Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 191: 191. Lack of magic reaction


In a conference room at the liaison headquarters used for meetings.

Master Winnie sat quietly in it, holding his staff. Charlotte sat next to him, playing the mobile version of "Minecraft" on her phone.

During the past half month, Master Winnie has been familiarizing himself with the environment in the camp.

According to the ancient records of the Gemansis Secret Society, Master Winnie learned that the Secret Society had come into contact with three alien civilizations.

Two of these civilizations are from the very distant past and can be said to exist only in legends. The Pure Sect is the one we have just come into contact with recently. If we include the Celestial Empire... this is the fourth alien civilization that the Gemansis Secret Society has come into contact with.

The time that Master Winnie spent in the Celestial Empire camp was truly an eye-opener.

The three civilizations that the Gemansis Secret Society had come into contact with in the past were basically all related to magic, and the Purest Sect even used inscription magic similar to that of this world.

But the Celestial Empire, which did not possess any magical power, took another path.

Very curious...Master Winnie is really curious about what the world of Earth is like.

"Is everyone here?"

Lu Cheng walked into the conference room and glanced at everyone in the room.

"The five visitors who have the quota for the tour have gathered." A person in charge in the conference room said to Lu Cheng.

"Now that everyone is here, I'll just say it directly." Lu Cheng opened the PPT file projected behind him. "We have been preparing for this visit to Earth for a week. The formation of the visit and the specific route have been planned. The time is three days. During these three days, we will ensure everyone's safety, accommodation, and food."

Lu Cheng said this and pointed to the large and small bags on the table in front of Elena.

"So all this luggage is completely unnecessary. I'm not taking you to survive in the wilderness."

"Clothes are... not necessary?"

Elena put a large bag of snacks under the table, and another bag contained her spare clothes.

"We will prepare these for you as well." Lu Cheng replaced the PPT behind him with another picture, which showed a map. "You will visit Jiangcheng in our country, a central city in the central region with a permanent population of 10 million."

"You mean a population of 10 million?" Master Winnie heard Lu Cheng's words and suspected that he was a little hard of hearing and had heard it wrong.

"Didn't Dr. Ji Chuan tell you this information? The total population of our country is now 1.3 billion."

When Lu Cheng was saying this, Nancy acted very calm. After all, this princess from Xiu Enzhe was someone who could surf the Internet.

She had already collected some information about China on the Internet, but Nancy still wanted to see with her own eyes what a country with a population of 1.3 billion was like.

"I've recently been focusing on studying how to make the potion work on something called white mice, so I haven't paid much attention to this aspect for the time being," said Master Winnie.

During the half month that Master Winnie lived here, he fought with the little white mice of the Earth every day.

His current research topic is how to make his potion work on mice.

During this period, he fed three mice to death and fattened more than ten mice.

But the effect of the potion still did not improve, but the potion master of the Gemansis Secret Society still did not give up.

"Everything else you need to pay attention to is written in this booklet." Lu Cheng took out the booklet "Precautions for a Three-Day Tour to the Celestial Empire" and threw it to Master Winnie.

"Any other questions?" Lu Cheng asked, glancing at everyone present.

No one answered. The implicit meaning of silence was that they couldn't wait any longer. Lu Cheng didn't need to say any more nonsense. The holy crystal in his left hand glowed, and a golden portal appeared beside him.

"Please line up to enter. The first step is to do a simple disinfection." Lu Cheng said.

… … …

Nancy was the last one to arrive at the portal. She didn't have much luggage with her, not even any spare clothes. She only had a camera that she had asked her father to buy.

This is the first time that people from their world have set foot on Earth. If Nancy writes this experience into a book, it will definitely become a legendary book in the future.

The princess from Xiu Enzhe did have this idea, but the moment Nancy walked into the portal, she felt the "warmth" from the earth.

Due to lack of oxygen, her body temperature began to drop rapidly. The first moment Nancy stepped on the earth, she felt that her body was as heavy as if it was pressed down by two Elenas.

Nancy couldn't even maintain her balance and fell to her knees, her hands shaking uncontrollably.

"Take a deep breath! Nancy! Look at me!"

Lu Cheng noticed Nancy's abnormal symptoms and went straight to her.

The princess's face turned extremely pale in an instant, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Just like people living in the plains suddenly being unable to adapt to the environment when they move to a plateau, residents who have always lived in the magical world suddenly come to a world without magic at all, and their bodies will more or less show some extreme reactions.

The Chinese side had anticipated this a long time ago, but they did not anticipate what the specific reaction would be.

Elena, the first one to enter the portal, had no problem at all. Charlotte, the second one, also adapted to the environment of the earth instantly. However, Master Winnie and Noi began to have a little "magic deficiency reaction".

Nancy's condition was the most serious, and her breathing became disordered.

"If it doesn't work, Nancy, you can go back first. Our world has no magic, and no protection from the earth veins. It will cause great harm to your body." Lu Cheng measured the temperature of Nancy's cheek with his hand. Now Nancy's body was cold.


Nancy spoke to Lu Cheng in a barely audible voice. She stretched out her hand and placed it weakly on the holy crystal in Lu Cheng's left hand.

The magic power overflowing from the holy crystal allowed Nancy to restore her strength. She held Lu Cheng's left hand and pressed it against her cheek for a long time.

Nancy's cheeks gradually regained their color and her breathing became steady.

"Are you feeling better?" Lu Cheng was a little embarrassed, as they were now in a 'space-time security checkpoint'.

The Celestial Empire is planning to build this place... to welcome friends from other worlds for a long time. The staff around are looking at Lu Cheng and Nancy.

"Wait a moment."

Nancy couldn't care less about all these now. She closed her eyes, held Lu Cheng's left hand with both hands and put it on her cheek, absorbing magic power from Lu Cheng's holy crystal.

Lu Cheng felt the warmth on Nancy's cheek and found that the princess was much weaker than he had imagined.

Without the protection of the earth core, Nancy would most likely have died at a young age. But even if there was protection from the earth core, how many years could she have lived with such a weak body

This not-so-good idea popped up in Lu Cheng's mind, and Noyi, who also had some magic deficiency, walked to Lu Cheng's side and grabbed Lu Cheng's other hand to relieve the painful feeling of acclimatization.

"Please wait a moment."

Lu Cheng forced a smile and said to the Tianchao receptionist who had been waiting for a long time.