Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 236: 236. Break out of the Special Zone City


Located in the recruits' quarters on the other side of the camp.

"Sister, do you think we have hooked up with a super powerful force?"

Meris stayed in the camp for almost two days, and he was very busy during these two days, including registering and certifying his resident identity, as well as various physical examinations before joining the army.

"What do you mean by 'hang out'? We are now a member of the Celestial Empire."

Meyer took off her old clothes that she had worn in the Shadow Club. She was wearing a thin underwear. She didn't mind and started to change into the army green uniform in front of her brother.

"That's right, and I've also joined the army. The treatment here is much better than in the Far South." Meris had already changed into his newly issued military uniform.

Meyer didn't have much to say about the excitement and yearning in his brother's voice.

"Didn't you listen carefully in class? The soldiers and knights in the Far South are considered hounds of the nobles, but the soldiers of the Celestial Empire are completely different." Meyer said.

"Servants of the people, I remember that, sister, but soldiers have more power than ordinary civilians, don't they?" Meris's understanding is very different from his sister's. His frivolous character makes him a hedonist.

If Meris was born in an aristocratic family, he would definitely be the kind of young master who would harm innocent girls. Fortunately, the Meris family education was quite strict, and the living environment in the far south made their family a little breathless, so Meris had no energy to enjoy anything.

"Sister, don't frown. We don't need to worry about being hunted down by the Shadow Society here. We have three meals a day. I just went out wearing this outfit, and was chased by those... natives in the camp. Yes, they chased me and gave me things. I felt like a knight from the far south." As Meris said this, a sour fruit appeared in his hand and he threw it to his sister.

Meyer took the sour fruit but did not eat it. The atmosphere of this camp or the special zone city was indeed very different from that in the south.

Her biggest intuitive feeling was that the civilians in the camp were very enthusiastic about the soldiers wearing military green uniforms. If they were in the Far South, the civilians would avoid them when they saw soldiers from the Far South.

"It's time to report to the training ground." Meyer put down the sour fruit her brother threw to her. She was not in the mood to eat anything.

"It was the first time I held a sword when we were training with the Shadow Society. This time I should be able to hold a gun," Meris said excitedly.

"Gun?" It was the first time Meyer heard the word.

"It's their weapons, long-range weapons, much more powerful than bows and arrows!"

Meris made a gesture as if he was picking up an automatic rifle while speaking. It was obvious that he had done some special preparations during the past two days.

Meyer felt a little excited when she heard this, and this feeling of anticipation lasted until she and her brother arrived at the training ground.

The training ground is an open playground with many flagpoles in the middle. Sixteen flags are flying on the flagpoles. The four flags in the center are the national flags of Xiuenzhelai, the Celestial Empire, Scarre and the Gemansis Secret Society. The other flags have the family emblems of the nobles of Xiuenzhelai on the left and the family emblems of the nobles of Scarre on the right.

And when Meyer came to the edge of the playground, he saw many unfamiliar faces.

What they wore were not military green uniforms, but the clothes worn by the two countries where Scarlett and Xiu Enzhe came from.

These people stood scattered on the playground, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

"Are you the ones who are here to test us?"

A burly man suddenly approached Mayer. The man's attire had the characteristics of a Xiu Enzhe, and his thick beard made him look a bit like Zeus in Greek mythology.

"I don't know what the test is, but if you want to fight, I'm here to accompany you." Meris took a step forward and stood in front of his sister. He was a head shorter than the burly man, but he didn't show any fear of this man.

Meris's personality is a little frivolous, but he is not a coward. When he was a child, he often beat up those who dared to tease his sister.

"Test? You may have misunderstood. We are also here to participate in training."

Meyer put her hand on her brother's shoulder, and the huge force made Meris scream in pain. She used this way to warn her brother not to cause trouble.

"Are you here to take part in the trial as well? Which country are you from?" The man took one look at the Chinese military uniform that Meyer was wearing and seemed a little surprised.

"We are citizens of the People's Republic of China, and we are here to participate in military training." Meyer gave a brief self-introduction.

"I am Goron, the eldest son of the White Whale Family of the Xiuenzhe Kingdom, the captain of the Dawnbreaker and the admiral of the navy. We accepted the king's order to come here to study. Today, I represent the Xiuenzhe Kingdom and the White Whale Family to participate in this military trial!"

The burly man rattled off a host of aristocratic credentials that would have sounded very tricky to Meyer in the past.

In the past, as a low-level member of the Shadow Society in the Far South, she had to keep her head down when meeting such a great noble. But now, she is a member of the Celestial Empire and can face this noble with her head held high.

"So what kind of trial is this?" Meyer still didn't understand what the nobles from these two countries, Scarlett and Xiu Enzhe, were doing here.

But at this moment, King Maurice III from Xiuenzhe and Princess Mela, the current governor of Skare, appeared on the other side of the training ground.

The moment the two of them appeared, the noisy noise on the training ground stopped instantly.

Shortly after the two king-level figures appeared, a group of Chinese soldiers dressed in military green uniforms also appeared on the training ground.

Their movements were in perfect unison, and just by jogging over, one could feel a different kind of oppressive force.

Meyer clearly felt that the generals and soldiers from Scarlett and Xiu Enzhe around him were a little nervous.

The small group of Chinese soldiers lined up and stood at attention on the other side of the training ground.

How does Meyer feel about this situation...are they going to have a duel

"I am Zhang Cheng, your instructor for this training! The training you will face next will be very strict, but as long as you persevere, you will learn the qualities that our country's soldiers should have!"

An instructor came in front of everyone and shouted to everyone in a strong and powerful voice.

"Of course you are also qualified to withdraw! But the names of those who withdraw will be known to the Special Zone City and even to the leaders, fathers, children and friends in your country! The flag symbolizing your honor will also be taken down from the flagpole at the moment of withdrawal!" Zhang Cheng said loudly.

This militarized training was the idea of Maurice III. He hoped to learn the military management of the Celestial Empire, so after the Alien Alliance meeting ended, he summoned the generals and soldiers from the diplomatic corps who belonged to Xiu Enzhe's army.

Princess Mera certainly couldn't miss this great opportunity. Even though most of the nobles in Scarre were in name only, it was always good to learn something.

There were a total of fifty-three people in the temporary study team, half of whom were from the Xiuenzhelai Kingdom and the Skarre Kingdom, and only a small number were members of the Secret Order.

"You will be divided into different teams next! I hope some of you can hold on to the end!" After saying this, Zhang Cheng came directly to the Mei siblings, "Meira and Meris."

"It's us," Meris whispered.

"You have to answer yes! New recruit!" Zhang Cheng's voice was so loud that it scared Meris. When he was about to complain, "Why are you shouting so loudly?", her sister answered "Yes" first.

"You have been assigned to a team! There is no room for you to quit this training." Zhang Cheng said.

"If you can't quit, then don't quit. You talk as if we have a way out." Meris complained softly as he looked at Zhang Cheng's back as he left.

Meyer said nothing. She looked around. The Chinese soldiers divided the fifty-three people into different teams. The instructor in charge of their team was a woman.

But Mayer didn't think that female instructors were easy to mess with, but what she was really worried about was whether the content of the training would be as dangerous as the tests of the Shadow Society.

Half of those who took part in the Shadow Society Trial could not come back alive. Mayer passed the Shadow Society Trial by luck, and she didn't know whether her luck would work this time.