Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 234: 234. Discussion



Although the Celestial Empire did not make any statement on the surface, Lu Cheng did not mention this matter to the people from the Secret Society.

But Lu Cheng could still vaguely feel that the higher-ups were intending to use magic to study...how to extend the lifespan of existing humans.

The pursuit of immortality is not a shameful thing. It is the most basic desire of all human beings, to live and live longer.

The ancient Taoist culture of the Celestial Empire shows the Celestial Empire’s pursuit of immortality.

As time went by, the Chinese people did it, or rather, people all over the world did it.

You should know that the average life expectancy of people in ancient China was only fifty, but in modern society the average life expectancy has greatly increased.

This is not just because of living in a peacetime. The improvement of medical standards and the emergence of antibiotics have brought the average human life expectancy to a new level.

This is something that all mankind should be proud of.

The magic of the other world is an opportunity to raise this limit once again.

The magic of the dead goes a step further, allowing humans to directly achieve "immortality". It should not be said to be immortality, but rather to survive in another way.

"Do you believe in the goddess of death?"

In order to explore the truth about necromancy, Lu Cheng found a few chairs and a table and sat down to talk with Kafu in detail about everything related to necromancy.

"Because the inscriptions of necromancy come from the scriptures of the goddess of death, but I still believe that the goddess of death is just a concept, not a real god."

Kaif was holding a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in her hand, and the scene looked like the set of some entertainment talk show.

"Don't you, the Secret Society, believe in the gods?" Lu Cheng remembered that all the spellcasters in the Secret Society were more inclined to the mysterious side.

"We believe in the earth veins! Not those weird gods! Can those gods give us magic power? No!"

Charlotte expressed her opinion while biting the straw of her Coke.

"Strictly speaking, the faith of the Secret Society is a crystallized faith." Nancy gave Lucheng a more appropriate answer, "It is the earth veins that give the human beings in this world magic power."

"You mean you believe in this?"

As Lu Cheng spread out his hands, a white, furry, round seal fell on the table, and its belly created ripples the moment it fell.

"We have never seen the appearance of the Crystal Spirit in the past, but according to the doctrine of the Secret Society, the members of the Secret Society do believe in the Crystal Spirit." Nancy nodded and affirmed.

"I don't think the secret society has ever regarded seals as gods!" Charlotte and Nancy had a difference of opinion on this issue.

"I ask all this just to ask one thing, do you think reincarnation really exists in your world?"

When Lu Cheng said this, he glanced at the ghost floating behind Kafu. If ghosts exist, does it prove that it is really possible for people to be reincarnated after death

"The scriptures of the Goddess of Death have some related content, but I don't really believe it." As a professional, Kaif still has her own opinion on this matter. "The soul is a manifestation of magical energy. Before my mother died, she attached her soul to me, so now I am sharing a body with my mother."

"Sharing a body?"

In order to explain to Lu Cheng, Kafu suddenly took out a tiny needle and pricked her fingertips. Scarlet blood flowed out from her fingertips, and instead, the fingers of the spirit behind her also showed signs of damage.

"My mother and I share memories and perceptions. If I die, my mother will become pure energy, unable to maintain herself, and completely disappear from the world," said Kaif.

"To be precise, it was absorbed by the earth veins."

The seal patted his belly and told Lu Cheng the reincarnation form of life in this world.

"If you think about it this way, it's something that can be explained by science." When Lu Cheng wanted to find a bandage for Kafu, Noi, who was standing beside him, had already handed Lu Cheng a Band-Aid.

As the former soul priest, Noyi still has the habit of carrying therapeutic medicines at all times. In the past, it was herbs, and now it is things like healing sprays and Band-Aids.

"Ms. Kafu, thank you for your explanation. We will conduct in-depth research on necromancy in the future. I hope you can cooperate."

After listening to these descriptions, Lu Cheng had a general understanding of what undead magic was.

"Research...study...that...that." Kaif looked like she wanted to say something, but shyness made her voice stutter.

"What's the point of research? I just want to ask you one thing. Where is the guy my daughter was talking about yesterday? Just transfer my daughter there."

Kaif's mother looked much more sturdy. She was twice as big as a normal human when she stood behind Kaif. This was probably because she was a spirit.

"Doctor Akiyama is a member of the medical team and has recently been on a mission in the Skarre Royal City. We can still meet this request."

Lucheng actually intends to bring together the people of the Celestial Empire and this world, especially the spellcasters... to get married.

The appearance of the Mei siblings allowed Lu Cheng to confirm that the offspring born from people from the two worlds could possess magical talents.

At this stage, there may be no other way for the Chinese to master magic, so the research base can only study how to apply magic to some tools.

"That's good." Kaif said as she drank the orange juice in her hand.

If Dr. Akiyama and Kaif can really get together, then there will be two couples in the camp. It seems that Kite and Pictorial's wedding will be soon

"There are so many things to do next that it's a bit of a headache."

Lu Cheng took out his mobile phone and opened the memo. First of all, the most troublesome thing was the situation in the Far South, which required a decision based on the movements of Earl Lionheart, so Lu Cheng didn't need to worry about it at this stage.

The second is the direction of magic and technology research after the arrival of the Secret Society. This road city can be directly handed over to Dr. Ji Chuan.

The Secret Society's research topic on blood crystal beasts is something Lu Cheng needs to follow up on, and Princess Mishu's mental health is also something Lu Cheng needs to pay special attention to.

There was also the enlistment ceremony and ideological education of the Mei brothers and sisters when they joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which Lu Cheng decided to be responsible for.

Lu Cheng values these two fledglings who can perform magic very much, and the last thing left is the commission from the two earth spirits to build a bridge.

To sum up, there is a big main quest, a small side quest, a long-term research and development quest, some branching options under this quest, and an epic construction quest.

"Let's find out what the two earth spirits want to do this afternoon." Lu Cheng closed the memo and made a decision.