Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 43: 43. Digging Ji


Elena was holding an unconscious woman.

She also participated in the rescue operation of refugees in the outer city, and Elena's duties were... cranes and excavators.

Lu Cheng was not joking. The power possessed by Her Majesty the Queen was beyond the scope of human beings. Elena could easily dig open the collapsed ruins with her bare hands.

So the search team in Lucheng now has an additional humanoid excavator.

"Elena, can we talk?"

Lu Cheng watched her place the rescued woman into the makeshift medical tent.

The beds in the tents were already overcrowded, and there were even some refugees with less serious injuries sitting outside.

The medical soldiers with red cross marks tied on their arms were busy shuttling between the tents, and Lu Cheng found Noy in the crowd.

She had been obedient since last night and stayed in the tent arranged by Lu Cheng with the groundhog.

It wasn't until this morning that she saw Lu Cheng walk out of the liaison command tent and run towards her with a smile on his face.

Lu Cheng rubbed Nuoyi's short silver-gray hair with his hands. Yesterday, Lu Cheng was so busy that he had no time to take care of her.

"What's wrong?"

Elena took off the dusty tool gloves on her hands.

This was the tool Lu Cheng gave to Elena after hearing that she wanted to 'dig' the ruins by hand, but even so, Elena's palms were still bleeding from the rubbing.

"Put your hand out." When Lu Cheng said this, he thought she would hesitate for a while, out of girlish shyness or some other emotions.

But after hearing this, Elena foolishly stretched out her hands, so obediently that Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment.

"Don't you have any guard against other people?"

Lu Cheng looked around and saw that Nuoyi had already handed him a small medical kit.

Nuoyi did not rest last night. For example, she helped to move some light items. Judging from the reactions of the medical soldiers in the team, they should all know this little girl with silver hair and gray eyes.

"I will! But it seems useless to guard against you, right?"

Ailian finally reacted at this time and retracted her hands for a while.

"It's really useless. Stretch it out! It's too late to be shy now. I'll help you treat the wound."

Lu Cheng felt that this girl was a bit naive since they had been together before. There was nothing wrong with her IQ, but her EQ was a little strange, which manifested in that she was too trusting and had no scheming.

"… "

But Elena was still shy, but she still stretched out her hands obediently, and when Lu Cheng held her hands, a slight blush appeared on her cheeks.

Lu Cheng used the tools in the medical box to pick out the stone from Elena's palm, and then used a bandage to simply bandage the wound on Elena's palm.

At this moment, Lu Cheng felt very keenly that a kind of energy was transmitted from Elena and then flowed into the holy crystal in the back of his hand.

Should this energy be called positive energy

"Elena, listen to me." After Lu Cheng helped Elena bandage the wound, he stared into the eyes of the new princess of Scarre and said, "We will not stay in this city for a long time. We will find another place to set up camp."

"Aren't you going to stay?" Elena asked worriedly, covering the bandage on her hand.

"Staying here involves too many troubles, political disputes between your countries, and some other troubles. We are not interested in them." Lu Cheng said, "But we are willing to accept your refugees and take them to our camp."

Both Lucheng and the country behind Lucheng have ample resources to help these refugees, and the "happiness" produced by these refugees can help Lucheng restore the magic in the holy crystal.

"Of course you can come with us." Lu Cheng saw the hesitation on Elena's face and added, "As long as you trust us enough."

"Believe?" Elena didn't understand what Lu Cheng meant.

"In our country, although we cannot say that everyone is completely equal, we have achieved relative equality. Barbaric systems such as serfs and slaves no longer existed a hundred years ago," said Lu Cheng.

"I believe in you."

Before Lu Cheng could continue to explain the sickle and hammer doctrine to him, Elena gave Lu Cheng a direct answer.

"Are you sure you know what I'm talking about?"

Lu Cheng was sure that Elena was not cut out to be someone in power. She was more suited to excavation... No, if she were on Earth, she would be a boxer, the kind who could probably beat Tyson to death with one punch.

"Yes, you treat everyone equally. I understood that last night." Elena looked at the busy medics in the medical tent. "No matter who they are, your therapists are doing their best to treat them. This is something I never dared to imagine before."

"So what are you going to do when we leave? Are you going to continue to rule the city as queen?"

When Lu Cheng asked this question, Elena touched the ring on her finger uneasily, but finally mustered up the courage to tell Lu Cheng her true thoughts.

"Actually, I'm not ready to be a queen, nor do I want to be one... I'm just thinking about how to save more people," she said.

"Are you really saving them out of kindness?" Lu Cheng had heard her say "I want to save my people" countless times along the way. In Lu Cheng's opinion, Elena should be starting from the identity of the leader of a country.

But this somewhat silly girl seemed to be really saving people just for the sake of saving them, without considering anything else at all.

"Because my mother told me that the people of Skarre are her most important wealth, and I have always listened to my mother's teachings," said Elena.

"Uh...your mom might mean something different than you understand."

Lu Cheng remembered that Elena's mother was a powerful person in power, so powerful that she threatened the throne.

It was such a ruler who had a bit of Catherine II's temperament, but her daughter was so naive that Lu Cheng found it a little unbelievable.

Lu Cheng was sure that what Elena's mother said, "the people are the most important wealth," was completely different from what Elena understood.

"My mother passed away before she could teach me much about this subject. But I am very happy to have saved so many people since I was busy this morning." Elena paused for a moment and added, "I actually planned to give the throne to someone who knows how to govern better than me, but I can't think of a suitable candidate now."

"You are truly an enlightened and wise king, but I don't think you need to look for a suitable candidate. I guess someone will compete with you for the throne soon."

Lu Cheng didn't think that Elena's surviving brothers and sisters would allow this king slayer to sit comfortably on the throne.


The three words asked by Elena made Lu Cheng realize that if this girl continued to stay in the royal city, she might die on the spot soon.

"There are many reasons. Let me tell you this, Elena. Our country and I will provide assistance to the refugees in your country and teach them some knowledge, such as farming and construction. But we will not stay in the royal city and will not interfere in your country's internal affairs. As long as anyone is willing to create wealth with his own hands, we welcome them." Lu Cheng said.

"Then I shall leave the throne to my still-living sister, and let the surviving people of Skarre leave with you?"

While Elena was rescuing other people, she was actually thinking about how to deal with this matter. Unfortunately, after thinking for a while, her mind was immersed in how to dig up the rubble.

"You don't need to give it to anyone. The castle is here, and the king's crown is probably inside. This royal city is also well preserved. Those who want the throne will naturally come back. We can just run away."

Lu Cheng has no intention of building anything in this ruin. It would be better to find a vacant land and reclaim it.

"Okay! I'll go pack my luggage now." Elena accepted Lu Cheng's suggestion. If she was wearing the crown now, she would just throw it on the ground.

But when she was halfway through the city, Elena realized a key problem.

"But the core of the earth vein crystal..."

"Here I am, my dear child."

The bird fell from the sky onto Lu Cheng's shoulder. Because it was too heavy, Lu Cheng simply shook his shoulders, causing the bird to fall to the ground.