Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 29: 29. Reserve grain


What do groundhogs eat

Lu Cheng was thinking about this question... Lu Cheng had fed creatures such as rabbits and otters before, but he had the impression that groundhogs seemed to be vegetarians.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng summoned a portal leading to his home in a place where the groundhog could not see him. He reached into the portal, opened the refrigerator, and touched a carrot that he had just bought the day before yesterday.

"Here, you woodchucks should like to eat this."

Lu Cheng used a dagger to cut the carrot into small pieces and handed them to the groundhog.

"Ah...thank you." The groundhog might have been frightened or had no idea what Lu Cheng was doing.

It subconsciously stretched out its short little hands and grabbed the small piece of carrot, but... it reacted quickly.

"I'm not a mouse!" It suddenly threw the carrot in its hand onto the table, puffed out its chest and looked ready to fight. "The one standing in front of you is the giver of the ancient book! The daughter of crystal! The great sage... sage..."

"Pick it up."

Lu Cheng put the dagger against the groundhog's neck. The blade of the dagger was so sharp that the moment it touched the groundhog's neck, several strands of its brown hair fell onto the table.


It seemed like it was going to continue shouting a few more of its own titles, but it probably realized that if it said one more word it would be turned into a braised groundhog, so it silently picked up the carrots on the ground.

"Is there anything else to eat? I don't like eating plants." The groundhog chose to compromise under the threat of the dagger.

"Don't be picky about food. Be obedient."

Lu Cheng spoke to the groundhog in a tone that did not allow for rejection.

In this situation, the groundhog could only start to gnaw the carrot in his hand with tears in his eyes.

While Lu Cheng was communicating with the groundhog, Tiehuan also parked the car outside and reported to Lu Cheng.

After he walked into the alchemy workshop, his eyes were fixed on the marmot on the table.

"What's wrong?" Lu Cheng saw that Tiehuan had something to say.

"Captain, marmot meat is not tasty, it's a bit tough... and there's a chance it could be infected with the plague."

Tiehuan told Lucheng seriously why creatures like rodents could not be served on the dining table.

"What is he talking about?" asked the woodchuck between bites of his carrot.

"They said your meat is not tasty and can cause plague." Lu Cheng translated Tiehuan's words.

"Not...delicious? You are not delicious! You will get the plague!"

This groundhog's self-esteem was so strong that it exceeded Lu Cheng's expectations, and it had naturally assumed the identity of a groundhog.

But it stopped halfway through its words because the looks from Lu Cheng and Tiehuan made it feel creepy.

"Yes...it's not delicious! The meat of creatures like digging rats is even more unpalatable than frogs." It changed its words again.

"Captain, can all the groundhogs in this world speak?"

Tiehuan didn't understand what the groundhog was saying, but he was sure it was the language of humans in this world.

He felt that the magic in this world was incredible enough, so he could accept the fact that animals could talk. He would probably think it was normal if a flying horse appeared the next second.

"This groundhog is a little special. It seems to have transformed from a human."

Lu Cheng took back the dagger in his hand, and it reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the table.

"Now you can tell me about your name." Lu Cheng was also very interested in what kind of magic in this world could turn a person into a groundhog.

"The one standing in front of you is Gemansis..."

Just as it was about to continue telling Lu Cheng about its past honorary titles in a long speech, the dagger in Lu Cheng's hand made its voice become smaller and smaller.

"My name is Charlotte Bellwalker." It answered Lu Cheng honestly.

Lu Cheng found a new notebook and a pen and started recording.

"Age? What's your occupation?" Lu Cheng asked the groundhog named Charlotte as if he was doing a census.

"Seventeen years old, a magic apprentice by profession, the most talented magic apprentice in Gemansis." It didn't even stay quiet for a second before it started talking about its glorious past again.

"Why did you turn into a groundhog and appear here?" Lu Cheng asked the last key question.

"How can I tell you about this... I failed in my magic research when I was trying to resonate with the earth crystals, and my soul was swept into the torrent of magic. When I came to my senses, I turned into a groundhog nearby."

Under Lu Cheng's gaze, she obediently held the carrot in her hand tightly and told him everything she knew.

"Research accident? Your supervisor wasn't around when you were doing the research? Junior high school students here always have teachers watching over them when they do chemistry experiments."

Lucheng is just an analogy here. According to the description of this groundhog, the experiment of earth vein crystal resonance should be a little different from the potassium permanganate experiment.

"I am the heir of the Gemansis earth core. I don't need a mentor to do this kind of resonance experiment to succeed."

Halfway through her words she glanced at the piece of carrot she was holding in her little paws, and the whole mouse looked a little melancholy.

"How long ago did this happen?"

Lu Cheng didn't want to continue asking the reason why it failed. If Lu Cheng was her mentor, the punishment of making her copy the safety regulations a hundred times would probably be too little.

But if she is really an important figure in that secret society, the society should have sent someone to find her.

"Fifteen days ago! An unknown person. I see that your attire does not indicate that you are from this country, right?"

When she was asked this, she finally perked up again. This groundhog had learned its lesson and knew that its reputation was of no use in front of this "foreigner" from Lucheng.

"I am the daughter of the Gemansis Secret Society, the Book of Ancients..."

"Don't tell me the names of the dishes, just tell me what you want." Lu Cheng interrupted the groundhog's opening remarks.

"It's very simple! All you have to do is escort me to the country downstream of this river. There will be people from the Secret Society waiting there... I will give you a very generous reward when we get there."

What she did along the way was not just shouting out her identity, she also observed the relationship between Lucheng's group and the Scarre Kingdom's army.

Judging from their attire alone, Lu Cheng was obviously not a soldier of Skarre, and even their language was different.

So she speculated that Lu Cheng and his group should be mercenaries... If they were mercenaries, she could just offer a higher price and it should be fine.

"This country is full of monsters like Blood Crystal Beasts. You are just waiting to die if you stay here... and their cities are so dilapidated that they shouldn't have much money to pay for the commission. You just need to escort me to the Kingdom of Xiuenzhelai in the lower reaches of the Green Leaf River! It will only take less than three days if there is a boat. By then, the Gemansis will give you a price far higher than that offered by the small country of Skarre."

When she said this, she seemed to have a sense of confidence that she would win.

However, Lu Cheng did not answer her. At this time, Elena suddenly poked her head out from the door of the workshop.

"Lu Cheng, I found a sharpened machete near the workshop. Can I use it?" Elena walked in with a shiny butcher knife in her hand.