Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 4: 4. Child, you need to take medicine (Please collect and recommend!)


Lu Cheng asked the native in detail about the situation of this world and recorded the information he knew in a notebook.

But the concepts he knew were very vague, and the only useful information was that the country was called "Skarre".

Another crucial piece of information is that this world possesses magic-like abilities.

"Is that all?"

Lu Cheng stopped writing, closed his notebook, and looked up at the other three team members.

"The building is well preserved. Captain, if you can understand their language, you may be able to read their books," said the pictorial.

“Can they really make paper?”

Feng Kite, holding a rifle in his hand, glanced at the group of refugees huddled in the corner of the building. They were still staring in the direction of Lucheng with vigilant eyes.

"It's always a good idea to look around."

Lu Cheng looked inside the building again.

"Kite, you and I will go to the west corridor. Iron Ring and Picture Book will go to the other side... If you find a place similar to a library, report to me via radio."

After the division of labor was ordered, Lu Cheng took Feng Zheng with him to explore the corridor on the other side of the building.

The corridor is built in a dungeon-like style, with a glowing stone illuminating the interior.

"Will there be any ghosts or something like that?" Feng Kite whispered to Lu Cheng.

"It depends on whether ghosts are afraid of bullets."

Lu Cheng walked all the way to the depths of the corridor, where there was a wooden door.

Judging from the traces of dampness and decay on the wooden door, this door is quite old.

Lu Cheng gently pushed the wooden door with his hand, and the wooden door made a harsh sound as it rubbed against the bricks on the ground.

It was not until Lu Cheng increased the strength of his hands that the old wooden door was completely pushed open.

The light in the room inside the door was too dim. The moment Lu Cheng stepped in, he smelled a faint smell of blood.

Lu Cheng turned on the flashlight to illuminate the interior of the room. On the other side of the room was a strange statue, and under the statue was a petite figure sitting.

A human female

After Lu Cheng used a flashlight to confirm that there were no mechanisms around the room that could shoot out a large number of arrows, he cautiously approached the figure lying under the statue.

"Here." Lu Cheng handed the flashlight to Feng Zheng behind him, half squatting down and looking at the other person.

This human woman...or rather, little girl, was no more than fourteen years old. She sat down under the statue with her head lowered. Lu Cheng could see blood dripping from her clothes and hands.

Lu Cheng tentatively placed his hand under her nose. She was still breathing, which meant she was still alive.

"Illustrated... Come to the end of the west corridor and report that there are injured people." Lu Cheng whispered into the radio.


The pictorial's answer was also very timely. Lu Cheng began to check the little girl's physical condition before the pictorial arrived.

But suddenly she raised her head, opened her tightly closed eyes and looked at Lu Cheng.

"May I have your name?"

Lu Cheng had no medical experience, but her complexion was not too bad...it was just that the blood on her sleeve was too horrifying.

She did not answer Lu Cheng. Lu Cheng could not even see any human emotions on her face, not even the fear she showed when meeting a stranger.

She seemed to be sitting here quietly waiting for death to come.

"You can't speak?"

Lu Cheng's next question made her react a little. She looked up at Lu Cheng again and nodded slightly.

"Can you write? Just words."

Lu Cheng took out a notebook and a pen. She looked at the two things in Lu Cheng's hand and tilted her head slightly, as if wondering what Lu Cheng was holding.

"A water-based pen, Morning Glory brand."

Lu Cheng pronounced this sentence in Chinese, and as he spoke, he drew a smiling expression on the notebook with the water-based pen in his hand.

Since we are all human beings or creatures similar to humans, smiling must be a common language.

She was obviously interested in what Lu Cheng was holding. When she looked at Lu Cheng again, there was a little more spirit in her silver-gray pupils.

"If possible, take a pen and write your name here. If you are injured or too weak to do it, just shake your head." Lu Cheng said.

She tentatively stretched out her left hand and held the water-based pen in Lu Cheng's hand. The moment she held it, she glanced at Lu Cheng cautiously.

Only after Lu Cheng let go of the water-based pen in his hand did she completely take it.

Then Lu Cheng turned the notebook in his hand to a blank page and handed it to her.

When she took the notebook with her other hand, Lu Cheng discovered that the skin on her left hand had aged in a way that was not appropriate for her age.

The girl looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, but her left hand looked like that of an elderly person.

Lu Cheng also noticed that there were a lot of strange "tattoos" on her left hand. It should not be called tattoos... it should be said that they were a kind of blue symbols, and these symbols also emitted a deep blue fluorescence.

Could it be the magic in the legend

While Lu Cheng was thinking, she had already written her name crookedly on the notebook. Judging from the way she held the pen, she must have used this kind of writing tool before and had a certain level of education.

The indigenous people that Lu Cheng had met before couldn't even write.

After she finished writing, Lu Cheng took a look at the distorted words on it.

'Sacrificial victim.'

If interpreted literally, this girl's name means this, but if read phonetically.

"Noislianhe...what's the name? The last part is too long. Anyway, how about just calling you Nuoyi?" Lu Cheng decided to call her by the first two small parts of her name halfway through.

She nodded again.

"Where are you injured? Or do you have any disease?" Lu Cheng asked again.

In order to answer Lu Cheng's question, she picked up the pen and started writing on the paper again. This time she wrote a long string of words that looked like cuneiform... In short, it had nothing to do with Chinese.

But Lu Cheng could understand it all.

After she finished writing the last symbol, she raised the notebook again and showed it to Lu Cheng.

'I feel the soul in me has begun to burn. I think the Goddess of Souls wants me to return to her... And unknown person, I am glad to meet you before I leave this world.'

"The God of Souls and the Soul on Fire sound weird."

Lu Cheng began to ponder the meaning of this passage and soon thought of some corresponding diseases. Lu Cheng reached out and wanted to touch the girl's forehead.

She shrank her neck in fear, but still closed her eyes and let Lu Cheng put his hand on her forehead.

Sure enough...she has a fever, but it's not a high fever. But if I ignore it, it will definitely get worse.

Lu Cheng was not sure whether the human body structure in this world was the same as that of humans on Earth, and whether she had some other disease that caused the fever symptoms.


"Unfortunately, if the Soul God wants to see you, you will have to wait a while. I will find a glass of water later and maybe I can put out the fire that is burning your soul."

Lu Cheng even lied to her at the end.

'What water can extinguish the flames of the spirit god?'

She wrote her questions in a notebook, and blinked her eyes when she looked at Lu Cheng. The expression on her little face seemed very surprised.

"Uh... Sanjiu Cold Remedy." Lu Cheng said in Chinese.

ps: A new day! You can now vote for the recommendation_(:3∠)_.