for supremacy.

"I just wanted to save myself and save my father."

Jin Naer did not have such a great national ideal. Her idea of liberating slaves was actually out of self-satisfaction, a very childish self-satisfaction.

Maybe if she were three or four years younger, she could still talk to Zhou Hua about how wonderful the world would be without slaves.

But now Jin Naer has seen the reality and has turned from an anti-slavery fighter into the owner of the slave market.

"My father is a staunch supporter of the king. I don't know how many more years Emperor Peisif can hold out, three years, five years, maybe even less than a year. Three months ago, my father encountered an assassination attempt that nearly killed him, and it was you who saved him." Jin Na'er's voice sounded a little fearful. "The situation in the empire has become so chaotic. If he wants to survive the next 'battlefield', I must find a strong enough backer or camp for my father."

"It's also for your survival." Zhou Hua understood this and said, "I will report this to the organization. It depends on how the organization arranges it."

"Thank you." Jin Naer seemed a little awkward when she thanked Zhou Hua.