Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 189: 189. Sent to the grassroots level for labor reform


Outside the operating room of the Shangcheng ship.

Lu Cheng leaned against the corridor of the upper city ship and waited quietly. The last time Lu Cheng waited here was because of the wife of the half-elf prince Arang.

The person Lu Cheng is waiting for today is the emperor of the Far South Empire, and it is a question whether he can walk out of the operating room alive.

"After you found him in the slave market, did you investigate the surrounding situation?"

While waiting for the Far South Emperor to complete the operation, Lu Cheng asked the two members of the expedition team who were responsible for communicating with the Nemesis.

"We have investigated. He was found by a slave named Silt in a garbage dump along the coast." A team member handed a document to Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng took it and began to read it in detail. The document came with a photo, which showed a landfill with a large amount of garbage, and on the other side was a river with floating stains.

Lu Cheng remembered that the river was called Jianmai River...it connected several important cities in the Far South Empire.

This world's handling of garbage and excrement is a little better than Earth's Middle Ages, but even in a 'developed' city like the Far South Royal City, the lower reaches of the river are still filthy.

The emperor from the far south was washed down the river into a garbage dump in the slums, and was then discovered by a slave... and all his belongings were taken away.

"This is the stolen goods we received from the slave named Silt." Another member handed all three rings and two necklaces to Lu Cheng.

"They are magic props, all of them."

The moment Lu Cheng held them in his hands he determined that the three rings and two necklaces were not ordinary decorative jewellery.

The Holy Crystal gave Lu Cheng the ability to perceive magic, but Lu Cheng had never studied magic systematically, so he had no way of understanding the functions of these magic accessories.

This made Lu Cheng feel that the Celestial Empire really needed to speed up its research on the magic of this world. Otherwise, if it encountered invisible units again, it would probably end up like this emperor.

"Old Lu!" Captain Zhao also walked quickly to the corridor outside the operating room at this time. "What are you going to do about this emperor from the Far South?"

"I have already reported this matter to my superiors, and they are still discussing it, but this is the way I personally prefer to deal with it."

Lu Cheng glanced at a photo of the Emperor of Yuannan on the document, which clearly showed that his left hand had been cut off.

The severed left hand was exactly where his Holy Crystal was located, which was the thing that best proved his identity as the emperor. Without the Holy Crystal, this man named Peisif was just an ordinary down-and-out middle-aged man on the Upper City Ship.

"My suggestion is to send him to the grassroots level for labor reform," said Lu Cheng.

"Lao Lu, you used to have a lot of tricks, why are you so serious this time?"

Captain Zhao has known Lu Cheng for so many years and knows clearly that Lu Cheng is a person who does not play by the rules at all. In simple terms, he likes to mess around.

"This is a trick." Lu Cheng said helplessly, "According to normal procedures, we should consider gaining benefits from the emperor and negotiate some conditions to escort him back to Yuannan."

As the emperor of the Far South, Peisif must know where the core of the Far South's earth veins is. Even Lucheng can directly contract the core of the Far South's earth veins through him.

But the question is, is this emperor really so easy to persuade

"The current chaotic situation in Far South is what we... no, what I want to see." Lu Cheng's remarks only represent his personal opinion. "The disappearance of this emperor will inevitably plunge Far South into civil strife. A country in civil strife will never consider invading foreign countries, and we can also gain more benefits from it."

It is the people in the far south who suffer, but Lu Cheng did not say this out loud.

The national city of Far South is determined to bring it down, because the culture in Far South is too un-hammer and sickle-oriented.

If Scarlett is a cat raised in China, then Xiu Enzhe is raising a seal. Although this kind of creature is somewhat aggressive, it is essentially docile and easy to handle. Yuannan is basically raising a little tiger.

"Will this emperor stay at the grassroots level honestly?" Captain Zhao felt that the higher-ups would make the same decision as Lu Cheng.

Because the higher-ups attach great importance to Lu Cheng’s suggestions for the development of this world.

"Even if he doesn't want to stay at the grassroots level, he has to. Now he is just a down-and-out middle-aged man with a broken left hand. After arriving in Scarre, can he continue to be the emperor of the Far South?" Lu Cheng took out the three rings he had looted from the emperor.

Two of the three rings are branded with the Far South's coat of arms, which is the image of a black wolf.

"The initiative is in our hands now. When the time is right, we can help the emperor return to his position."

Lu Cheng stuffed all the rings and necklaces back into the file bag and sealed it.

"When he becomes Comrade Persif?" Captain Zhao probably understood Lu Cheng's plan. "Is this possible?"

"It's unlikely, but the important thing is that his departure would plunge the Far South into chaos."

Lu Cheng did not think that it would be easy to reform the emperor from the far south, as long as his life was under the surveillance of the Celestial Empire.

The door of the operating room was pushed open at this moment, and Dr. Akiyama, the surgeon in charge of this operation, walked out of the operating room.

This operating room is a modified version of the Shangcheng ship. Performing surgery on board is a test of the doctor's skills.

"How is it going?"

Lu Cheng looked at the young doctor and asked, Doctor Akiyama looked like a weak scholar, but his skin color was the dark brown color unique to soldiers.

"I can't say it's too good. He suffers from chronic pneumonia and associated secondary pneumothorax, which is very serious. The worst thing is that half of his lungs are already fibrotic. He hasn't received treatment for a long time, and he has severe blood loss. If it were us, we would have died long ago." Dr. Akiyama took off his mask and took a breath.

He stayed in the operating room for nearly twelve hours. This was the first time that a Chinese doctor performed surgery on a person from another world.

Dr. Akiyama knew that this man named Persif was still useful to the organization, so he tried his best to snatch Persif's life, which was like a dying candle, back from the hands of death.

"It may be the protection of the core of the earth vein." When Lu Cheng first heard the report on Emperor Yuannan's condition, he also felt that he had no chance of surviving.

"Is it the thing similar to national destiny and national pulse mentioned in this world guide?"

Doctor Akiyama has been working here for almost two months and has learned a lot about the differences between this world and Earth.

"Well, there is no terrible plague in this world. It may be that the earth core has improved the immunity of the people. We are still studying this aspect."

While Lu Cheng was speaking, the other doctors in the operating room had already carried Emperor Peisif out of the operating room.

"He is not out of danger yet. His coma may last for about a week. What arrangements does the organization plan to make for him?" Dr. Akiyama asked curiously.

"When he wakes up, send him to the fields to plant potatoes. Also, all information about Mr. Persif must be kept confidential." Lu Cheng gave this order and handed the file bag to Captain Zhao. "I will leave him in your care while he is unconscious. If he shows signs of waking up, notify me immediately."

After completing these tasks, we returned to the camp through the portal.